5-Year Surgerversary

Mar 19, 2013

March 19, 2013 is my 5-year surgerversary! Since my surgery, my life has changed completely. I've lost well over 100 lbs & I’m about half the size I was at my heaviest. Although it's a daily struggle to make good food choices & control my snacking, I've become much healthier and happier. I am pleased with my weight-loss and the overall better health I now have. Quite frankly, I would have been happy leaving it at that, but I am even more thrilled with the results since my OHIP-covered breast reduction & self-paid tummy tuck about 3 years ago.

I’ve also been happy with the many lessons I’ve learned throughout this journey, including my lifestyle changes and the lifelong friendships I've made. The support and friendship I was fortunate enough to make through this journey have been invaluable to me. I thank you, friends.

Part 1 – The Good

Weight Loss:
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs.
· Goal weight = 130.6 lbs.
· Lowest weight = 118.6 lbs.
· Total = 122 lbs or 12 lbs below goal.

My Milestones:
03/03/08-03/18/08 -16.0 lbs on Optifast 224.0 lbs
03/19/08-04/18/08 -16.6 lbs in Month 1 207.4 lbs
04/19/08-05/18/08 -10.8 lbs in Month 2 196.6 lbs (Onderland!)
05/19/08-06/18/08 -9.0 lbs in Month 3 187.6 lbs (Obese!)
06/19/08-07/18/08 -9.2 lbs in Month 4 178.4 lbs
07/19/08-08/18/08 -10.0 lbs in Month 5 168.4 lbs
08/19/08-09/18/08 -8.4 lbs in Month 6 160.0 lbs (Overweight!)
09/19/08-10/18/08 -7.6 lbs in Month 7 152.4 lbs
10/19/08-11/18/08 -5.4 lbs in Month 8 147.0 lbs
11/19/08-12/18/08 -7.8 lbs in Month 9 139.2 lbs (Century Club!)
12/19/08-01/18/09 -0.8 lbs in Month 10 138.2 lbs
01/19/09-02/18/09 -1.2 lbs in Month 11 137.2 lbs
02/19/09-03/18/09 -2.4 lbs in Month 12 134.8 lbs
03/19/09-04/18/09 -2.2 lbs in Month 13 132.6 lbs (Normal!)
04/19/09-05/18/09 -3.2 lbs in Month 14 129.4 lbs (Goal!)
05/19/09-06/18/09 +2.0 lbs in Month 15 131.4 lbs
06/19/09-07/18/09 -2.2 lbs in Month 16 129.2 lbs
07/19/09-08/18/09 -0.2 lbs in Month 17 127.2 lbs
08/19/09-09/18/09 +0.6 lbs in Month 18 127.8 lbs
09/19/09-10/18/09 +0.8 lbs in Month 19 128.6 lbs
10/19/09-11/18/09 +1.4 lbs in Month 20 130.0 lbs
11/19/09-12/18/09 -5.0 lbs in Month 21 125.0 lbs (Thanks to Plastics!)
12/19/09-01/18/10 +1.6 lbs in Month 22 126.6 lbs
01/19/10-02/18/10 -1.6 lbs in Month 23 125.0 lbs
02/19/10-03/18/10 -1.0 lbs in Month 24 124.0 lbs

03-19/10-03/19/11 -5.4 lbs in Year 3 118.6 lbs

Inches Lost:
17.5 inches from my waist
14.5 inches from my bust
10 inches from my chest
17 inches from my hips
5 inches from my upper arm
1.5 inches from my elbow
6.5 inches from my thigh
4 inches from my calf
4 inches from my knee
4.5 inches from my neck
1.5 inches from my ankle
Total lost = 86 inches

Clothing Sizes:
· At my lowest, I wore size 2/4 pants from size 24. (I even got into size zero Tommy jeans!)
· I could also wear size XS/S tops, sweaters & coats.
· My shoe size has decreased from a 7 to a 5.5 or a 6.

· I rarely feel the pain in my knees due to arthritis.
· My hypertension is non-existent. In fact, my blood pressure is on the low end of normal.
· My sleep apnea has been officially ruled gone!
· I happily cross my legs, tuck in my shirt & wear high heeled shoes - all things I could not do before surgery.
· My transfer addictions? Shopping, shoes & Tim Horton’s coffee.

Me: Before WLS & at my lowest in 02/10:

Part 2: The Bad

One in four WLS patients who go into surgery with their gallbladders intact will have to have it removed afterwards. I fell into this category. I had one full-blown attack just 2 months after surgery – which was miserable – and then had it scheduled for removal. I then had what I thought was another gallbladder attack just before surgery. It turned out to be an intermittent bowel obstruction caused by a small intestinal hernia. So, the gallbladder surgery was moved up & I got both issues fixed at the same time. This surgery was a breeze compared to WLS & plastics. Now all is good.

At about 3 years out, I became anemic. Once iron levels get low it’s really hard to get them back up. My ferritin levels (iron stores) are low too. This makes me tired & it becomes very hard to concentrate. It sucks. I worked with a knowledgeable blood resource (Leona from OH at Humber River) and I’m happy to report I finally got my iron & ferritin levels back up. It tool a few iron infusions & lots of Heme iron, but I'm now fine! (Note: if you have low iron, don’t take iron sulphates, take heme iron. Google it. Don’t waste your time or money on the other stuff.)

I get low sugar episodes if I forget to eat, or after eating too many carbs at once. An “episode” may result in some or all of the following: racing heart, sweating, shaking, weakness, dizziness, tearfulness, confusion, temporary blindness & fainting. It’s really awful. I now eat small, healthy snacks throughout the day. I also keep glucose tablets at home, at work, in my purse, in the car etc. My friends & family now know the signs of an oncoming episode & help me. This can be controlled & I haven’t had an episode in months.

Emotional Impact:
Something that has taken me by surprise is the emotional impact of this journey. Like many people who struggle with obesity, I carried with me some baggage from my childhood & teenage years. Denial & suppression were tools that worked well for me, as long as I was able to eat my way out of my emotions. With the removal of eating as a coping tool, I found myself struggling emotionally. I was unable to pull myself out of a blue period in November, 2010. Fortunately, I was not too proud to get help. I went to my family doctor & with the help of meds & therapy, I’m happy to report that I’m working through some issues that, quite frankly, were long past their due dates. I’m feeling much better and good things are happening in my personal life. So, it’s all good and I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. I’m now completely weaned off my meds & feel like a new, happy person.


Part 3: The Reality:

Regain is Easy!
I am so glad that I lost beyond my goal because let me tell you, those old, bad habits & cravings sure came back with a vengeance! It happened slowly at first & I have to admit that I tested the waters. After 2-3 years, I “tried” forbidden food & found that I could eat it, and at first, it didn’t seem to have an impact on my weight. I may have even been a bit smug about it! But, my lower intestine fooled me & learned to absorb calories very efficiently, thank you. Now, those little snacks have a tendency to pack onto my butt & stay there! Over the years, I've gained around 20 lbs from my lowest weight. This put me about 10 lbs above my “goal” weight of 130 lbs. I've remained at this weight for over 2 years & I suspect this is my new comfort weight. I can live with a size 8.

