Two Years Today

Feb 11, 2011

Well, here I am two years post-op and doing fine.  Have had my "lost the most" moment and now have gained the "you will gain some back" moment.  It is a struggle, I am not going to be dishonest about that.  Surgery is a tool and only a tool..........I still have to do the hard work to keep the weight at bay.  I will have my annual check up with Dr. Jamal/the clinic soon and will see what their thoughts are about my progress.  

I feel great and have plenty of energy and good health.  I do Jazzercise three times a week (well, at least twice a week) and use my Gazelle three days a week.  I take one day off just because.  

People ask me all the time, "would you do it again" and my answer is always "most definitely".  It was the best thing I did for myself and really helped my health improve.  I take my supplements faithfully and eat so-so.  My protein intake is generally good but I do struggle with eating the wrong foods.  I had this surgery with the hopes of having severe dumping, but I don't.  That's why I say, it is a tool and only a tool.  The surgery provided me with a smaller stomach so I can't eat as much as I used to at once.  My struggle will always be with what I eat and I work on it everyday.

So, that's where I am two years later...............and truly can't believe it's been two years.  Some days it seems like more and other days it seems like it was just yesterday.  If you are someone who is considering or contemplating this surgery, please do the research about the different surgeries, talk to your primary care physician and then attend many seminars at all the bariatric clinics to see which one feels comfortable for you.

Thanks for checking in on me!



About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 08, 2003
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