Jill G.
Nov 13, 2010
I have really negleted this site, So sorry. I've been so self centered lately with all my own health shit going on. Lap-band removed a year ago, long story. Have opened more times than I can name. Had gastric by-pass at Mayo. Continued to split open, but have home healthcare.. Have been closed this time almost 2 mos. if i can stay that way i will have another surgery Dec. 30th. Here's hoping !
Aug 13, 2008
I'm riding my bike half way to the lake everyday(1&1/2 mi. out) & then back. Gotta tell ya ..going out is a lot easier than coming back !! The dumb part is..I usually wait until afternoon to go..You know when it's hotter than hell out ! Never clamed to be too bright. I feel pretty good after I catch my breath. Ha.Not too much else going on. Haven't lost any more weight.
Launched a new web-site
Aug 03, 2008
Last week I started a new web-site with my husband. Well, kinda with my hubby.He's going along kicking & screaming....But he is going I developed a product to use with "Nut Flours" to make them rise without gluten,instead of flour, Just grind some nuts.. add my additive & use your own receipe or one of mine. The new web-site is: http://www.risingnuts.com Give it a visit. On the contact page.. I'd love to hear any comments or suggestions. By the way..I'm not running my words together. There seems to be a problem in the OH program. I've redid this thing a dozen times. I give up!!
Thank You
Apr 29, 2008
Many thanks to those who understand how pety some can be. I keep hanging on here thanks to people like you. I'm working the tools I have. Sometimes it's difficult when the scales don't move. But I'll keep plugg'n away. Positive Attitude".That's what it's ALL About. Have a great day !
Today !
Apr 27, 2008
Somehow it was interpeted that I was depressed from my last posting. Let me clear that up. " B.S." Far, Far from it. I beleive, for one of the very few times in my adult life, I am truly happy. I AM PUTTING ME FIRST !! And it's great ! It's like a huge weight has lifted. I love it ! We acomplished a lot of work this weekend on our property & boy did I get a workout ! The view for my back door is going to be amazing ! We can see these beautiful trees blooming & nice houses on the other block. Instead of this delapidated trailer that was falling down. It's wonderful ! I can hardly wait to get the entire thing gone. We're tearing up the floor now. Have a great day.
Todays Journal
Apr 23, 2008
Due to personal reasons I have decided to stop the leadership role of the local WLS. I really don't think it will effect anyone anyway. There doesn't seem to be any REAL interest anyway. I guess...One must learn to follow before ..One can lead ! The meetings have become quite boring. I sure wouldn't waste my gas to go to one. I have ask the person who started the group to take over. If they chose not to..I guess the few that might come ( once in a blue moon ) might go to the ajoining town to attend theirs. I have finally come full circle about a lot of things. All my life ..I have struggled to get the approval of others , due to a very disfunctional upbring. No more. All can never be pleased . I have finally realized that..and must move on . I will do unto others as I would want to be treated . Otherwise...Do it yourself ! Or stick it ! That's a sad way to have to be...but if one is going to survive in this world..That's the way I guess one has to be.
100lbs. !!!!
Jan 31, 2008
Ta Dah !!!
Jan 31, 2008
Ta Dah !!! 100lbs. as of today !!!
I think I'll do something a little different than I used to to celebrate the loss. I lost a lot of weight in the past but I only stayed there for a few minutes (seemed that way anyway.) Well, I'm doing alright ...I was in t/hosp. for a few days , cause I got something stuck & didn't know I was suppose to go on liquids for a few days, to wait until the swelling goes down. So now that I'm home I have to go on bariatric liquids for a week or so. But that's okay.
Jan 16, 2008
My surgery date was changed
Jan 12, 2008