Good Advice from an old WLS Patient:
1) Follow the Basic Post WLS Rules:
· Use dietary recommendations from Dietician as a guideline
· Control portions – listen to my pouch as my restriction is still there.
· Eat 3 meals & 2 snacks per day
· Minimize simple carbs (anything white) & maximize complex carbs (fruit, veggies & whole grains) o Balance complex carbs with protein
· Eat protein first ( Ideal protein intake = weight in lbs / 2 = protein grams / day (never exceeding 120 grams /day))
· Re-commit to a healthy lifestyle
2) Track, Track, Track:
· Tracking via a daily food diary makes me accountable for everything I put in my mouth.
· Goal = 40% of calories from protein, 30% from carbs & 30% from fat
· I tracked EVERYTHING for the first 18 months & will track occasionally as I need to
3) Exercise:
4) Drink Water:
· Drink at least 64 oz/2 litres of clear, uncarbonated liquid per day
· Don’t drink & eat at the same time to maximize satiation
· Avoid pop & caffeine
· Don’t drink alcohol while you’re losing weight to be kind to your liver (who’s already overworked processing the fat you’re losing)
5) Take Vitamins:
· Injected is best. Liquid, chewable & dissolvable strips are good. Capsules are OK. Pills are just OK.
6) Get Restful Sleep:
· Try to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.
· Nap if I have to.
· Go to bed at the same time every night
· Limit caffeine after 2:00 pm.
7) Track Weight:
· Weigh yourself daily – at the same time of the day – to avoid weight creep
· Allow realistic weight fluctuations of 5-8 lbs.
8) Control Unhealthy Snacking:
· Don’t bring crap in the house.
· Cut out late night snacking & stop eating at 8:00 pm.
· Plan snacks
· Avoid justifications/rationalizations:( It’s my birthday! It’s your birthday! It’s Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter/Hallowe’en/Pollywog Day! It’s free muffin day! It’s the week-end! I’m on vacation! I’ve been good & I deserve it! Three bags of chips for $1.00! I HAVE to support the Girl Guides! Yada, yada, yada.)
· Avoid Simple Carbs
9) Maintain Support:
·Lean on family & friends & go to WLS Coffee Groups & Support Groups.
10) Be Resilient:
· We are good people who deserves to be healthy.
· Don't let a setbacks paralyze you. Your next snack, meal or morning represents a fresh start. 
· We are not perfect, nor do we need to BE perfect.
· Establish realistic goals & milestones!

Me today:

In My Humble Opinion:

Surgery Process:
Five years ago, when I was applying for surgery, I’d heard there was a five-year waiting list! Shocking! To date, I have never heard of anyone who had to wait that long. It’s a myth. Five years ago, it took me one month to get my referral from my family doctor to an appointment with a surgeon. From there, I diligently did all my follow up appointments & got my surgery within six months. Now, at the time, many surgeries were being referred to the US, which was helping with the overflow. Then things changed. First, the Ontario government decided to invest in WLS. To manage funds, they pulled US surgeries before the medical infrastructure in Ontario was ready. This did increase wait times to up to 2 years & put a new application process in place. Fortunately, since then, more doctors have been trained to perform the surgeries & more hospitals are open to do it. Slowly things are improving. I’m hopeful improvements will continue.

I’m Happy:
· The Ontario Government is investing in WLS.
· More surgeons are trained to perform the surgeries & as time goes on, they’ll have more experience.
· More hospitals are open to perform the surgeries.
· Everybody will get the after care they need.
· The process is improving.

I’m not happy:
· WLS patients are mostly limited to RNY surgery. VSG & DS should be options under more circumstances.
· With the lack of bariatric knowledge many family doctors have.
· With the lack of bariatric training Dieticians and Nurses in bariatric clinics & on bariatric surgery floors have.
· With the inconsistency between hospitals on the process and in the post-surgery information shared.
· That high risk people, or those with very high BMI’s, are regularly being denied surgery.
· With the level of plastics coverage for post WLS patients.

So, with 5 years of experience under my belt, and, having seen the good, the bad & the reality of this WLS amusement park ride, would I do it again? Absolutely! WLS continues to be an excellent option for people who are committed to getting healthier and making lifestyle changes. My only regret is not doing it sooner!



4-Year Surgerversary

Mar 19, 2012

March 19, 2012 is my 4-year surgerversary! In that time, my life has changed completely. I've lost well over 100 lbs & I’m about half the size I was at my heaviest. Although it's a daily struggle to make good food choices & control my snacking, I've become so much healthier and happier since my surgery. I am thrilled with my weight-loss and the additional health benefits I’ve been given. Quite frankly, I would have been happy leaving it at that, but I am even more thrilled with the results since my OHIP-covered breast reduction & self-paid tummy tuck about 2 years ago.

I’ve also been happy with the many lessons I’ve learned throughout this journey, including my lifestyle changes and the lifelong friendships I've made. Sure, some friends (old & new) disappointed me, but I really learned how to weed out the true-blue friends from the others. The support and friendship I was fortunate enough to forge through this journey have been invaluable to me. I thank you, friends. You know who you are. I couldn’t have done it without you.

Part 1 – The Good

Weight Loss:
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs. 
·         Goal weight = 130.6 lbs. 
·         Lowest weight = 118.6 lbs.
·         Total = 122 lbs or 12 lbs below goal.

