Waiting still.....
Jul 13, 2009
As the days roll on....
Jul 10, 2008
Well here it is ....1 month after my Phych eval and the last step of the medical clearances I needed. And no surgery yet. Insurance sucks!! I got put off by blue cross after they said I didn't have the benefit. So...I thought I'll just apply for new insurance. I applied for Aaetna and got the declined letter last week. Road Block number 2! Well, the next option is to wait until the next school year starts and get company insurance. Hopefully that'll happen so that by DEC I can finally get this surgery.
It sucks though ya know. I've been after this thing for 4 years and it gets delayed at a time when would be a great time to get it, enough time to recover before school starts again.
I know it'll happen. I just feel like time is wasting and my life is being put on hold. This stupid weight controls more than I wish it did. I'm ready for it to be gone!
Until I can move forward with this sugery, I'm gonna hit the gym twice as hard and do some kind of diet, knowing it's not going to do what the surgery would. But whatever! Life goes on....
Broken Spirit :o(
Jun 25, 2008
Well, today offically sucked! I am feeling really negative. I know, I know. Be patient. It's one of those down days, ya know.
I got my sleep study results back and unsprisingly enough, I have a severe form of sleep apnea...ok that's fine. I've had that for a whatever. lol..
For the bad news. In January when things got submitted for God knows how many times, BCBS said that I had the benefit. So I was good. All I had to do was the 6th months of doc supervised diet. As some of you know, I've been waiting since my psych eval notes to come back so that they can submit everything for approval. WELL! After months of money, gas and time to do these doc appts and support group meetings-Insurance came back today and said I didn't have the benefit! Now what do I do??? Self-Pay! I can't put out 20,000! I had gotten really excited and really optimistic about what the future holds, with myself being able to get RNY. I can't keep doing diet after diet after diet. I don't have the time or energy to waste. I'm tired. I'm tired of waiting for this! I know there are others who waited longer than I have. I've been at this thing for 4 years. I want to accomplish things like go back to school, get married and have babies! I WANT TO BE HEALTHY!
What do I do? What is my next move? How do I keep motivated before this stuff is worked out. I feel like everything I've done for the past 4 years is all for nothing!
I was offered a great job and when they asked me if there was anything that would cause me to take off work in the coming months, I had to tell them about the surgery. I didn't think it was fair if I took the job then ended up having to take off a month for recovery!
I know I'm bitching...I've never been one for bitching either. But I've NEVER WANTED ANYTHING MORE!!! Ok, I'm done. Thanks for letting me vent!
Restless and a lil bit frustrated!!
Jun 17, 2008
and than go to sleep there...Good suggestion, but I don't know.
And than I'm now getting restless waiting for submission for a date for surgery! I went and did the psych eval 4 June and I'm not sure if they even submitted my stuff yet. I've been told that I don't need the apnea stuff to get approval nor do I need the psych eval stuff for approval..What's the deal. I know, I patient.
I went through the 6 month required for insurance and thought..ok, by mid June I'd have a date. NOPE.
I guess I'm getting nervous because I thought if I can get surgery in the early/mid summer months, I'll be set for when the school year starts the last week of Aug...I don't know..I know I can't work with Kindergarten kids while still going through recovery period...So I'm worried that if I don't get this until Mid July...I'll have to take the beginning of the year off(first 2 weeks). The people whom I've met in my doc office said to prepare for about a month recovery time...So I'm waiting nervously....every day it gets harder.
Sleep Study
Jun 14, 2008
I got there and then started to freak out. Like lots of others I don't do well with hospitals, and got a little scared. Went up to the room, which was huge, and met the tech for the night. She was very sweet and since I had already filled out the 8 plus pages on my sleep pattern she just gave me 2 more to fill out about the days' activities. I went into the bathroom and changed, came out and sat down waiting for her to come back in the room. Like normal my mind wouldn't shut know what I mean, your mind just doesn't stop working. She came in and started to put the wires and moniters on me. I started to get tired in the chair and she was really gentle with me. By the time she was done it was about 1045 and I got in the bed. She turned the lights out, I just laid there kinda numb watching National Treasure waiting for the next move. I started to get a bit more sleepy so I turned the tv off and she started the test of the attachments. "Move your left foot, move your right foot, cough 3 times, move your eyes from left to right"....Let me tell you, I didn't sleep well AT ALL!! But I tried to sleep as much as possible so I wouldn't have to come back and do this all again. Don't get me wrong, the bed was comfortable, the pillows were fine, it got really hot during the night (coming from someone who sleeps with the fan going everynight) but it was a nice room. It is very hard to sleep with all that crap on ya. Yeah, it sucked, but it's one step closer to my goal of surgery!
Anyways, so it's now the 14th of June and I'm supposed to be getting the results soon and the new date for surgery! Waiting is truly the hardest part!
Apnea Update
May 30, 2008
Some other good news is that It's the end of May! It's getting close! One less thing to if only the sleep study would be in the next couple weeks, I'll be golden
Reality sets in
May 27, 2008
It's just now setting in that I am beginning a journey that will carry me through the rest of my life...prolonging my life. I haven't had surgery yet, seems like the day can't get here soon enough. On Friday 30 May. I go for my sleep apnea eval. Hoping that he won't send me for a sleep study, because it will delay surgery date. Though I know that this is crucial in the recovery process. The next week on 4 June I have my psych eval. That's when I know my 6 month required period is coming to an end and I'm one step closer to changing my life for the better.