Two and a half years post-op.

Sep 28, 2010

Well - time flies. Here I am and it's been two and a half years. I weigh 173lbs today. I don't weigh often. Once every few weeks or so. I can tell by how I am feeling and by how my clothes feel if I am up or down a few lbs. Funny how 5 lbs makes a difference now - pre-op I would never even notice.

From my lowest weight of 159lbs last fall following my illness/surgery - to a high of 177lbs at my one year post Petersons Hernia Repair appt. - I feel best at around 168 - 170lbs. I has been a struggle - to put back on weight after my bump in the road last fall - but to do it in a good way and remain healthy and not go overboard. I THINK I may have found what works best for me. Head hunger is a *itch - and I just don't keep things in my house that I know I can't resist. Plain and simple. Not to say I don't have treats - I do. I am human.

My Hgb is too low. Last summer it was 136. Then I got sick and had surgery. In June of this year I was feeling VERY fatigued with no energy - sure enough - Hgb was 104. When I saw my surgeon last month - he was concerned. IT was up to 107 then. But - since last fall - I have only been taking my iron twice weekly. Because it is so constipating. And I was taking it with coffee in the AM - and then would have 1/2 a 12 grain bagel an hour after that. Turns out - coffee and iron do not work well together - nor do the whole grains. So - anyway - I am now taking my iron in the evening, with some orange juice and have gradually gotten myself back up to taking it everyday. So I will get my HGB checked in another month or so and see where things are.

Other than that - I'm feeling great and doing great and have no regrets. Life is good.


2 yr Surgiversary - 24 months post op

Apr 17, 2010

Actually - at about this exact moment- I was in the OR waiting area - about to have my RNY. (My case was late.) I'm SO happy to have been able to have my RNY and I can't imagine feeling any better than I do at this moment. I'm healthier, energetic, happier. have a spring in my step, can fly through my 12 hr shifts in ER like I did years ago - and the list of the changes in me goes on and on. I want to say a special THANK YOU to my family and frineds who have been there right from the start. Especially to my Mom who was with me in Moncton two years ago today and last August through my surgery and recovery.To my husband and son who have rooted for me from the start and stuck by me no matter what. To my special friend KC - you know who you are. We met way back before surgery and you have been such a great cheerleader, support and inspiration to me - not to mention ALWAYS having my suite ready in New Brunswick. You rock. To Dr. Beausoleil and Lise and his team at the Georges Dumont - THANKS can't say enough! And -  to my wonderful co - workers who have  rooted for me, cared for me and accomodated my needs - you have made this journey SO much easier. Also - to two other RNY'er who live near me on the rock - one who I first learned about Dr B. from - you changed my life. And the other who is now 3 yrs out - YOU have given me invaluable support and info along the way - you guys ROCK too! To my OH family both on the main RNY board and here on the New Brunswick board - living here in rural Newfoundland - these boards are my main source of peer support, and are invaluable to me. Thanks so much to you all. I just hope I have been able to give a little back to some of you and "pay it forward" so to speak.
I just can't express how thankful I am and how blessed I feel. It's like being reborn. I couldn't have asked for a better outcome - and never in my wildest dreams thought I would EVER fit in a size 12 and sometimes a size 10. Something I have never done in my adult life.
So - it's off to work for my second of 3 twelve hr nights in ER. In my size Med scrubs that are nice and loose and a spring in my step.


20 Months post-op (cont'd)

Jan 26, 2010

OK - so after 2 weeks of being very sick - I get off the airplane in Halifax and Mom drove me to George Dumont ER. Well that was an experience. The sign in the waiting room said non-emergent patients could expect to be seen in 2 hrs. I was triaged very quickly. I was not considered to be an urgent patient apparently. I made it clear I was a patient of Dr. B.'s and that I had been sick for a few weeks. Being the non-dramatic , stoic type of person I am - sitting quietly and not making any noise - I guess I didn't look too sick. 6 *ucking hours later - I was called in. Had blood work and an x-ray. I was laid down on an exam table while I was examined. I pleaded with the nurse to let me remain lied down while they waited for my lab work and x-ray results. No way - sent back out into the waiting area. I couldn't believe it. I was freezing - asked for a blanket - nope - they gave me a small thin white sheet - we call them a draw sheet where I work. Anyway - got my results back - they saw some dehydration, a UTI and no complete bowel obstruction. No reason to be concerned about me really they said - I was still on antibiotics from the UTI that I had been diagnosed with 5 days before - they said to continue that. They attributed my back pain to the UTI and really seemed not to be concerned about the abdominal pain and bloating. They did tell me Dr. Beausoleil was on call the next day and if I got sicker I was welcome to come back.

