Dennis Hong

"Dr. Hong was the best, even a year after surgery when I was having issues with my intesinal track he took great care of me. He is very peronable and kind!"

Good Samaritan

"I loved the staf and they were very helpfull in meeting my needs! From lotioning my back at 2 am to helping me get dressed ect."

Susan Landgren

"Susan has a very kind nature and is very supportive. We seem to have a good rappor and I look forward to each visit, and her encouraging words."

Nina Bergquam

"This is a new doctor for me so she was not fully aware of all of my medical history. She has been extremely helpful in assisting me in establishing my medical team so that I can live a healther life."
About Me
Portland, OR
Surgery Date
Aug 25, 2003
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 1
The work never ends
