How I broke my stall !!

Jun 06, 2011


So as you know I was at a complete stall at 35lbs lost -- for like 2 weeks

So I decided that i needed to re-read the paperwork from the surgeon's office's nutritionist regarding what and what not i should be doing at the Phase IV/ solid foods stage.  And start writing a log -- because something was wrong.

So that i did and based on this i put together a Menu -- to really track volume, cals, fat, carbs, and protien.  As well as to make a guide for myself. 

and in 1 week i've broke the stall - and am down to a total of 40lbs -

I created my Menu and LOG  in Excel  -- there are 2 weekly menus and 2 different diaries (one to print as a small booklet - and 1 that prints 8 1/2 x 11).  And am attaching it here in case you want to use it.  Please note that next to each day on the menu there are hidden columns -- where you enter the nutritional values -- so the file can be used as a customizable template -- put in your OWN menus with nutritional values.  I hope this might be a useful tool!

(uh oh trying to figure out how to upload the excel file - do you know how i can do this??  - anyway i've made a JPEG for you to have a look see)

Thanks! :) 

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May 06, 2011
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