It's Been A Long Time - 3/17/13

Mar 17, 2013

I haven't updated my blog in a very long time.


I did  a quick cruise around the pages of my friends on here, and I've discovered a lot of abandoned pages.   I was hoping to read updates on some of my friends that had surgery around the same type I did, just to see how they are progressing....I guess once we get this far out from surgery, life just gets to be normal and this is no longer as important.


Life for me has had its share of ups and downs.  I'm currently the same weight as last summer, between 226-230 lbs.  I'm currently recovering from extensive ankle surgery, including tendon repair and the insertion of four screws.  Needless to say, I've been homebound for coming up on 5 wks.  I will be able to put weight on my right foot on 3/26...provided my xray comes back positive.


I've looking forward to getting clearance to return to some sort of physical fitness.  I have not been as consistent as I used to be due to me returning to college, working, having a relationship, and raising my teenage son.  Good thing is that I graduate this summer and I can return to some type of exercise schedule.  The good thing in all of this is that I am able to be mindful of what I am putting in my mouth.


Hope everyone is still meeting their fitness goals and doing well.


Take care.