The Numbers: 
     03/03/08-03/18/08 -16.0 lbs on Optifast  224.0 lbs
     03/19/08-04/18/08 -16.6 lbs in Month 1   207.4 lbs
     04/19/08-05/18/08 -10.8 lbs in Month 2   196.6 lbs (Onderland!)  
     05/19/08-06/18/08   -9.0 lbs in Month 3   187.6 lbs (Obese!)
     06/19/08-07/18/08   -9.2 lbs in Month 4   178.4 lbs
     07/19/08-08/18/08 -10.0 lbs in Month 5   168.4 lbs
     08/19/08-09/18/08   -8.4 lbs in Month 6   160.0 lbs (Overweight!)
     09/19/08-10/18/08   -7.6 lbs in Month 7   152.4 lbs
     10/19/08-11/18/08   -5.4 lbs in Month 8   147.0 lbs
     11/19/08-12/18/08   -7.8 lbs in Month 9   139.2 lbs (Century Club!)
     12/19/08-01/18/09   -0.8 lbs in Month 10  138.2 lbs 
     01/19/09-02/18/09   -1.2 lbs in Month 11  137.2 lbs
     02/19/09-03/18/09   -2.4 lbs in Month 12  134.8 lbs
     03/19/09-04/18/09   -2.2 lbs in Month 13  132.6 lbs (Normal!)
     04/19/09-05/18/09   -3.2 lbs in Month 14  129.4 lbs (Goal!)
     05/19/09-06/18/09  +2.0 lbs in Month 15  131.4 lbs
     06/19/09-07/18/09   -2.2 lbs in Month 16  129.2 lbs
     07/19/09-08/18/09   -0.2 lbs in Month 17  127.2 lbs
     08/19/09-09/18/09  +0.6 lbs in Month 18  127.8 lbs
     09/19/09-10/18/09  +0.8 lbs in Month 19  128.6 lbs
     10/19/09-11/18/09  +1.4 lbs in Month 20  130.0 lbs
     11/19/09-12/18/09   -5.0 lbs in Month 21  125.0 lbs (Thanks to Plastics!)
     12/19/09-01/18/10  +1.6 lbs in Month 22  126.6 lbs
     01/19/10-02/18/10   -1.6 lbs in Month 23  125.0 lbs
     02/19/10-03/18/10   -1.0 lbs in Month 24  124.0 lbs
     03-19/10-03/19/11   -5.4 lbs in Year 3       118.6 lbs

Inches Lost:
     17.5 inches from my waist 
     14.5 inches from my bust 
     10 inches from my chest 
     17 inches from my hips
     5 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     6.5 inches from my thigh
     4 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4.5 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
     Total lost = 86 inches

Clothing Sizes:
·         At my lowest, I wore size 2/4 pants from size 24. (I even got into size zero Tommy jeans!)
I could also wear size XS/S tops, sweaters & coats. 
·         My shoe size has decreased from a 7 to a 5.5 or a 6.  

·         I rarely feel the pain in my knees due to arthritis.
·         My hypertension is non-existent. In fact, my blood pressure is on the low end of normal.
My sleep apnea has been officially ruled gone!
·         I happily cross my legs, tuck in my shirt & wear high heeled shoes - all things I could not do before surgery.
·         My transfer addictions? Shopping, shoes & Tim Horton’s coffee. 

Me: Before WLS & at my lowest in 02/10:


Part 2: The Bad  

One in four WLS patients who go into surgery with their gallbladders intact  will have to have it removed afterwards. I fell into this category. I had one full-blown attack just 2 months after surgery – which was miserable – and then had it scheduled for removal. I then had what I thought was another gallbladder attack just before surgery. It turned out to be an intermittent bowel obstruction caused by a small intestinal hernia. So, the gallbladder surgery was moved up & I got both issues fixed at the same time. This surgery was a breeze compared to WLS & plastics. Now all is good. 

At about 3 years out, I became anemic. Once iron levels get low it’s really hard to get them back up. My ferritin levels (iron stores) are low too. This makes me tired & it becomes very hard to concentrate. It sucks. But, I’m working with a knowledgeable blood resource (Leona from OH at Humber River) and I’m going to get those levels back up. Dammit! In fact, I had an iron infusion just a few days ago & I’m hopeful I’m on my way to getting this under control. (Note: if you have low iron, don’t take iron sulphates, take heme iron. Google it. Don’t waste your time or money on the other stuff.)

I get low sugar episodes if I forget to eat, or after eating too many carbs at once. An “episode” may result in some or all of the following: racing heart, sweating, shaking, weakness, dizziness, tearfulness, confusion, temporary blindness & fainting. It’s really awful. I now eat small, healthy snacks throughout the day. I also keep glucose tablets at home, at work, in my purse, in the car etc. My friends & family now know the signs of an oncoming episode & help me. This can be controlled & I haven’t had an episode in months.

Emotional Impact:
Something that has taken me by surprise is the emotional impact of this journey. Like many people who struggle with obesity, I carried with me some baggage from my childhood & teenage years. Denial & suppression were tools that worked well for me, as long as I was able to eat my way out of my emotions. With the removal of eating as a coping tool, I found myself struggling emotionally. I was unable to pull myself out of a blue period in November, 2010. Fortunately, I was not too proud to get help. I went to my family doctor & with the help of meds & therapy, I’m happy to report that I’m working through some issues that, quite frankly, were long past their due dates. I’m feeling much better and good things are happening in my personal life. So, it’s all good and I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time. After 16 months I’m now completely weaned off my meds & feel like a new, happy person. 

Part 3: The Reality: 

Regain is Easy!
I am so glad that I lost beyond my goal because let me tell you, those old, bad habits & cravings sure came back with a vengeance! It happened slowly at first & I have to admit that I tested the waters. After 2-3 years, I “tried” forbidden food & found that I could eat it, and at first, it didn’t seem to have an impact on my weight. I may have even been a bit smug about it! But, my lower intestine fooled me & learned to absorb calories very efficiently, thank you. Now, those little snacks have a tendency to pack onto my butt & stay there! Over the summer & fall & holidays of 2011, I gained around 20 lbs from my lowest weight. This put me about 10 lbs above my “goal” weight of 130 lbs. I started to buy larger pants & sensible shoes! I had to give my head a shake! I then put a plan together to get back on track. So far, I’ve worked my way back to my goal weight & hope to maintain this weight or lose a bit more.  

