All worth it

Feb 05, 2019

one of my primary motivations for WLS was to be able to play with my grandkids without getting winded, being tired or aching joints.

Today we took our 3 year old grandson Link to McDonald's (I planned ahead and pulled up their entire menu to check for items that were on my plan) to eat lunch, then we took advantage of a beautiful Texas winter's day and took him to the park to feed the ducks his leftover fries.

As he slid down the slide over & over & over, we laughed and giggled. Then he might have walked into the water up to his waist while trying to get close enough to feed the ducks but we got him dry clothes. Then he and I took a nice long (for a post - op & 3 year old) and talked. It was a great day, and with all of our walking we logged 2 miles (per pedometer) from his Daddy dropping him off to his Daddy picking him up.

This 4 hour visit was the best reminder of how important my goal is to me, and how every minute of my WLS journey has been worth it.


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 29, 2018
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After 11lbs lost on pre-op diet

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