I don't really have a story, I am 42 years old. I have been heavy for the last 20 years, tried just about everything to lose the weight. I would lose some and gain more back. My heaviest was 285. I was 276 surgery day. I am 5'6" . I was beginning to take meds for diabetes type 2, I was retaining fluid in my legs, (that was 2 more meds)Was on a C-pap for sleep apnea.I didn't take anything for BP, but since surgery, my pulse and BP run lower then before( 99/59 ). I take one med now for underactive thyroid. Thats it, I feel wonderful, I do what my surgeon tells me to(with exception to coffee), I have lost 93 pounds so far. Unless you count the 9 pounds I lost prior to surgery then its 102. Dr. G has not told me my "goal " weight. I suspect it will be 145-150. I plan on asking at my 6 month check up.