The Plan to getting back on track:
1) Follow the Basic Post WLS Rules:
·         Use dietary recommendations from Dietician as a guideline
·         Control portions – listen to my pouch as my restriction is still there.
o    Avoid “eat-everything-on-my-plate” syndrome at restaurants by putting ½ of the food in a take home container at the beginning of the meal.
o    Pour salt over what is beyond a reasonable portion
o    Share a single entrée with someone.
·         Eat 3 meals & 2 snacks per day
o    Make sure I eat a healthy breakfast
·         Minimize simple carbs (anything white) & maximize complex carbs (fruit, veggies & whole grains) o    Balance complex carbs with protein
·         Eat protein first o    Ideal protein intake = weight in lbs / 2 = protein grams / day (never exceeding 120 grams /day) 
·         Re-commit to a healthy lifestyle
2) Track, Track, Track:
·         Tracking via a daily food diary makes me accountable for everything I put in my mouth.
·         Goal = 40% of calories from protein, 30% from carbs & 30% from fat
·         I tracked EVERYTHING for the first 18 months & will track occasionally as I need to
3) Exercise:
·         3,500 calories = 1 lbs/0.5 kilos of fat
·         Cutting 500 calories each day either by diet or exercising will result in 1 lb lost/week
4) Drink Water:
·         Drink at least 64 oz/2 litres of clear, uncarbonated liquid per day
·         Don’t drink & eat at the same time to maximize satiation
·         Avoid pop & caffeine
·         Don’t drink alcohol while you’re losing weight to be kind to your liver (who’s already overworked processing the fat you’re losing)
5) Take Vitamins:
·         Injected is best. Liquid, chewable & dissolvable strips are good. Capsules are OK. Pills are just OK.
·         I will take (this will vary from person to person):
o    B-12 injection from family doctor every other month
o    2 chewable ADULT Centrum Select multi-vitamins twice per day
o    3 Chewable Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate tablets over the course of the day
o    2 chewable Jamieson C & D cherry flavoured tablets
o    1 TwinLab Allergy D Dry Vitamin D capsules
o    3 FeraMAX Heme Iron capsules per day (open contents in food) over the course of the day
6) Get Restful Sleep:
·         Try to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep per night.
·         Nap if I have to.
·         Go to bed at the same time every night
·         Limit caffeine after 2:00 pm.
7) Track Weight:
·         Weigh myself daily – at the same time of the day – to avoid weight creep
·         Allow realistic weight fluctuations of 5-8 lbs.
8) Control Unhealthy Snacking:
·         Don’t bring crap in the house.
·         Cut out late night snacking & stop eating at 8:00 pm.
·         Plan my snacks
·         Avoid justifications/rationalizations:
o    It’s my birthday! It’s your birthday! It’s Thanksgiving/Christmas/Easter/Hallowe’en/Pollywog Day! It’s free muffin day! It’s the week-end! I’m on vacation! I’ve been good & I deserve it! Three bags of chips for $1.00! I HAVE to support the Girl Guides! Yada, yada, yada.
·         Avoid Simple Carbs
o    Simple carbs drive carb cravings. Period. Stop it!
o    5-day pouch test is a good tool to purge simple carbs & cravings from system.
9) Maintain Support:
·         I will lean on my family & friends & thank those who kindly tell me I need to get back on the wagon. Thanks Patty.
·         I will continue go to WLS Coffee Groups & Support Groups.
10) Be Resilient:
·         I will remember that I am a good person who deserves to be healthy.
·         I will not let a setback paralyze me. My next snack, meal or morning represents a fresh start. ·         I will remember that lifestyle change is a marathon, not a sprint.
·         I will remember that I am not perfect, nor do I need to BE perfect.
·         I will establish realistic goals & milestones!

Me today:

In My Humble Opinion:

Surgery Process:
Four years ago, when I was applying for surgery, I’d heard there was a five-year waiting list! Shocking! To date, I have never heard of anyone who had to wait that long. It’s a myth. Four years ago, it took me one month to get my referral from my family doctor to an appointment with a surgeon. From there, I diligently did all my follow up appointments & got my surgery within six months. Now, at the time, many surgeries were being referred to the US, which was helping with the overflow. Then things changed. First, the Ontario government decided to invest in WLS. To manage funds, they pulled US surgeries before the medical infrastructure in Ontario was ready. This did increase wait times to up to 2 years & put a new application process in place. Fortunately, since then, more doctors have been trained to perform the surgeries & more hospitals are open to do it. Slowly things are improving. I’m hopeful improvements will continue.  

I’m Happy:
·         The Ontario Government is investing in WLS.
·         More surgeons are trained to perform the surgeries & as time goes on, they’ll have more experience.
·         More hospitals are open to perform the surgeries.
·         Everybody will get the after care they need.
·         The process is improving.  

I’m not happy:
·         WLS patients are mostly limited to RNY surgery. VSG & DS should be options under more circumstances.
·         With the lack of bariatric knowledge many family doctors have.
·         With the lack of bariatric training Dieticians and Nurses in bariatric clinics & on bariatric surgery floors have.
·         With the inconsistency between hospitals on the process and in the post-surgery information shared.
·         That high risk people, or those with very high BMI’s, are regularly being denied surgery.
·         With the level of plastics coverage for post WLS patients.  

So, with 4 years of experience under my belt, and, having seen the good, the bad & the reality of this WLS amusement park ride, would I do it again? Absolutely! WLS continues to be an excellent option for people who are committed to getting healthier and making lifestyle changes. My only regret is not doing it sooner!

3-Year Surgerversary

Mar 16, 2011

March 19, 2011 is my 3-year surgerversary! I can hardly believe that 3 years ago I was nervously going into surgery, not knowing how this journey was going to end. Now, here I am 3 years later & my life has changed completely. I cannot believe that I've lost over 120 lbs vs my initial goal to lose 110 lbs. I'm half the size I was when I was wheeled into the OR. I've been maintaining my weight loss now for almost 2 years & although it's a daily struggle to make good food choices & control my snacking, I've been able to maintain my weight loss - so far. I have no doubt that this will be an on-going job for the rest of my life.

I feel so lucky to have managed to find the money to pay for plastic surgery. My OHIP-covered breast reduction & self-pay tummy tuck have been blessings & icing on this WLS cake. 

Something that has taken me by surprise recently is the emotional impact of this journey. Like many people who struggle with obesity, I carried with me some baggage from my childhood & teenage years. Denial & suppression were tools that worked well for me, as long as I was able to eat my way out of my emotions. With the removal of eating as a coping tool, I found myself struggling emotionally. I was unable to pull myself out of a natural blue period in November. Fortunately, I was not too proud to get help. I went to my family doctor & with the help of meds & therapy, I’m happy to report that I’m working through some issues that, quite frankly, were long past their due dates. I’m feeling much better and good things are happening in my personal life. So, it’s all good and I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.

Probably the best part of this journey? Surprisingly, it's really not losing the weight! It's the lessons I've learned along the way and the lifestyle changes I've adopted as my new normal. But the most important part is the friendships I've made. Sure, some friends (old & new) disappointed me, but I really learned how to weed out the true-blue friends from the others. The support and friendship I was fortunate enough to forge through this journey have been invaluable to me. I thank you, friends. You know who you are. I couldn’t have done it without you.
  But, of course an update from me must contain some numbers! So here they are:

