It's real
Sep 25, 2016
A few days ago I had my initial intake appointment. I'm not going to lie I had a few moments of panic leading upto it, it didn't feel real until I walked into the clinic. But I am very happy with how it went. I met with an RN and we over how the program works, the types of surgery, my medical history etc. We went over the changes I have made already and he was happy that I had quite a bit of knowledge about the process- thanks OH I think I have read every artical and blog on here! It was nice to hear from someone who is not a friend or family reinforce the good changes I have made, to me they are small and not enough, I'm naturally hard on myself but this is something I fully intend to work on. The process for me will be about 1 1/2 to 2 years. I will need to travel to Edmonton at least every 3 months, I am thankful for such a great boss who is ok with me missing work often and a family that supports me. I do have a few classes to attend but I can do most of it online which is great. The less travel the better, although the shopping is better in Edmonton than Yellowknife
I have some home work to do but honestly I am looking forward to it. For the first time in my life I am ready to change, I'm feel motivated to better myself not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. My next appointments are late november with the Phyciatrist, Phycologist, Dietitian and Internist. I will continue to post my progress, if you know of anyone in Yellowknife or the north I would love to connect with them!