Another beautiful day, March 20, 2010 first day of Spring

Mar 20, 2010

yes Spring has finally arrived, today!!  Jehovah is the best!! The four seasons, who would have thought this would make mankind so happy?  Jehovah is great and full of Wisdom!!

Would like to take this time to invite everyone reading this post to our yearly memorial of Jesus's death.  The date is Nissan the 14th, which this year is on a Tuesday, March 30, 2010, just after sundown.  There were over 10million at the 2009 Jesus Memorial, last year in April.  This amount of people should show all of us the value of what Jehovah has done for mankind.  He gave His only begotten, son, Jesus Christ so that we can live again in the Paradise Earth.  The Earth will never be destroyed, but the bad ones will be taken from it.  They will fall asleep in death and will be no more.   The wicked will be done away with and you will certainly look but they will not be,...Psalms 37:10&11.  Revelation states that death will be no more, sighing and crying all gone..this will happen soon.  Not in heaven but here on the Earth as the Lord's prayer has been repeated by millions of Christians.  We pray for Jehovah's Kingdom to come on the Earth as it is in the Heavens.  We are praying for the Earth to be cleansed of evil, wicked ones...then we will join in the cleaning up what man has done to the Earth.  Death will be no more, the former things will not be brought to mind.  Jesus will reign as King and then hand over the Kingship to his father, Jehovah.

This was never taught to me in church, it is not told by preacher man,  I had to read it for myself in the scriptures.  What do you believe?? Read the Bible it shows us what we should be doing, how things came to be and best of all, how Jehovah has it in His plan to fix the problems.  we will be amazed.  Why do Preachermen, Clergy Class,, Priest, etc. not teach us the truth?  Why do they all tell us we are going to Hell if we do not do good?  Jesus was in Hell for 3 days, was he bad?   No, Hell is only a grave, a place where ones are only asleep, there are no works in Sheol [Hades].  Jehovah does not torment people, He is a God of Love and wants all to live under His rule.  Not giving our allegance to a flag, but to Him, the Supreme One that is the Alpha and the Omega, no beginning, no end.  The One, Creator of Jesus his first creation.  The two of them working side by side, making the Earth a place for mankind to live and be happy.  There is so much to learn about God and his son.  Do not miss out, please join us at anyone of Jehovah's Witnesses Kingdom Halls in your area.   Again, the date is March 30, 2010 after sundown.   I am sure Jehovah will bless your sacrifice to come and listen to what He has in store for all of us.   May He bless you now and forever.

By the way I lost 3 lbs.  On my way to getting back on track....peace to all of you.  The journey is the fun part!!!! [:0)

