Well lets start off by saying that I have been overweight since high school. Over the years my weight has went up and down. I now have two boys and 3 girls that I can not keep up with. I have a husband that I cant keep up with. We live on a small farm and I use to love to go outside and ride horses. I cant do that now. I feel so alone with my weight problem. I know deep inside is the person I once was just wanting to come out!!!! My health has started to go down and my grandad died at the young age of 65 from a stroke. My dad had his first heartattack in his early 30's. Im now 33 and I dont like this pattern I see. I hope and pray for health. Not to look good but feel good. I want to be able to run around my house and farm with my kids. I want to live to see my grandkids. I meet a wonderful doctor through a cousin of mine. Dr. Freeman is GOD sent for me. My mother was my biggest enemy with this and since she sat down and talked with him about gastric surgery she is on my side!!!! She said she wished he could do it today!!! My insurance is making me go through a 7 month diet with my family doctor and its very irratating!!! I have been big most my life!!! Why go through the doc visits. Oh well I know that one day I can walk up my stairs and not be out of breath!!! I cant wait!!!!! Just keep me in your prayers!!!
6/16/08 I have now went to my doc for the 3rd month for the insurance visit thing - and Im down 4 lbs! They found out that I have an Iron deficancy and I now have to take 3oo millgrams a day of iron! Yuck!!!! It has given me soooo much energy though!
So now Im nervous about after surgery how will that affect my iron????? Oh well..... I guess I will find out!