Okay so I guess most of you can relate but I was the fat kid growing up, that was until I reached the eighth grade and discovered I liked to play sports.  So I joined the volleyball, basketball, softball, and track teams! And to my amazement I shed the extra 40-50 lbs I was always carrying around.  So I entered high school at a trim 130, so cute in my size 6 jeans! I continued with sports but dropped all but track because I just loved the feel of running and the breeze hitting my face.  I continued with the way I always ate, junk, junk, junk and more junk! To my little niave mind I was small now, maybe it was just the baby fat that I had shed in junior high.  Everyone in my family is really thin so I knew I would be thin for the rest of my life, its was in my genes right?! WRONG!!! After high school I went on to college and stopped running, I gained what I thought was the freshmen 15 but that turned into the 30,then 40, then 50.  So by the end of my sophomore year I was at 185! I really didnt worry about it at the time I stayed the same weight until I entered the work force.  Now my job is very seditary, all I do is sit at a computer all day. Which leads to eating mindlessly.  I was warned upon starting my job not to get what was called the "Government butt" meaning that most people in the office tended to gain about 30 lbs. Well I guess that went in one ear and out the other because now hear I am 8 years later and I maxed out at 251 lbs. All my family is still very thin I felt ashamed being the big one always ducking out of the pictures, hiding from mirrors. Dont get me wrong I am very confident, I was always one of those big women who wore her weight with style. But some people fail to realize just because I'm comfortable in my own skin doesnt mean that this is how I want to spend my life. I thought long and hard for years if I really wanted to do this and at one time a few years ago decided to do it myself and I even dropped down to 198, but as you can see I gained it back plus and additional 20. So I told myself that I would do this for me and to make sure that I have a life to live in the future.
