UpDate on the whole fam damily!! lol

Aug 17, 2009

Hello world!
Quick note to say we have lost Fred. He died peacefully yesterday.He pain is over.And now the healing for his family and loved ones will begin.
My grandson came through it all like a champ. He is healing well and doing great! Thank you all for the prayers.
I have lost 80 pounds and truly feel like I am stuck!
The scale seems to like where I am at and I don't!
I swim,walk,use the gazzell and try hard to do what I am supposed to do.
Getting the protein in on some days is hard. I drink drink drink as well.
I have been having some troubles lately with pain in my pouch and vomiting.
Saw Doc Choban and she put me back on Protonix and gave me a week to improve before she scopes me and sets me for a stoma stretch.
I do not want that so I am hoping to improve.
I have a mammo set for the 19th and I am also hoping that there are no masses. Doc said because I have lost so much weight I could be feeling the fibrocystic lumps more .
So that's all for now. Hope you all are doing weel and having great success.
Bye..........  Renee

