Yahoooo, I made a milestone!

Apr 07, 2009

I have been doing a pre-op, mostly liquid protein diet getting ready for surgery on 04/22/09.  Today when I weighed, I made it under 300--in fact to 299!  It has been a while since I have been here and I am so very grateful!!  I have hopes and prayers to get all this excess weight off so that I can be healthy!  I've lost 18 pounds so far and I haven't even had the surgery yet!!  But I know I cannot keep this up indefinitely, (which is what I must do in order to lose all this excess weight), without more tools than I currently have at my disposal.  VSG will be a great gift in this respect!

This is hard, and I have to fight to not go eating anything that I should not.  But I won't because I do not want to jeopardize my surgery with the fatty liver thing.  I am concerned about this, though, because even after I had previously lost 100 pounds and made it down to 228, I had to have an abdominal ultrasound and they said then that I had a "fatty liver".  This is the first time in my life that I was told this.  Well, I certainly do not weigh that little at this time!! 

I hope doing the pre-op diet will be enough.  I believe I will still have a fatty liver even when I get to surgery!

All I can do is what I am doing...and God is in charge of the rest.

I love exercise, but I have not been able to do much for a while.  I fell in April 2008 and really damaged my right knee significantly.  It just keeps getting better and then plunging right back down into useless!  I was humuliated and ashamed of myself because I just could not get my knee well, and I am absolutely certain that it has to do with my having put on 60 pounds in the last year or so.  I have been hobbling around on a cane when my knee is really acting up, and this is very, very humuliating!!

I did physical therapy for 2 months straight, starting in January 2009, and then I had to bail out when my father had a stroke on 03/23.  I felt like I really had a set-back of at least a month's progress with my knee just from not being able to get to PT!!!  But Dad's are more important than even PT.

A couple of days ago I went to Sports Authority and bought the ankle weights I needed to get back to PT and do it on my own.  It is helping now, but I've got some strength-gaining ground to recover before I will be up to exercise again.  

My weight loss surgeon wants me exercising right now.  But right now, all I am good for is keeping up with the physical therapy on my own...which I am faithfully doing because if I don't, I can't walk without mega pain in my knee and below!

I am hoping and praying that getting my weight down will also make exercise more do-able again.  Exercise just makes me feel so, so, so much better when I can do it!!  I love it--though I can hardly believe it because I fought exercise most of my life!

I am feeling pretty overwhelmed about getting all the pre-screening reports and permissions all orchestrated together.  I feel like a music conductor, trying to get all the doctors and their staff on task and getting things faxed to where ever they need to go.  It is a good thing that I can balance a bunch of things all coming together...otherwise, I think they would be hauling me away in a padded truck about now.

I don't have all the paperwork resolved for wls even yet, but I am getting closer, MUCH CLOSER!  Soon things will all be handled and I will be able to relax a little.

I've been doing much more healing work with my spiritual healer in preparation for this wls.  I am so grateful for her!  She has taught me meditation and all things from the spiritual realm over the last 9 + years.  I feel so much more at peace about so many things in my life.  I used to be a nervous wreck all the time.  Now I can go through mega stressful times and not get completely befuddled.  Sometimes I can even do it somewhat gracefully!!  This is a vast improvement in me!!

I am finding myself aware of feeling a lot of fear about this wls coming up so fast.  I know I am doing the right thing for me.  But I find myself scared about all of the adjustments that must happen in me in order to recover from the surgery and recover from using food as a coping mechanism for life. 

I have been able to whip every single hard thing in my life except for my addiction to food--at least permanently, anyway.  I need to permanently get my weight under control.  I have been damn lucky that this 'ol body of mine has held up so well, giving the significant abuse I have given it over my 53 years.  It's a damn good body, even weighting 299 pounds!!

