2nd follow up visit

Dec 04, 2007

I went to see Dr. Woodman for a 12 week follow up visit since my surgery.  I have lost another 8 lbs.  I have lost a total of approx. 47 lbs.  I am know having trouble keeping my pants up so I guess I need to do some shopping.  I am now working on losing another 8lbs for my next visit in Jan. 

Follow up Visit

Oct 04, 2007

I had my first visit with Dr. Woodman since I had my surgery on Aug. 21st.  I have lost another 2.5 lbs since last week when I had to see his nurse due to one of my incision bleeding. He did a fill but it was too tight  so he had to remove some of the fluid.  I now know what it means to be too tight.  I couldn't even get water down.  Thank goodness I didn't go home and the discover the problem. 

17 down 150 to go

Sep 30, 2007

I had to make an emergency trip to see Dr. Woodman.  I woke up on Wednesday Morning with on of my incision bleeding.  I was concern because I had my surgery over a month ago.  It seems that I popped a stich and it broke one of incision open.  At least it wasn't infected.  I go back to Dr. Woodman on Thursday, 10-04 to have my first fill.  I am looking forward to it.  I need some restricition.  Since Aug. 21st I have lost a total of 17 lbs.  WAY TO GO!!!


Dec 27, 2006

After giving the doctor's office all the documentation to send to the insurance company, I was approved within a month.  I went from my first pre-op testing in the middle of Nov. and had the last on the second week in Dec.  I thought I would have trouble with getting approval but I have to admit I was surprised at how quickly it went thru.  It took me approx. 18 months to comlete the requested diet, dr. approval etc before I submitted the paperwork for approval.  I am just happy that now the ball has started to roll.

About Me
Millington, TN
Surgery Date
Jul 30, 2004
Member Since

Friends 14

Latest Blog 4
2nd follow up visit
Follow up Visit
17 down 150 to go