So - Mom and I talked it over - we decided to stay in Moncton that night - and I would call Lise in the AM. I was too sick to even think about driving the 250kms back to their place in PEI. We got to our hotel room - I paced and paced - again - just wishing the time away until I finally got this taken care of. Stayed on fluids - I could barely get enough down to keep me hydrated - and the back pain and bloating was 7-8 on a scale of 1 to 10. I slept a bit with the help of some gravol and tylenol. Called Lise in the am and she told me to come in and see Dr. B at 1:30pm that day. Thank god! Went to see him - he looked at the x-rays from the day before - said he suspected I was working on an internal hernia - but at the moment wasn't acute enough to warrant any exploratory surgery. He advised me to stay in the area - and eat. Either I would get better or I would get sicker. I asked him if he suspected a Petersens Hernia and he said most probably. So - Mom and I headed back to PEI. That was on Monday. I tried to eat - lord knows I tried - I ate a bit - but could never get more than 2 or 3 forkfuls of anything down. The back pain, upper abdominal pian and bloating continued and gradually got worse. Dad made special trips to the store to get things I thought I could eat. Like ice cream, cereal. As much as I wanted to eat and get better - it wasn't happening. Thursday night it was getting to the point of not being tolerable anymore. I called Lise Friday AM. She told me to go to George Dumont ER. We got there just after noon. I was good and sick - tachycardic with a pulse of 130/min - low BP - I guess I got someones attention because I only had to wait 2 hrs after being triaged until they brought me back to a stretcher where I had lab work etc done. An IV was put up - I was extremely dehydrated. I finally got something for pain. Dilaudid. What a *ucking wonder drug. Didn't take the pain all away - but sure helped me out. I was seen after the lab work came back - I think I had them puzzled - I really to this day cannot figure out why in the world the ER docs were not more in tune with the possible things that could be going on with post-op bariatric patients. The ER doc looking after me said my urine showed ketones and protein - I was extrememly dehydrated - I could have a pyleonephritis - but why was I so tachycardic - I think she really didn't know what to do with me. So they kept me overnight in ER - at least I got regular pain meds. On a stretcher in the hallway just 6 feet from the ambulance entrance door. What an expereince that was. But not their fault - they do the best they can with what they have. Went for my CT scan around 0900 on Sat. I asked to speak to the doctor who was looking after my care that day and wanted to know what the plan was. He said that the radiologist looks at all the CT scans once they are ALL done and then sends the reports to ER. I asked how long that would be - he said probably by 1pm or so. Great - bring on the dilaudid. Around 11am - the doctor came and told me about my CT and said I had a big blockage and a hugely distended Volvulus - my remnant stomach - about the size of a football - I would need surgery. A Petersens Hernia. My main aim then was to make sure Dr. B. did the surgery. The surgeon on call came to see me and explain the surgery - I asked him over and over would Dr. B. be there. He went to the desk and called him and came back and said yes- Dr. B. and he would do the surgery. I was still a patient in the hallway. Around 2pm they moved me to a cubicle because they wanted to get me ready for the OR and put an NG down. The poor nurse - I said specifically - you know I have had RNY right? She said yes. I said - you know a blind NG tube insertion is not reccomended right. She said the doctor specifically wants an NG tube put down. I was so *ucking sick and really didn't care anymore - so down the NG tube went. I went into the OR around 5pm. Got back to my room around 8:30pm. Had an IV, NG, catheter and a gastrostomy tube. And dilaudid for pain every 3 hrs if I needed it. When I woke - I remembered vaguely seeing Dr.B. somewhere earlier - so I knew he had been there and that was so reassuring. So my surgery was Sat pm. I was discharged Friday pm. Gastrostomy tube went home with me - that was a treat. But let me tell ya - from the time I came to after my surgery - the extreme back pain and bloating was so much less - it was all good. The surgery was so much rougher to recover from than my RNY. The RNY was a walk in the park. Because I was so sick for so long before the hernia repair - it was that much harder and slower to recover. But I did. A month later I was back in Moncton and had the g-tube removed. Ended up with a g-tube site infection and issues with MRSA along the way - but everyday I got a bit better. I went back to work in October. About 8 weeks post-op. But - I have to say - it was December before I really felt well and strong and completely back to my self. I found myself to be very irritable, tense and jittery for along time after my surgery.