The Numbers/Observations: 
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs. Goal weight = 130.6 lbs. Lowest weight = 118.6 lbs. 
Here are the numbers/milestones for the last 3 years:
     03/03/08-03/18/08 -16.0 lbs on Optifast  224.0 lbs
     03/19/08-04/18/08 -16.6 lbs in Month 1   207.4 lbs
     04/19/08-05/18/08 -10.8 lbs in Month 2   196.6 lbs (Onderland!)  
     05/19/08-06/18/08   -9.0 lbs in Month 3   187.6 lbs (Obese!)
     06/19/08-07/18/08   -9.2 lbs in Month 4   178.4 lbs
     07/19/08-08/18/08 -10.0 lbs in Month 5   168.4 lbs
     08/19/08-09/18/08   -8.4 lbs in Month 6   160.0 lbs (Overweight!)
     09/19/08-10/18/08   -7.6 lbs in Month 7   152.4 lbs
     10/19/08-11/18/08   -5.4 lbs in Month 8   147.0 lbs
     11/19/08-12/18/08   -7.8 lbs in Month 9   139.2 lbs (Century Club!)
     12/19/08-01/18/09   -0.8 lbs in Month 10  138.2 lbs 
     01/19/09-02/18/09   -1.2 lbs in Month 11  137.2 lbs
     02/19/09-03/18/09   -2.4 lbs in Month 12  134.8 lbs
     03/19/09-04/18/09   -2.2 lbs in Month 13  132.6 lbs (Normal!)
     04/19/09-05/18/09   -3.2 lbs in Month 14  129.4 lbs (Goal!)
     05/19/09-06/18/09  +2.0 lbs in Month 15  131.4 lbs
     06/19/09-07/18/09   -2.2 lbs in Month 16  129.2 lbs
     07/19/09-08/18/09   -0.2 lbs in Month 17  127.2 lbs
     08/19/09-09/18/09  +0.6 lbs in Month 18  127.8 lbs
     09/19/09-10/18/09  +0.8 lbs in Month 19  128.6 lbs
     10/19/09-11/18/09  +1.4 lbs in Month 20  130.0 lbs
     11/19/09-12/18/09   -5.0 lbs in Month 21  125.0 lbs (Thanks to Plastics!)
     12/19/09-01/18/10  +1.6 lbs in Month 22  126.6 lbs
     01/19/10-02/18/10   -1.6 lbs in Month 23  125.0 lbs
     02/19/10-03/18/10   -1.0 lbs in Month 24  124.0 lbs
     03-19/10-03/19/11   -5.4 lbs in Year 3       118.6 lbs
I lost 122 lbs in total (5.4 in the last year) which brought me 12 lbs below goal.
My BMI fluctuates between 22 & 23. I'm happy it's well within the normal range.
I've lost a total of 86 inches: 
     17.5 inches from my waist 
     14.5 inches from my bust 
     10 inches from my chest 
     17 inches from my hips
     5 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     6.5 inches from my thigh
     4 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4.5 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 111% of my excess weight per my goal
I'm comfortably wearing size 2/4 pants from size 24.      I even got into size zero Tommy jeans!
I'm also wearing size XS/S tops, sweaters & coats.  
My shoe size has decreased from a 7 to a 5 or 5.5. 
I'm healthier & feel better:
     I rarely feel the pain in my knees due to arthritis.
     My hypertension is non-existent.
     My sleep apnea has been officially ruled gone!
I happily cross my legs, tuck in my shirt & wear high heeled shoes - all things I could not do before surgery!
My transfer addictions? Shopping & Tim Horton’s coffee.

Before & After: 

10 WLS Success Strategies in Andrea-World: 
1) Support:  If possible, get the support of your family & friends. Go to WLS Coffee Groups & Support Groups. Start one if you have to. There's a reason why this is my #1 success strategy. It's important!
2) Tracking: Track everything you eat. It will make you accountable for everything you put in your mouth. If your weight loss slows or stops, analyze what you've been eating then see point #3.
3) Protein: To lose weight, try to get 40% of calories from protein, 30% from fat & 30% from healthy carbs. This ratio is magic. Good carbs = fruit, veggies & whole grains. Bad carbs = white sugar, flour, rice, pasta, crackers, potatoes, bread.
4) Water: Drink no less than 64 oz/2 litres per day.
5) Vitamins: Take all the vitamins your dietician/surgeon recommends. 
6) Exercise: This will ensure good long-term results.
7) Dietary Rules: Follow the guidelines you've been given by your dietician/surgeon. Don't do anything to sabotage your success. Don't tempt fate by visiting fast food restaurants or "trying" bad food.
8) Eat Slowly & Chew: Take one small, well-chewed bite every 2 minutes for the first 3-4 months. Time yourself at first. Two minutes is longer than you think. If you're throwing up, you're either eating too fast, eating too much or eating something your pouch/new stomach isn't ready for. 
9) Lifestyle: Embrace a whole new, healthy lifestyle. Learn to love new foods. Discover new sections of restaurant menus. Avoid too many treats. 
10) Maintain your weight loss: Now that I'm at goal, I weigh myself often & measure my treats based on this gauge. I'm always mindful of tomorrow's number on the scale. 
So, would I do it again? Absolutely! WLS continues to be an excellent option for people who are committed to getting healthier and making lifestyle changes.

2-Year Surgerversary

Mar 20, 2010

March 19, 2010 is my 2-year surgerversary! I can hardly believe that 2 years ago I was nervously going into surgery, not knowing how this journey was going to end. Now, here I am 2 years later & my life has changed completely. I cannot believe that I've lost over 116 lbs vs my initial goal to lose 110 lbs. I'm almost half the size I was when I was wheeled into the OR. I've been maintaining my weight loss now for 10-11 months & although it's a daily struggle to make good food choices & control my snacking, I've been able to maintain my weight loss - so far. I have no doubt that this will be an on-going job for the rest of my life.

I would never have guessed that after 2 years I'd be reporting that I not only lost all my excess weight, but managed to find the money to fund plastic surgery. My OHIP-coverec breast reduction & self-pay abdominoplasty have been blessings & icing on this WLS cake. 

Probably the best part of this journey? Surprisingly, it's really not losing the weight! It's the lessons I've learned along the way and the lifestyle changes I've adopted as my new normal. But the most important part is the friendships I've made. Sure, some friends (old & new) disappointed me, but I really learned how to weed out the true blue friends from the others. I've also learned not to sweat the small stuff & prioritize what's really important.

But, of course an update from me must contain some numbers! So here they are:

