5 Year Anniversary

Apr 01, 2013

Today I received an email from OH congratulating me on my 5 year Post-op Anniversary.  I truly didn't know that it had been that long and definitely didn't realize that today was my 5 year anniversary.  This is the first time that I have posted as well in about 5 years.  I first want to thank God that I have made this far.  I weighed in at almost 400 lbs, shy probably 30 lbs or so.  However, I lost close to 150 lbs and in those 5 years, I gained approximately 30 to 35 back.  However, I am now back to getting in my protein and working out and I have lost 8 lbs of weight I have gained back.  My lowest weight after surgery was between 219 and 220.  Because of my height, I looked rather slim, which was cool.  The weight loss helped me to defeat high blood pressure.

For those of you getting ready for surgery please know that the surgery isn't a quick fix, but a tool to use to help you get healthy.  There is still a lot of work to do after surgery, but it's doable.  I'm back on track and I'm really enjoying my life.


I Did It!

Mar 14, 2009

Hello All,

I pray that all who read my blog are doing well and living life to its fullest.  On March 6th, 2009 I completed my first 5k race in Uptown Charlotte.  It was a total of 3.1 miles that I had to complete.  I walked and did a slow jog with one of my co-workers and I completed it in 53 minutesand 34 seconds.  I was so excited and happy for myself.  I couldn't believe that I had completed that many miles in less than an hour.  It was a wonderful way for me to culminate my first year after surgery. 

I just want to encourage those who think that they can't  complete a 5k race, yes you can.  It's amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.  Now believe me when I say that I was hurting for the next 3 days, but it was well worth it to me.

I would love to be able run a 5k one day, but I really don't like running like that.  I don't mind the slow jog throughout the race, but I don't think me and full stride running will get along.  HA!  But who knows what I will be doing in the next year.

Well this is all for now, you all be blessed and stay encouraged!

1 Year Post Op Appointment

Mar 04, 2009

Hello All,

I go today to see Dr. K for my one year post op appointment.  My actual one year anniversary is on March 31st.  I still can't believe how fast the time has gone.  All I can say is that I am blessed beyond measure and I'm thankful for each day that God allows me to be here.  I am down 104lbs since surgery and 119lbs since I begin this weight loss journey.  That is still so amazing to me.  My health is better and I feel and look a lot better too.  Don't let people fool you, this journey isn't easy and at times I still struggle with food.  Not so much the quantity that I eat, but more so what it is that I eat.  I never use to be a constant sweet eater, just every once in a while.  Well, I've been on a sweet binge it seems, for the last month.  However, I know how to fix that, and I will. 

I do want to encourage those who read my blog.  Please keep your head up and keep on striving for your goal.  It is hard work, however, the pay off from it is awesome.  Keep praying, for it is from God that we draw our strength.  I don't regret having this surgery at all.  I would do it all over again in a heart beat.  My life has changed for the better and will never be the same again.  We have choices in this life and we have to make the decision to have better health, by any means necessary.  I will no longer be a victim of my own weight or the insecurities that came from being overweight all of my life.  I have a renewed confidence in God.  I was fearfully and wonderfully made by Him and in his image.  Now that is some beauty to behold!  Can I get an Amen.

May those who visit my page and read my blogs be blessed, encouraged, and inspired  to keep on moving forward.  Failure is not option, for Christ has already won the victory!



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Almost A Year Out

Feb 08, 2009

Hello All,

I can't believe how fast the time has gone.  I will be a year out on March 31st.  I thank God for the opportunity to make it this far and to be at the weight that I am.  I can't remember the last time that I weighed 200 anything.  I broke down and bought a scale.  I hadn't previously bought one, because I didn't want to become obsessed with weighing myself everyday or even every other day.  I figured that since I was almost a year out, that I would go ahead and buy one.  So I had my son to go ahead and put the battery in it for me and of course he had to jump on it first. Ha!

I hadn't weighed myself in a while, so I was sort of hesitant, on top of the fact that I had been eating a lot of junk lately.  Mainly chips and dip this week.  I had done so well up until this weekend.  At any rate I got on the scale and it read 228.8.  I was so excited I had to get on it again to make sure that it was right and the second time it read 228.2.  So, I have finally broken that 230 plateau that I had been on since January.  I felt like I had probably lost some more weight, but I wasn't for sure because I didn't have a scale nor had I weighed myself at my husbands job.  So any way, I got my praise on in my dining room. My son was like "Mom that's not right, you weigh less than me".  I was like yes it is, shoot!  My son is 15 years old and about 6'2 or 6'3 and weighs 229 lbs and I'm only 5'7.  He's a big boy! 