So - I was one of the unlucky 10 to 15% of post -ops who get this particular complication. And it could happen to me again. But - I still have no regrets. I just refer to last summer as the summer that never was. And I look forward to this summer.

Would I wait so long to seek medical care if I was in the same boat again? NO WAY! I would moan and groan and scream and complain so I got looked at and taken care of sooner. Lesson learned. That is all.


20 Months post - op

Jan 22, 2010

It's been so long since I posted here. Not because everything has been peachy keen though. 80% of this last year - I have felt AWESOME and life has been great. But - there was a period of time last summer - beginning around mid July that I began to feel unwell. My weight had settled out at about  180lbs. I was feeling good and all was well. I developed SEVERE intermittant colicky abdominal pain - unlike anything I had ever had before. At first I attributed it to constipation - but - I was still having regular normal BM's. It was intermittant - when I was having the episodes of pain - which lasted anywhere from 1-6 to 8 hrs - I was unable to eat - had such a bloated feeling in my upper abdomen- more to the left. I was never nauseated and did not vomit at any point. When the pain settled - I could eat as per normal - no problem. I began to document and keep track of what I ate and how I felt and how long the pain lasted and how bad each episode was. Because - deep down - I KNEW this was not good. I turned to my peeps on OH - posting on both the New Brunswick forum and the main RNY forum about what was going on with me. Someone mentioned Petersen's Hernia to me. I researched it - and with a very sinking feeling - just knew that's what I had. The signs and symptoms were all there. But - as it was intermittant - I still hoped beyond hope that it would go away and never some back. About 2 and a half weeks after the first episode - I had an episode that was the worst yet - lasting 10hrs - pain scale 10 out of 10 - and I prayed to god to let the pain subside enough for me to get in the car so my husband could get me to the hospital. And I am not a religious person - and it's the first time on my life I actually prayed for anything. Around 6am - I managed to get myself in the car - and DH took me to my local ER - where I also work. Let me just say that nurses make the WORST patients. MY co-workers have since told me that the only way they knew it was me - was because they recognized DH. I was that sick. I ended up being admitted under the care of a surgeon I trust implicitly - with a diagnosis of sub acute bowel obstruction. I was extrememly dehydrated, had a urinary tract infection and was in for 2 days. Had x-rays only. No CT scan. I did improve somewhat - of course I did - I didn't have anything to eat or drink - only IV fluid - and I was getting pain meds. I went home on a Thursday. Around noon - still uncomfortable - but much improved. Pain maybe 2-3 out of 10. I started to gradually eat a bit - full fluids - to mushy food such as oatmeal etc - but by Thurday night - knew it wasn't going as it should. Friday morning same feeling that this wasn't going away - it was coming back. Had my trusted surgeon been on call at my local Hospital - I would have went back. But he wasn't - and I was terrified that I would end up on the operating table - cut open by some surgeon who had never seen an RNY re-arranged tummy before. I wasn't going to take that chance. So - I booked a flight to Nova Scotia - had my Mom all set to pick  me up at the airport and take me to George Dumont ER. Thankfully - my parents spend each summer in PEI - so they were there for me. How I made it to Sunday to get on that plane and fly to Halifax (90 mins) and get off under my own steam - I still don't know to this day. Fear I think - I just had this feeling I HAD to get to Moncton where Dr. B. was. Mom drove me to George Dumont.