The Numbers/Observations:
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs. Goal weight = 130.6 lbs. Current weight = 124.0 lbs. 
Here are the numbers/milestones for the last 24 months:
     03/03/08-03/18/08 -16.0 lbs on Optifast  224.0 lbs
     03/19/08-04/18/08 -16.6 lbs in Month 1   207.4 lbs
     04/19/08-05/18/08 -10.8 lbs in Month 2   196.6 lbs (Onderland!)  
     05/19/08-06/18/08   -9.0 lbs in Month 3   187.6 lbs (Obese!)
     06/19/08-07/18/08   -9.2 lbs in Month 4   178.4 lbs
     07/19/08-08/18/08 -10.0 lbs in Month 5   168.4 lbs
     08/19/08-09/18/08   -8.4 lbs in Month 6   160.0 lbs (Overweight!)
     09/19/08-10/18/08   -7.6 lbs in Month 7   152.4 lbs
     10/19/08-11/18/08   -5.4 lbs in Month 8   147.0 lbs
     11/19/08-12/18/08   -7.8 lbs in Month 9   139.2 lbs (Century Club!)
     12/19/08-01/18/09   -0.8 lbs in Month 10  138.2 lbs 
     01/19/09-02/18/09   -1.2 lbs in Month 11  137.2 lbs
     02/19/09-03/18/09   -2.4 lbs in Month 12  134.8 lbs
     03/19/09-04/18/09   -2.2 lbs in Month 13  132.6 lbs (Normal!)
     04/19/09-05/18/09   -3.2 lbs in Month 14  129.4 lbs (Goal!)
     05/19/09-06/18/09  +2.0 lbs in Month 15  131.4 lbs
     06/19/09-07/18/09   -2.2 lbs in Month 16  129.2 lbs
     07/19/09-08/18/09   -0.2 lbs in Month 17  127.2 lbs
     08/19/09-09/18/09  +0.6 lbs in Month 18  127.8 lbs
     09/19/09-10/18/09  +0.8 lbs in Month 19  128.6 lbs
     10/19/09-11/18/09  +1.4 lbs in Month 20  130.0 lbs
     11/19/09-12/18/09   -5.0 lbs in Month 21  125.0 lbs (Thanks to Plastics!)
     12/19/09-01/18/10  +1.6 lbs in Month 22  126.6 lbs
     01/19/10-02/18/10   -1.6 lbs in Month 23  125.0 lbs
     02/19/10-03/18/10   -1.0 lbs in Month 24  124.0 lbs
I lost 116.5 lbs. I am now 6.5 lbs below goal.
I regularly fluctuate between 124-128 lbs.
My BMI is 23.0. I'm happy it's well within a normal BMI.
I've lost a total of 86 inches: 
     17.5 inches from my waist 
     14.5 inches from my bust 
     10 inches from my chest 
     17 inches from my hips
     5 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     6.5 inches from my thigh
     4 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4.5 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 105.9% of my excess weight per my goal
I'm comfortably wearing size 2/4 pants from size 24.
I'm also wearing size XS/S tops, sweaters & coats.  
My shoe size has decreased from a 7 to a 5 or 5.5. 
I'm healthier:
     I rarely feel the pain in my knees due to arthritis.
     My hypertension is non-existent.
     My sleep apnea has been officially ruled gone!
I happily cross my legs, tuck in my shirt & wear high heeled shoes - all things I could not do before surgery!

Before & After:
10 WLS Success Strategies in Andrea-World: 
1) Support:
 If possible, get the support of your family & friends. Go to WLS Coffee Groups & Support Groups. Start one if you have to. There's a reason why this is my #1 success strategy. It's important!
2) Tracking: Track everything you eat. It will make you accountable for everything you put in your mouth. If your weight loss slows or stops, analyze what you've been eating. 
3) Protein: Try to get 40% of calories from protein, 30% from fat & 30% from healthy carbs. This ratio is magic. Good carbs = fruit, veggies & whole grains. Bad carbs = white sugar, flour, rice, pasta, crackers, potatoes, bread . . . 
4) Water: Drink no less than 64 oz/2 litres per day
5) Vitamins: Take all the vitamins your dietician/surgeon recommends. 
6) Exercise: This will ensure good long-term results
7) Dietary Rules: Follow the guidelines you've been given by your dietician/surgeon. Don't do anything to sabotage your success. Don't tempt fate by visiting fast food restaurants or "trying" bad food.
8) Eat Slowly & Chew: Take one small, well-chewed bite every 2 mintues for the first 3-4 months. Time yourself at first. Two minutes is longer than you think. If you're throwing up, you're either eating too fast, eating too much or eating something your pouch/new stomach isn't ready for. 
9) Lifestyle: Embrace a whole new, healthy lifestyle. Learn to love new foods. Discover new sections of restaurant menus. Avoid too many treats. 
10) Maintain your weight loss: Now that I'm at goal, I weigh myself often & measure my treats based on this gauge. I'm always mindful of tomorrow's number on the scale. 
So, would I do it again? Absolutely! WLS continues to be an excellent option for people who are committed to making lifestyle changes.

20-Month Update

Nov 24, 2009

November 19th was my 20 month surgerversary & here's what's happened in the last month: 

The Numbers:
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs. Goal weight = 130.6 lbs. Current weight = 128.6 lbs.
At my lowest I lost 112 lbs. I am now 2 lbs below goal, although I regularly fluctute between 128.6 & 132 lbs. I have now been maintaining my weight loss for 7 months.
My BMI is 23.9. I'm happy it's well within a normal BMI.
I've lost a total of 83.5 inches. This is the second consecutive month I've not seen any reduction - anywhere!  
     16 inches from my waist 
     15 inches from my bust 
     11 inches from my chest 
     15.5 inches from my hips
     5 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     6 inches from my thigh
     3.5 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4.5 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 101.8% of my excess weight per my goal
In October, I consumed an average of 1305.2 calories/day
     34.5% came from fat (goal = <30%) 
     39.6% came from carbs (goal = <30%) 
     25.9% came from protein (goal = >40%) 
     I drank an average 69.9 oz of water/day (goal = > 64 oz/day)
What I've noticed:   
I'm still comfortably wearing size 4 pants from size 24.
I'm also wearing size XS/S/4 tops, sweaters & coats.  
My shoe size has decreased from a 7 to a 5 or 5.5. 
People are used to the new me so I get fewer compliments.     
    I saw a former colleague & 2 Sales Reps who I haven't seen me in 5 years. None of them recognized me! 
I'm able to eat more foods & I'm focused on controlling my snacking. 
    It's a daily struggle to keep in clean.  
During the Last Month:
I continued to go to Brampton & Scarborough Coffees.
I led another York Region Support Group. 
I continue to track everything I eat. 
I take Pilates 1X/week & walk the dog daily.
I continue to take 2 adult chewable multi-vits, 3 chewable calcium citrate & 1 vit D.
     I continue to get B-12 injections bi-monthly from my PCP. 
My Plastic Surgery is scheduled for 11/23/09!
     Self-pay TT & OHIP-covered Breast Reduction  
So, would I do it again? Absolutely! WLS continues to be an excellent option for people who are committed to making lifestyle changes.

19-Month Update

Oct 31, 2009

October 19th was my 19 month surgerversary & here's what's happened in the last month: 

The Numbers:
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs. Goal weight = 130.6 lbs. Current weight = 128.6 lbs.
At my lowest I lost 112 lbs. I am now 2 lbs below goal, although I regularly fluctute between 128.6 & 132 lbs. I have now been maintaining my weight loss for 6 months.
My BMI is 23.9. I'm happy it's well within a normal BMI.
I've lost a total of 83.5 inches. This is the first month I've not seen any reduction - anywhere!  
     16 inches from my waist 
     15 inches from my bust 
     11 inches from my chest 
     15.5 inches from my hips
     5 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     6 inches from my thigh
     3.5 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4.5 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 101.8% of my excess weight per my goal
In September, I consumed an average of 1264.3 calories/day
     33.7% came from fat (goal = <30%) A slight improvement from last month.
     40.3% came from carbs (goal = <30%) Very high but flat from last month.
     26% came from protein (goal = >40%) Very low but a slight improvement from last month
     I drank an average 66.1 oz of water/day (goal = > 64 oz/day) Much lower than last month.