My total weightloss since surgery is 103lbs and 118lbs since the beginning of my journey to lose this weight.  People I have lost a whole person.  When you think about it that way, its hard to comprehend that I was really carrying around an average size female.  God is so good!  I know that a lot of people still believe that this type of surgery is the easy way out,; but they are so uninformed.  This is probably the hardest decision that I have ever made in my life and I don't regret having the surgery at all.  My health is better and I am now open to doing some things that I would have never tried at 346lbs.  I want to go rock climbing, of course in a controlled environment with the straps and bungee cords hooked to me, etc. Ha!  I want to walk a long trail or even a hiking trail with some hills, shoot I might would even try running a little bit.  I do like the adrenaline that I get from running.

I have added more weight traning to my cardio sessions.  I would like to recommend the Prevention workout series with instructor Chris Freytag.  She is awesome and the workouts are not too difficult to learn.  I started out with her walking dvd and have now added about 4 or 5 more of the series to my workout dvd library.  I've learned that it is to your advantage to weight train while doing cardio.  You burn more calories and tone up at the same time.  You can order them from Prevention.com.  You will really be glad that you bought them.

Well, I guess that I'll close now.  To my OH Family, thanks for all of the encouragement and kind comments.  I have made a lot of friends on the site and I thank God for you.  To those who have had the surgery, keep on pressing forward and to those who are going through the process of getting the surgery, keep your head up and know that your day is coming.

Be blessed and stay encouraged!
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On a Mission

Jan 25, 2009

Hello All,

Just thought that I would drop a few lines and say hello to my OH family.  My journey is still going pretty well.  My weight loss has slowed down a bit, but that's ok, cause it's still coming off.  My goal now is to be in a size 14 by summer and to be able to run a mile by the fall of next year.  I'm back working out at least 5 days a week and I'm enjoying it.  I'm ususally good and tired when I get finished, but I like the benefits that I get from working out.

I am 6 weeks away from finishing my masters degree.  I can't believe that I am this close to finishing.  God is so good and I give Him all the glory, honor and praise for bringing me this far.  Every once in a while I take a moment to reflect on my life and I know that if it wasn't for Christ I wouldn't be here.  We have to trust Him with our everything.  I'm proud of myself for taking my health into my hands and making the decison with Gods approval to have the surgery.  It was a tough decision, one that has definitely changed my life for the better.  I serve an awesome God! 

To those who have had the surgery or preparing for surgery, keep the faith and do what the doctors ask of you.  There are parts of this journey that can be difficult at times, but trust me when I say that the benefits of better health is worth it.  Trust God to carry you through this journey and everything will be alright.  2009 is the year to get your life back and to take your relationship with God to the next level.  My you have peace, love, joy and prosperity from this day forward.

With love, your OH sista!
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A New Year & Almost 10 Months Out

Jan 13, 2009

Hello Family,

I first want to say Happy New Year and may it bring you many blessings, success and prosperity!

So far my new year has been going well... I have been struggling lately with my exercise and diet.  I have been snacking a lot and I think at times I am eating a little too much... I say that because I feel like my stomach is about to burst.  I seem to snack on a mixture of things, chips, salsa, cheese, fruit etc.  So everything isn't necessarily bad for me, its just that I seem to do it more often in the evening when I'm home.  It's like all I think about is munching.  I still workout, it's just not everyday like it was in the earlier months.  Life has a way of getting in the way.  I am constantly running from here to there most of the week, so exercise doesn't happen for like it used to.  I know that I am going to have to make a true committment to it and just do it.  I can tell when I haven't worked out on a regular basis or in a long time, because I hurt and I breathe harder than normal.

I'm hoping after this semester of school I will be able to get on a real schedule.  As for the diet, I'm just going to have to do better and stop snacking on so much junk food.  It's not that I can consume a lot of it, its just that I'm snacking in less than 3 hrs of the previous time I ate.  Now the weight is still coming off, it's just coming off slower.  However, I have reached my 100 lb loss mark though and that is a wonderful feeling.  I'm loving the way that I look and feel.  I have slowed down on the shopping at this point.  I don't plan to buy any more clothes until I reach a size 14W.  I currently wear a size 16W.  Some 18W still look pretty good on me and then some 18W are too big.

