Maine Medical Center

"Maine Med is busier in the day surgery area than others I've been in, which made it somewhat noisier until I was moved from the "intake" area to be prepped for surgery. From the time I walked in until the time I left, it was a very positive experience. My husband used the hospital cafeteria and garage parking and found both most satisfactory. "

Roy Cobean

"At my first appointment with Dr. Cobean, I knew I'd made the right choice for a surgeon. I liked his "nuts-and-bolts" manner and his sense of humor. From the beginning, Dr. Cobean has clearly outlined the risks of gastric bypass surgery, complete with written information, pictures, and verbal review. I think if a patient is looking for a "hand-holding" kind of supportive surgeon, Roy Cobean may not be their guy. I found him to be candid and caring, truly respectful of his patients, and that is most important to me. Aftercare is stressed from the beginning as the key to successful lifetime outcome. Patients have regular appointments with the surgeon for follow-up and there is also currently a monthly support group. The Bariatric Center staff and the surgery office staff are all capable professionals who are unfailingly helpful and pleasant to deal with. "
About Me
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2001
Member Since

Before & After
rollover to see after photo
December 30, 2001 ~ size 26/28W ~ down from 298 and size 28/30 a year earlier
December 20, 2003 ~size 14~ Lost 112# since surgery on 01/06/03

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