Katie B.
2 days away!!!
Jun 16, 2013
Well here I sit, nervous as ever, about my impending surgery! I've wanted this for so long and it's almost here! Nervous, anxious, scared, excited... so many emotions are flowing through me! I know this is the right thing to do. I know I need this. Will I make it through surgery without any troubles? Will my boys be okay without me for a few days? Will I regret my decision? My mind is racing with so many questions! Over the past 11 years my weight has crept up to almost 300 pounds! So many things contributed to how I got this way, but none an excuse for me not stopping this rollercoaster I've been on. It's time to stop and get off! I know it won't be easy. I know it'll be really hard work. I am ready! I pray every day that the Lord will help me through this journey. I feel truly blessed that I am given this opportunity for a "do-over" with my health! Here's to making every action count!