Brittney M
10-12-05 I got my surgery date today. Its Halloween. Go figure, I wind up with a day when everyone gets to indulge in all the sweets their hearts desire. :( But on the upside I have a surgery date. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....I was also told that if someone cancels then I would be on the list first. SO I am sure someone has something better planned than restarting their life over and making healthy choices....LOL
10-24-05 Had all my pre-op testing done today. Lab, X-ray, and EKG. The EKG was pretty funny, The nurse told me to take off my shirt and bra and lay on the table and there I was laying there with my ta-ta's suspended in mid air. I was pretty embarassed but I am sure she does this all the time. The last EKG I had they worked under a blanket so I was pretty suprised when I was just staring at the wall. I also had my annual exam today, the doctor found the lump that I have been calling her office since August telling them it was there. I have a mammogram and breast u/s scheduled for 10-28-05 I am gonna try to get the radiologist to read the results before I have surgery on 10-31-05 for some reason this makes a difference to me. Anyway on a better note, I am almost to my surgery date
10-28-05 I had my mammogram today and I did meet with the doctor on site. He said my lump did not look like it would need to be biopsied, but for me to continue with my annual mammograms. I don't know if I mentioned before but my great grandma passed away from breast cancer in 1978 and my mother had breast cancer when she was 20 and had a mastectomy but has been in remission ever since. My baby sister found a lump when she was 16 that was suspicious and was removed but found to be benign. I don't play around whenever I find the tiniest abnormality with my breast. This will be a reality I live forever. On a brighter note my doctors office called (God love Kenny) and my surgery was moved up to 7am from 12:30. So I will be the first patient of the day. Don't I feel special....Yes...I still was thinking I was gonna be able to go home same day and see my girls in their Halloween costumes.
10-31-05 (Surgery Day) After pacing all night and not being able to sleep a wink me and my hubby arrived at the hospital at around 5:10am. Although the doctors office told me I didnt have to be there till 5:30am another bandster (thanks Jamie) told me to arrive earlier as the hospital would be hurried. Sure enough when we arrived the registration girls were already there and a patient was checking in before me. I was taken to my room and given a gown and me and hubby tried to relax. After questions from a nurse and signing my life away I was stuck 3 times unsuccessfully. Next I was moved to a surgery holding area where I met the anesthieologist then my good doc came in and asked me how I was, shook hands with the hubby and I then decided I would tell him how rude hubby was. Hubby was drinking a pumpkin spice cappucino he had slipped away to 7-11 to get while the nurse was using me as a pin cushion. The doctor agreed that hubby was RUDE. I could smell that pumpkin and boy did it smell good. Doctor noticed I didnt have an IV in so I told him about the nurse not being able to find my veins. He called the anesthiologist back in to get me hooked up. God Bless the anesthiologist he found it right away. They took me away and I dont remember much else except before hand when I got to the OR they made me walk and get on the table myself??? That was a new one on me. But when I awoke I was in my room and hubby was watching tv. I pushed the morphine pump and I was out again. When I woke up my mom and 2 of my sisters were there watching me. It was pretty funny because when I got tired of them I pushed the morphine button again. HaHa...I was given an all liquid lunch and dinner with Jello, Popsicle, Broth, Coffee, and Ice. I didnt eat anythng. I was tired but not in pain just uncomfortable. I recieved lots of phone calls (thanks Jamie). The next day doctor discharged me around 1pm. I left the hospital and went to Wal-Mart to get my meds. Liquid Lortab. 7-13-06 (9months Post Op) I have not been here in forever. I had a second surprise surgery in May. My gallbladder went out. According to the ER doctor, when you have a rapid weight loss it will cause gall stones. So I left the ER and had a consult with my weight loss surgeon (thank goodness for Dr. Floyd) and he scheduled my surgery for Memorial Day Weekend (thursday before). I must admit I have had more moments when I have almost been in tears wanting my gall bladder back. I even called the dr.s office and told them I was certain it must still be in pathology, but alas no luck in getting it back. I have had stomach upset to where I really cant eat anthing I should be eating. I am sure this has helped boost my weight loss. I am now wearing M/L shirts and size 10 yes I said said size 10 pants. I can no longer fit any suits that I own. I cant even get away with the jackets. This is the only down side. But on a good note my surgeron said in October we will do plastics and remove this nagging tummy. It hung before due to 2 c-sections but its really not nice now. So I can not wait. I will actually go in September to start the process.
October 31, 2006 (1 year After) Well I know I have not been here in a while but here I am one year out. I first want to say I am so thankful for having this surgery. This is one opportunity that I am glad was available for me. I have not been the size I am now in at least 10 or more years. The past few months the weight has just been dropping off me and I mean literally dropping off. I have not been able to keep up with shopping the weight has come off so fast. At first it was kinda slow going but then when I got the restriction thing down it has been all smooth sailing since then. I started out squeezing in around a size 20, I am happy to say that I now am wearing 8's. The last thing I saw that was a size 8 were shoes that I would buy to accomodate my fat foot. My shoe size is now a 7 and I am wearing small to medium shirts. I am still looking into plastics as I have lost my tata's and I have a large pannus but its nothing a good bra and a girdle cant fix. So happy 1 year bandiversary to me, and thank you to my surgeon and United Health Care for giving me some of my life back. And yes I can bend my legs comfortably. I am still in awe when I sit criss cross applesauce. lol. /B>