To be continued - gotta get to bed gotta work in the am


44 weeks post op

Feb 23, 2009

Holy Crap - the time flies by SO fast. I am now down to 190lbs. Which is 10 lbs away from my INITIAL goal of 180lbs. The 180lb mark is the goal weight which my surgeon felt would be good for me - he told me that at one of my pre-op appts. And I figured it was a realistic goal also - it was what I weighed when I got pregnant with Robert - I was healthy, active and felt great. BUT - when I do get to 180 - my family doc and I will look at it again - because my fasting blood sugar is a bit higher than the high normal amount. And diabetes runs in my family. The main reason I had RNY was to avoid the health problems that I already had and those I was headed towards. SO - maybe 180lbs when I was 27 was ok for me. Maybe not now that I am 47 - so we will see. My weight loss is still slow but steady. I am not getting out walking on a regular basis - the weather is the main reason - it's too cold/miserable and/or slippery out. So as DH needs to get more active also - we bought a good treadmill a few days ago and put a TV in front of it - I actually don't mind it - so until the spring comes with more favorable walking conditions - the treadmill it is. But I do miss the fresh air and getting outdoors part. We have been out on ski doo a bit this winter. I am able to enjoy it again- for the last few years at my heaviest weight - it was not comfortable or fun at all. But - I'm loving it again! I'm also hoping to get skiing (downhill) - at least once this winter. Work is CRAZY - we keep wondering how much more busy our ER can get before something terrible happens - every day it is getting harder and harder to give the care to our patients that they deserve and that we WANT to give. Health Care is in such a terrible mess- the whole system - not just the nursing shortage - there is no easy fix for it - I just hope to finish and retire and done with it, with my nursing license and my mind and body intact! So - that's about it my friends - life is good - and I'm so thankful that I continue to do well and feel great. I don't take it for granted - not one day goes over my head that I don't realize how lucky I am to have had this surgery and been able to reclaim so  much of my life. Chow for now!
1 comment

38 weeks post op- boy that's a long time

Jan 06, 2009

Well - the trip to Florida to spend Christmas with my parents was awesome. The weather was great - 70's and even some 80's - warm enough to entice me out to sunbathe and swim. It was great to spend Christmas with Mom and Dad - haven't been able to do that for a looong time. Robert and Ivan enjoyed the break as well. We took in an AC/DC concert in Tampa on the 21st - it was fantastic - a great show. And apart from just shopping and sightseeing and hanging out together - well - that was all we needed. Mom had 2 pairs of shorts bought for me that fit to a T - thank goodness - because of course I had none. A bandster friend of mine gave me a pair of capris when I was pre-op last year - they were my inspiration pants as she called them. I said I would NEVER be able to fit into them. Well - guess what - wouldn't you know - they fit perfect for this trip. And of course I picked up some more warm weather clothes also. We were very lucky and didn't get stuck in any of the weather related delays and cancellations. Just a great trip. I was 194lbs when I left - and I'm 194lbs today. Considering I was very relaxed about what I ate when I was away - I'm very pleased. There is just nothing as good as your own Mom's Turkey Christmas Dinner. And I enjoyed it - not a huge amount - but I ate a sensible amount. And of course a before bed nibble or two - leftover turkey is the best. So back on track now - and that means getting out in the cold and walking. The walking in Florida was a treat. But - well - it's friggin cold here. I'm 14lbs from goal now - the closer I get - the slower the loss gets - but I WILL get there. Here's to a Happy and healthy 2009. Cheers everyone!
1 comment

33 Weeks post op

Dec 08, 2008

Well - it's been quite a while since I have posted/blogged here. I am pleased to say all remains well. My rate of weight loss has slowed down - but still I continue to lose. So far from my highest weight in Jan it's a loss of 96lbs - and from surgery in April - a loss of 78lbs. I have left the two hundred club behind and am now in onederland. At times I feel my weight loss is too slow- but then I remember not to compare myself to others. It is slow and steady these days - and I am happy with that as I feel great and rarely have any issues such as what I call the sliming or just something not going down right. I STILL don't ever feel hungry - I am so happy about that. And really  don't have much of an appetite most times - I eat because I know I have to. I don't get out to walk on every day off anymore- but twice a week for sure. I will probably start skating a few times a week as we now have snow and ice and the walking gets treacherous at times. I am still growing my hair and it's common for people to pass by me and not recognize me. I'm just used to it now. I do treat myself on occasion - but don't push the envelope - I just don't like the feeling I get when I have. So my body keeps me in check. I couldn't eat a hamburger or slice of pizza even if I wanted too- maybe the toppings only - or the burger patty - bread and carbs still are not my friends as I have said many times before. And that's ok. My husband, son and I are heading to Florida on Dec 17th to spend Christmas with my parents. I am so looking forward to that. Such a lovely break from the cold and snow up here. I'm not worried about my eating while down there- I seem to be in a very comfortable place and able to do what is right for my body without too  much thought. Work is great - and I'm transferring back to ER in January. Yay!!!!!  Back with my old workmates- and back to the madness - but I love it! Happy holidays my OH friends - will be checking back in the New Year!