What I've noticed:   
I'm still comfortably wearing size 4 pants from size 24.
I'm also wearing size XS/S/4 tops, sweaters & coats.  
My shoe size has decreased from a 7 to a 5 or 5.5. 
People are used to the new me so I get fewer compliments. I can live with this! lol!
    It's still priceless to bump into someone I haven't seen in a while though! 
I'm able to eat more foods & I'm focused on controlling my snacking. 
    It's a daily struggle to keep in clean.  
During the Last Month:
I continued to go to Brampton & Scarborough Coffees.
I led another York Region Support Group. 
I continue to track everything I eat. 
I take Pilates 1X/week & walk the dog daily.
I continue to take 2 adult chewable multi-vits, 3 chewable calcium citrate & 1 vit D.
     I no longer have to take Vit A. Yeah!
I continue to get B-12 injections bi-monthly from my PCP. 
My Plastic Surgery is scheduled for 11/23/09!
     Self-pay TT & OHIP-covered Breast Reduction  
I bumped into some colleagues who haven't seen me in 5 years. They didn't recognize me! lol! 
     I still love this!
So, would I do it again? Absolutely! WLS continues to be an excellent option for people who are committed to making lifestyle changes.
1 comment

18-Month Update

Sep 19, 2009

I can't believe it's been 18 months since surgery. My WLS journey has been truly amazing. I am so happy I had this surgery! So, here's how the last 18 months have added up!

The Numbers:
Starting weight = 240.6 lbs. Goal weight = 130.6 lbs. Current weight = 130.2 lbs.
At my lowest I lost 111 lbs. I have now been maintaining my weight loss for 5 months.
Here are the numbers for the last 18 months:
     03/03/08-03/18/08 16.0 lbs on Optifast
     03/19/08-04/18/08 16.6 lbs in Month 1
     04/19/08-05/18/08 10.8 lbs in Month 2
     05/19/08-06/18/08   9.0 lbs in Month 3
     06/19/08-07/18/08   9.2 lbs in Month 4
     07/19/08-08/18/08 10.0 lbs in Month 5
     08/19/08-09/18/08   8.4 lbs in Month 6
     09/19/08-10/18/08   7.6 lbs in Month 7
     10/19/08-11/18/08   5.4 lbs in Month 8
     11/19/08-12/18/08   7.8 lbs in Month 9
     12/19/08-01/18/09   0.8 lbs in Month 10
     01/19/09-02/18/09   1.2 lbs in Month 11
     02/19/09-03/18/09   2.4 lbs in Month 12
     03/19/09-04/18/09   2.2 lbs in Month 13
     04/19/09-05/18/09   3.2 lbs in Month 14
     05/19/09-06/18/09 +2.0 lbs in Month 15 
     06/19/09-07/18/09   2.2 lbs in Month 16
     07/19/09-08/18/09   0.2 lbs in Month 17
     08/19/09-09/18/09 +0.6 lbs in Month 18
My BMI is 24.2. I'm happy it's well within a normal BMI & I'm maintaining below my goal.
I've lost a total of 83.5 inches, 1.5 in the last month: 
     16 inches from my waist 
     15 inches from my bust 
     11 inches from my chest 
     15.5 inches from my hips
     5 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     6 inches from my thigh
     3.5 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4.5 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 100.3% of my excess weight per my goal
In August I consumed an average of 1237.5 calories/day
     34.8% came from fat (goal = <30%) A bit high.
     40.5% came from carbs (goal = <30%) Very high.
     24.7% came from protein (goal = >40%) Very low.
     I drank an average 76.5 oz of water/day (goal = > 64 oz/day) Very good.

What I've noticed:   
I've gone from size 24 to size 4 pants.
I'm also wearing size XS/S/4 tops, sweaters & coats.  
My shoe size has even decreased from a 7 to a 5.5 & my feet are not as wide as they used to be. 
Shape-wise, I've gone from a 49-45.5-52 to a 34-29.5-36.5
I'm dating!
People are used to the new me so I get fewer compliments. I can live with this! lol!
    It's still priceless to bump into someone I haven't seen in a while though! 
I'm able to eat more foods & I'm focused on controlling my snacking. 
    It's a daily struggle to keep in clean.  
Despite my slower weight loss, I'm still losing inches. I lost 1.5 inches but gained 2 oz last month!

During the Last Month:
I continued to go to Brampton & Scarborough Coffees.
I led another York Region Support Group. 
I saw Monica Ganz in Ingersoll & went to the Windsor Support Group!
I continue to track everything I eat. 
I walk on the treadmill 1-2X/week, just re-started Pilates 1X/week & walk the dog daily.
I continue to take 2 adult chewable multi-vits, 3 chewable calcium citrate, 1 vit D & 2 vit A
I continue to get B-12 injections bionthly from my PCP. 
My Plastic Surgery was scheduled for 11/23/09!
     Self-pay TT & OHIP-covered Breast Reduction  
18-Month Observations & Wow Moments Remembered!
I'm amazed how I've evolved & transformed. My confidence level is so much higher now.
I've met some really amazing people on OH & through various coffees & Support Groups. 
     My life is definately richer because of these people.
I was a slow but steady loser & didn't experience too many stalls. Thank goodness!
I struggled through a business trip, Christmas & a cruise. I'll have to watch this going forward.
I think the best thing I did that helped with my success was tracking my food/calories
The second best thing I did was to seek out support in Support Groups & Coffees.
The third best thing I did was watch my simple carbs! Too many will slow your weight loss.
I also followed the rules. I drank my water & took my vitamins & protein.
I had my gallbladder out & a small hernia repaired in November, 2008. I'd still do it again!
I still seem to need more sleep & get 1-1.5 hours more per night. My new normal.
I've found my collar bones, my hipbones, a couple of ribs & my dimples!
I've become a shopaholic! I can now invest in a new wardrobe & I'm loving every minute!
I love being able to shop in regular stores.
Yes, I lost 40-50% of my hair between months 3-8. It's growing back-thank goodness!
I love being able to cross my legs like a lady, tuck in my shirts & wear high-heel shoes!
I love shocking people who haven't seen me in a while. Their expressions are priceless!
I loved being called a "skinny bitch" at 6 months!
I'm glad I took the time to become a Certified Support Group Leader. 
I absolutely LOVED meeting new OH people during my summer vacation!
    I enjoyed the Monica Ganz seminar & the Windsor Support Group & the shopping!

So, would I do it again! Absolutely! I only wish I'd done it sooner! WLS is an excellent option for people who are committed to making lifestyle changes.