Well, this blog sort''ve served as my cofession to myself that I am off track.  But no worries, I have already started back working out.
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Almost 9 Months Out

Dec 29, 2008

Hello All,

Well I hope that everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas.  My holiday was wonderful and blessed.  I was able to spend it with family and friends.  I am now officially down 101lbs since my surgery on March 31, 2008.  I am down 116lbs since I begin the wls journey.  God is so awesome!  I have a lot to be thankful and grateful for in my life.  I am thoroughly enjoying every bit of it.  I am 1 class away from finishing my MBA and I can't wait until that is over.   I am currently wearing a size 16, that's down 12 dress/pant sizes.  I wore a size 26/28 in the beginning.

I will hopefully be posting some new pictures soon.

For those who are going through the journey or those in waiting, keep your head up and continue to do whatever it is you need to do to become a success in all areas of your life.  Take this journey one day at a time and be in constant prayer.  This is not an easy road to take and don't let anybody tell you that it's easy.  I still have my struggles, but I don't do great on one day, I try and make better choices on the next.  May your new year be lighter, prosperous and most of all blessed beyond what is conceivable to you.

Keep the faith!

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8 Months Out

Dec 03, 2008

Hello Everyone!

I pray that everyone had a blessed and safe Thanksgiving holiday.  I was blessed to be able to spend mine with my family.  As I get older and live my daily life, I realize how short life really is and how we should live it to the fullest each day, thanking God for each breath we take.  Life is not promised to us the next second, minute, hour or day, but when we are given life, we should so grateful to still be here.  Don't get me wrong, to be with Christ after this life is a much better gain.

I have now lost a total 96 lbs since surgery and 111 lbs since  I started the wls journey.  I went in to Dr. K's office today to have some lab work done to check my vitamin D levels and I sat there listening to a group of lap band patients complain about the struggles they have encountered with their fills.  I sat there thinking God is so good, because I decided not to have the lap band for the very reasons they were complaining about.  God brought me through my surgery fine, and I have not had any illnesses or set backs since my surgery.  I thank God that I am well and that my surgery is considered to be a success.  I don't regret having the wls surgery at all and I would encourage it for those who have struggled with their weight all their lives and for those who have co-mordities.

I just want to encourage someone to be thankful for where you are in your life.  You may be in a situation, but you don't have to be the situation.  Don't let it determine who you are or how you act.  Continuously hold your up knowing that this situation too will pass.  The economy is affecting just about everyone, so keep our new President and his staff in your prayers, for they have a hard task ahead of them.  However, we serve a God that can make crooked places straight.  He is all knowing and all seeing.  Pray that President Obama will seek Christ first in his decision making, with that done, we know that the path he chooses for America will be that of a better one!

May you be blessed and encouraged!  Keep up the hard work and pressing toward your goal!

With Love!

Just Checking In

Nov 18, 2008

It's has been a while since I have posted anything, so I thought that I would drop a few lines.  I am currently doing pretty good.  My weight has been stable for the past few months and I have been slacking on my work out regime for the past week.  I've been running around so much with church, work and school, that I don't feel like working out.  I'm still wearing a size 18 but I'm enjoying it.  I still want to get down another 70lbs or so but I'm taking it one day at a time.

Well this is all for now, so until the next time, all be blessed and stay encouraged!

Almost 7 Months Out

Oct 24, 2008

I was just looking at some of my friends pages and looking at pictures on the site etc. and it just hit me that I will 7 months post op on 10/31/08.  It is so amazing that time has flown by so fast.  I will be a year post op soon.  I haven't weighed in a while, so I don't know if I've lost anything since my post, but I'm feeling pretty good.

I'm really enjoying being a woman now days.  I'm wearing my make up more and dressing with a little more flair.   I'm trying things that I wouldn't have tried before losing the weight. 

Well, to everyone starting the journey, keep your head up and be patient.  To the post ops keep up the good work and keep pressing on.

To all be blessed!

About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 28, 2007
Member Since

Friends 48

Latest Blog 59
8 Months Out
Just Checking In
Almost 7 Months Out
