July Update
Jul 21, 2009
Well, here I am about 22 weeks post op. I still can't believe I've had the surgery because I feel so good. Everyone told me that each day would get better but I can't believe how fast that happened for me.I continue to workout at Curves three days a week and sometimes four days a week. I haven't been totally faithful about walking the other three days but I do try. Summer is a busy time for me and I find that I am doing other things and they fill my time so I don't get that walk in. I know I have to keep exercising or I'll be one of the folks who ends up gaining weight instead of losing it.
Speaking of the weight loss, I am stuck for some reason at 187 pounds and can't seem to get the scale to move. I keep thinking that I might need to work harder at Curves to get my metabolism moving, but I don't know. I am eating as I should be (too scared to eat otherwise!) and drinking the water is the easiest part for me so that's okay too. The only part I think that I could improve on is the workout/exercise. I have to keep focused and work hard at those things because I am on this journey for life!!
As for the mind changing with the body, I am working on that. I still think of myself as "fat" even though I can see that I am smaller than before the surgery. When I look at my "reference points" (i.e. others who I used to compare myself to in terms of size), I can see that I am smaller and in some instances, smaller than others whom I used to be bigger than. I am still waiting for my head to catch up with my body on this weight loss journey and I know it will, in time.
My energy level is unbelievable!! I can go and go and go, just like the Energizer Bunny. What used to tire me out in the past doesn't even phase me now. I am sure it's because I am eating good food, smaller portions, exercising, have built muscles and there's less of me. I have played badminton, frisbee, horseshoes, baggo, ladder golf, bocce ball and catch with my daughter this summer and that would not have happened had I not lost the weight. I have tried things I'd never do before because of my size and I am finding the new adventures wonderful.
This has been such a great experience and I believe it's because of my surgeon and his staff. They are wonderful and care deeply about my health. I am so grateful to them for their care and ongoing support. They are the best!
Thank you for checking in on me and keep checking.
About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2003
Member Since