Yes, same old story, life long battle.
Looking forward to a healthier, sexy body!
Nut and Psych eval done. Just waiting on Doctor to get back from semiars or vacation...... Very anxious. Been playing with the back ground, this is fun!
This wait is killing me! I am so nervous someting is gonna mess it up. On a good note, I did get some samples of Unjury and to be honest with you I like the Fortress from Walmart better. But who knows, they say taste buds change post op....if it ever gets here.
I have 23 days left until surgery. I am bouncing off the walls ready! Not to mention I really need some time off work. I have a week sick time and a week of vacation saved. Looking forward to a rest. One of my co-workers said how sad is it that your excited about surgery and pain.... She said it in a nice way. I said I know it's crazy! My neice ask me today if I was gonna be stuck up after I loose weight, I told her no. But I was gonna flaunt my stuff....he he. She is 18 and I am 44. Teenagers outlook are somewhat different than adults. I did tell her I was gonna wear her cloths.