two days from 19 weeks post op

Aug 25, 2008

I have not been on OH as much these days - just so much going on this summer. DH's comings and going's out to the oil patch for work. And a tragic loss of a young life last week in our community. Plus a week off from work - all this means - a disruption in my routine. And I feel better and do better with my weight loss, eating and excercise when I am in a routine. But - I am not entirely unhappy with how I have done - 77lbs down since my highest weight in Jan 2008- and 59lbs since my RNY. Actually - the amount I have left to lose is jusr 36lbs. Hard to believe. With my weight loss - I have also grown out my hair - I must look very different as people I have ran into the last few weeks often don't recognize me. I had to ask my son if I had really changed that much - he sees a change - but not to the point others do - I guess because he has seen me at regular intervals since surgery. Health wise - up until this week - still feeeling great with tons of energy. But - my menstrual cycle is even more messed up - this month I have entertained Aunt Flo for 3 and a half weeks out of four. So - off to my family doctor tomorrow - I'm beginning to feel a little fatigued - and suspect that is why. Good thing I am taking all my supplements - I always struggled to keep a normal Hgb even pre-op - so really need the extra iron now. I am wearing a size "L" scrub pant - yes - a SIZE "L" - no xx no x - just large! I don't remember EVER wearing any scrubs smaller than that! I love shopping - even if it is for uniforms. I have had to take in some of the size 18 capris/pants that I bought in July - not buying more clothes = especially summer stuff at this point. As far as eating - I kind of tend to stick to some favorites because I know they work for me. I have been able to eat a grilled chicken snack wrap from Mc Donalds - ditch as much of the pita bread as I can without it falling apart. Takes me a while - but it goes down OK. And I had a piecs of crunchy toast with cheese on it last week - went down ok. Bread is something I am still wary of. I can eat say 1/2 an English Muffin - or 1 crumpet. But I tend not to - carbs are a big part of what did me in and got me to 293lbs. I eat a lot of green salads with grilled chicken, shredded low fat mozzarella and sunflower seeds tossed in for protein. Love the salads! Am heading into St. John's for a week or so after I see about the Aunt Flo problem. My son is coming back from his military training courses in New Brunswick this Friday - and - one of the housemates at the house in St. John's is moving out - and a new one arriving - so lots to do at the place in there!
I'm lovin' my RNY!!!!!

15 weeks tomorrow

Jul 29, 2008

So - I have  experienced my first "stall" as they call it. No weight loss in 4 weeks. Then - at last - down 2 lbs this amI did deserve the stall however- and feel I was responsible for most of it. My husband came home from out west - so glad to have him home - but my exercise and eating routines all but vanished. And - we were away on vacation for 10 days - didn't help either. I did not "pig out" as they say - or go totally crazy eating junk. But the lack of exercise, coupled with - just a taste of pecan pie, a bit of garlic butter on my lobster, less protein and a few more carbs than usual - well it was enough. And taught me a very valuable lesson. So - it's back to basics and I'm back to work. I do so much better when things are routine. I walk on every day off, eat so much better and generally keep on track. So - as discouraging as it was tyo see the scale not budge for a month - I know why it happened. The other new thing for me is that I don't get the uncomfortable/full feeling so easily anymore. Meaning that I can eat larger portions. So the onus is on me to keep the portion sizes down - before -  my body told me when it was enough. I kind of liked that actually. I still don't get hungry which I am so thankful for. I battle with what some people call "head hunger' . I WANT to eat something - but I'm not hungry. Sometimes it's easier than others to conquer this. But I'm trying my best. Added my suplements as per my doc. I hope I can tolerate them as I feel my body does need them. The Palafer (Ferrous Fumerate) no doubt will no doubt slow down my already sluggish elimination habits. But - if that is my worst complaint - well it's all good.
The all-important numbers - 65lbs down from my hightest weight in Jan/08. and 47lbs down from surgery 15 weeks ago. I WAS averaging a loss of 4lbs per week before my little stall - hope to get back to that. Othersise - summers here and life is good!