17-Month Update

Aug 22, 2009

August 19 is my 17-month surgerversary. Here's my update:

The Numbers:
I've lost a total of 111 lbs: 
    I lost a grand total of 2 oz! The weight loss has really slowed down!  
    My BMI is still 24.1 - I'm so happy to have a normal BMI!
I'm hovering around my goal! At this point, my main goal is to maintain my current weight. 
I've lost a total of 82 inches, 1.5 in the last month. 
     15.5 inches from my waist 
     15 inches from my bust 
     11 inches from my chest 
     15 inches from my hips
     4.5 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     6 inches from my thigh
     3.5 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4.5 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 100.9% of my excess weight per my goal
In June I consumed an average of 1188.9 calories/day
     32.1% came from fat (goal = <30%) 
     38.7% came from carbs (goal = <30%) 
     29.2% came from protein (goal = >Carbs) Oops!
I drank on average 75.4 oz of water/day (goal = > 64 oz/day)

What I've noticed:   
I've gone from size 24 to size 4 pants. 
I'm also wearing size S tops & sweaters. 
My shoe size has gone from 7.5 to 5-5.5
I continue to get occasional compliments. 
It continues to be a daily effort to control my snacking.
I'm thrilled that I'm maintaining my goal weight & still losing inches.
During this time:
I went to the Brampton & Scarborough Coffees
I led another York Region Support Group. 
I'm continuing to track everything I eat.
I really not doing any exercise besides walking the dog. I need to do better
I continue to get B-12 injections bi-monthly from my PCP. 
The most exciting news this month was I now have a date for my plastics: November 23, 2009!
     TT < $7K & Breast Reduction = OHIP
     Dr. Kreidstein told me not to lose anymore.I'm losing from my breasts & can't affort to lose any more.
I'm not getting laser eye surgery due to oddly shaped corneas. Very disappointing!

So, am I still loving my WLS? Absolutely! Now I'm getting nervous about the final stage - Plastics!

16- Month Update

Jul 18, 2009

July 19 is my 16-month surgerversary. Here's my update:

The Numbers:
I've lost a total of 110.8 lbs: 
    I did gain 2 lbs last month, but I've lost that now plus an additional 2 oz. Not much, but enough to report. 
    Overall my weight has really stabilized
My BMI is 24.1 - I'm still happy to have a normal BMI!
I'm hovering around my goal! I'm still hoping to lose another 5 lbs by the end of the year.
I've lost a total of 80.5 inches, 3.5 in the last month. I lost 2 inches off my bust & 1.5 inches off my chest. WTH!
     Will there be anything left for my breast reduction? Why can't I lose that off my hips? Hummmm? 
     15.5 inches from my waist 
     15 inches from my bust 
     11 inches from my chest 
     15 inches from my hips
     4 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     5.5 inches from my thigh
     3.5 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 100.7% of my excess weight per my goal
In June I consumed an average of 1206.9 calories/day
     30.6% came from fat (goal = <30%) 
     40.9% came from carbs (goal = <30%) Oops!
     28.5% came from protein (goal = >Carbs) Double Oops!
I drank on average 76.3 oz of water/day (goal = > 64 oz/day)

What I've noticed:   
I've gone from size 24 to size 4 pants. 
I'm also wearing size S tops & sweaters. I even bought a size XS cardigan yesterday!  
     I'm buying clothes like crazy now that my weight & clothes size has stabilized.
My shoe size has gone from 7.5 to 5-5.5
     I'm buying shoes & sandals like crazy too!
I continue to get occasional compliments. 
     I saw a former colleague at a wedding. His expression was priceless & he was genuinely pleased for me.
     I saw another former colleague at the same wedding & she cried she was so happy for me. 
It's a conscious effort to control my snacking every day.
I'm thrilled that I'm maintaining my goal weight & still losing inches.
During this time:
I went to the Brampton & Scarborough Coffees
I led another York Region Support Group. 
I finalized 6 formal Support Group meetings at Dr. Starr's office led by Shelley Aronov.
I'm continuing to track everything I eat.
I do very limited  exercise:  treadmill 2-3X/week & walking the dog.
I continue to get B-12 injections bi-monthly from my PCP. 
I've still on track for Plastic Surgery in December w Dr. Kreidstein.
     TT < $7K & Breast Reduction = OHIP
     I'm also getting laser eye surgery on July 29th.
I completed a scrap book of my WLS experience. It was fun & a great way to remind me who my true supporters really are. Thank you guys!

So, am I still loving my WLS? Absolutely! Now I can't wait for the final stage - Plastics!
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15-Month Update

Jun 19, 2009

June 19 is my 15-month surgerversary. Here's my update:

The Numbers:
I've lost a total of 108.6 lbs: 
    This represents a gain of 2 lbs in the last month. Although this is disappointing, I'm gaining & losing the same 2-3 lbs.
    Overall my weight has really stabalized
My BMI is 24.7 - I'm still happy to have a normal BMI!
I'm hovering around my goal! I'm still hoping to lose another 5 lbs by the end of the year.
I've lost a total of 77 inches, 2 in the last month:
     15.5 inches from my waist 
     13 inches from my bust 
     9.5 inches from my chest 
     15 inches from my hips
     4 inches from my upper arm 
     1.5 inches from my elbow
     5.5 inches from my thigh
     3.5 inches from my calf
     4 inches from my knee
     4 inches from my neck 
     1.5 inches from my ankle
I've lost 98.7% of my excess weight per my goal
In May I consumed an average of 1142.3 calories/day
     29.4% came from fat (goal = <30%) 
     40.4% came from carbs (goal = <30%) Oops!
     30.2% came from protein (goal = >Carbs)
I drank on average 73.4 oz of water/day (goal = > 64 oz/day)

What I've noticed:   
I've gone from size 24 to size 4 pants. 
I'm also wearing size S tops & sweaters.  
     I'm buying clothes like crazy now that my weight & clothes size has stabalized.
My shoe size has gone from 7.5 to 5-5.5
     I'm buying shoes & sandals like crazy!
I continue to get occasional compliments. 
     A former student from my Q1/2008 Project Management class almost didn't recognize me!
     My Uncle's girlfriend asked my Uncle who I was!
I'm able to eat more foods like rye toast & sushi & my daily caloric intake has increased.
     It's a conscious effort to control my snacking every day.
I'm thrilled that I'm maintaining my goal weight & still losing inches!
During this time:
I went to the Brampton & Scarborough Coffees
I led another York Region Support Group. 
I went to 6 formal Support Group meetings at Dr. Starr's office led by Shelley Aronov.
I'm continuing to track everything I eat.
I exercise:  treadmill 2-3X/week & walking the dog.
I continue to get B-12 injections bi-monthly from my PCP. 
I've still on track for Plastic Surgery in December w Dr. Kreidstein.
     TT < $7K & Breast Reduction = OHIP
     I'm going to see if I can also have my thighs done at the same time.
     I'm also getting lazer eye surgery in August.

So, I'm still loving my WLS? Absolutely! Now I can't wait for the final stage - Plastics!
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About Me
Newmarket, ON, XX
Surgery Date
Nov 20, 2007
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