12 weeks post-oo

Jul 11, 2008

Time certainly does fly when you are having fun. Lets see- for the all important numbers - I'm down 63lbs since Jan 08, since surgery 45lbs. I was averaging about 4 lbs a week - have not been as good with my walking the past week -  can see it in the scales. I know what I have to do.
I bought 2 pairs of size 18 pants - SIZE 18! - can't tell ya when I last wore that. The amazing thing is I am at this moment only 3 lbs heavier than when I delivered my son 20yrs ago. So - the goal at this point is my pre-pregnancy weight of 180lbs. That's what the doc said pre-op - and thats is a weight I felt very healthy, active and well at. So we will see. Hubby came home from Fort Mac 2 days ago after being gone 6 weeks. Keeps looking at me - as if he can't believe the change. He likes!.
My hair can finally be put up in a ponytail with the help of a few combs and clips. I really like it and feels great to have my hair up off  my neck now that summer is here. So I had to buy a few summer things and I SO enjoyed trying on things. If only I could get a really comfy, supportive bra for my chesticles. Have bought a few - but after wearing them a day or so - just not comfy. And I 'm in the market for a terribly supportive sports bra for walking/running  yes - I am walk/running sometimes! Hubby and I are off to Nova Scotia, PEI, and New Brunswick on Sunday. We fly to Halifax and pick up a rental car. Going to PEI to Mom and Dad's for a week with a quick trip over to Gagetown Friday to pick up Robert and bring him over to the Island for the weekend. I was to PEI twice last year - but Robert and Ivan haven't been for 2 years. It will be nice for us all to get together. As for my liquids - doing well -actually taking in more now that it is hot out. Food wise -I  have
finally had a green salad with some chicken breast and low fat shredded mozza cheese. Man was it good - and it went down and stayed down and felt good. Yayyy!!! It has been probably one of the last foods I have really wanted but was nervous to try. Thankfully it has been quite some time since I have gotten the full/stuck/uncomfortable feeling. I guess it's a function of my new tummy stretching and settling out at the size it will stay. I have not felt the need to "test it out" by seeing how much I can eat before I feel full. I still don't feel hungry -Yayyyyyyyyy!!! for that also.
I had hoped to see my surgeon Dr Beausoloei while I was up that way - but his schedule couldn't allow it - so I am due my 3 month-post op check. Probably will go back up in late Aug or Sept. I'm trying to fit it in with my work schedule. I have taken TOO much time off altogether these past few years - and don't want to lose more time. I have halved my Effexor and will probably stop taking it later on. Same goes for the Arthrotec. I feel happy, energized and content. All is well in my world. Work is a zoo - but I can't change that. Just deal with it. I feel so much smaller physically in certain ways - like when I get behind the wheel of my car, or wrap a towel around me getting out of the shower, or sitting down in just any old chair at work. I have been back to work 6 weeks and have yet to hear any comment that was anything but positive and encouraging. I feel so blessed to work with such a great bunch of peeps.
My husband is so happy that I feel so much better in all ways. I think I am a bit more assertive in some ways - and I expect other people to be the same way to look out for themselves. And I find it irritating if they don't. I guess this experience has solidified even more my belief that you HAVE to look out for # one - and that's you! And one of my new mottos is "Attitude is Everything!". That proves to be true in my life. I do not have the same amount of time to be online and give back to OH and participate on the message board right now - hubby is only home for a month or so. But I do check the boards and know what's going on with all my new found friends. .And when I have time I will be back on contributing much more often. I want to give back to something that has been such an importance resource for me. Cheers for now!

About Me
Surgery Date
Jan 20, 2007
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Latest Blog 26
33 Weeks post op
two days from 19 weeks post op
15 weeks tomorrow
12 weeks post-oo
