Well I really don't know where to start. I am 40 Years old and have been heavy ever since I can remember. I am So tired of being fat. that's right I don't mind saying it I am FAT!! I have been researching RNY for 2 years now and didn't think I would ever get the surgery. I guess after so long of being sick and tired of being sick and tired you finally decide to do something about it. My boyfriend is supportive. I think he know's that I am MISERABLE. I think more than anything he was worried about complications. I so want to get down on the floor and play with my grandkids. I so want to be able to tie my shoes without it becoming a major event. I SO want to be able to take a shower and not have to sit down and rest before getting dressed!!! I was never really uncomfortable with the fact that I was fat. I hear so many people talk about walking into a place to eat and seeing everyone stare at you. I justr never experienced that. I don't know if they really were starring at me or if my mind was so focused on food that I didn't notice if anyone was looking at how fat I am. I am now dealing with the health issues from being overweight. Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, High Cholesterol, Obsity onset of Asthma. There are many I have almost all of the co-morbity's. I thankfully don't have Diabetes yet but I'm sure if this goes on much longer it's right around the corner. I went to the seminar on Sat. Nov 18th I met manty of the staff from Dr Scotts office. Everyone was very nice and made sure they answered all questions. I hope to have my packet turned in by next week along with my bloodwork and referral letter then it'll be wait for the Dr. appt. and go to the half day meetings like the nutritionist and stuff like that. I'll have to call around this week and find out where I can get my psyche eval. since my insurance doesn't cover it. Right now I am 5'5" 312 lbs and my body mass index is 51.2 I will be so happy to get my BMI down. Well there it is the bad and the ugly. I'll try to keep this current. For now I gotta run
Well I have my blood work done and have my consult letter done. It's getting closer. I think I am getting a little nervous. Actually,I would be scared even more if I wasn't nervous. This will be a huge lifestyle change and saying it'll be easy is totally wrong!!! Don't get me wrong I am so ready but at the same time I am a little nervous and scared. I know I can do this there are so many out there who have done t and if they can do it I can do it. With God anything is possible. I will ask for guidance. THrough him all things are possible!! Tomorrow is my stress test then after that everything will be done on my end except the psyche eval and hopefully I can get that soon. I will come back soon and let everyone know what's going on
Well, paper work is sent in. I have tried to not smoke as much but haqve been finding myself snacking more frequently. I sent my papers the day after my stress test. So, it was last Thurs that I sent them. I had my stress test done here hoping that would hurry things along. Maybe it getting closer than I think. I am ready to get the ball rolling.
Well I got a letter in the mail last week and my Dr's office forgot to send in my letter of reference. I just so happened to have a Dr's appt. the following week so I asked my Dr to get that sent in. My stress test came back normal. All my blood work looked good too. Hopefully it won't be long now. I can't wait to sit on the losers bench with so many others.
1.) Better Health
2.) Sitting without feeling uncomfortable
3.) Sitting in a chair with out feeling it might break
4.) Playing with my grandchildren
5.) Getting down on the floor and have no problem getting back up.
6.) A better sex life wooooohooo (sorry so blunt)
7.) Sitting down and for once being able to close my legs and not have fat get in the way
8.) Walking around the mall without having to stop and sit down and rest
9.) Tying my shoes without feeling uncomfortable
10.) Sitting down and not feeling like I'm sitting up as well as I could because my stomach is so big.
11.) Wear clothes that didn't come from mail order or a big womans clothes shop.
March 18th
Well, went to see Dr. Scott on the 7th. Went in got weighed. Down only one pound but it wasn't more than at the seminar. Had a great time in the waiting room chatting with some who already had the surgery and some who were waiting and some who were a little further out after surgery. Then the nurse called me in and we went over my history. After we finished she told me I needed my psyhiatric evaluation and then I needed to go see their psychologist. They also told me I need to go to a GI appt. I was kinda sad I still had all this to do. I had hoped to be closer because I thought I had all my stuff done pretty much. It's okay though I am so glad I have a surgeon who cares about the person they are treating and not just what he will get paid for doing the surgery. So, when I left his office it was already 4:15 I got on the phone but didn't get anything done that day. DBF went with me to my appt. and kinda kept me grounded. He said don't worry it's going to happen just as soon as you were hoping. I don't have my appt with GI til May 18th. I was kinda hoping it would get done sooner than that. Well I'll post later it's getting late and I have to get up early.
May 31st
Well it's been a while since I have posted. Mainly becuase I really don't have any news. I went to the psychologist in Columbia Apr 23rd and was cleared for WLS. I still haven't heard from the bariatric center but yesterday started bugging them. Hopefully they'll get tired of hearing from me and do something. My insurance was the first to approve it only took about ten days for that. I am getting nervous and a little more excited. I have been trying to quit with the smoking but seem to be gaining weight. They won't do the surgery unless you weigh what you weighed at the seminar so I am now trying to watch more of what I eat. Because of the weight gain I am wondering if I am a good canidate for this surgery. If I can't control myself now how am I going to control myself after the surgery?
June 23rd
I know, I know it has been a while since I posted but I have been enjoying my time out of schol and have been able to post more on the message board. So, on the 21st I went to my Nutrition appt they also had the exercise therapist come in, one of the doctor's and the psychologist. All in all, it was agreat day and now I am closer to my surgery. I quit smoking two weeks ago!!! Yaaaayyyyy. I thought it would be harder than it has been. I have put drinking water and eating watermelon in it's place. Not such a bad thing huh?
So, I know I should be more nervous than I am right now but I had my melt down about a week ago. It's nice to have friends here though because you can have your melt down and then you go on. That's all there is to it. I have made this decision, I have decided to get in the drivers seat, I have decided that food no longer defines who I am. I can and I will succeed. I know I am a food addict. I wouldn't be here today if I weren't. We all know that we don't become fat by eating healthy. Well, now I have decided that i want to become healthy and I'm not scared to admit that I can't do this on my own. I need help. So, this tool will help me. It's ok if people don't understand that I can't do this on my own. I have tried but I just can't.
What I think is priceless is sitting by people who are no where near over wieght and they are sitting by a 300 pound woman and they are rubbing their flat freakin tummies and saying how FAT they are getting!!! I sit there and think to myself you have got to be kidding me. Here they sit in their chairs that they fit into perfectly. They didn't worry about breaking them when they sat down and they're gonna sit there and actually say how fat they are. I DON'T UNDERSTAND THAT. I will not pretend to understand it. I will look at them everytime and say PLEASE WHEN YOU ARE REALLY FAT I WILL LISTEN TO THOSE COMMENTS. Do they really want fat people to feel for them because I'm telling you my big toe probab;y weighs more than their entire leg.
So, what I am saying is that people who do not live what we have to live have NO idea of what we go through on a normal day. So, if you are out there and you have to make a choice about having weight loss surgery let it be YOUR choice!! There will be some who don't want you to have it, and that is because they aren't educated enough to make a informative decision. This is your life we are talking about. Not theirs. If they love you they will eventually accept your decision and if they don't well you'll have a hard choice to make, your life?? your friend??? let me say that again your life?? your friend??? It's up to you who's more important??? have a great day!!! I'll check in soon!!!
July 9th
Wel it's July 9th only one week until I am on the losers bench. It seems time has just increased to the fastest I have ev er seen it. I thought it would drag on nad on but it seems to be going faster. I have been on the liquid diet now for a whole week. It makes you tired and irritable. I am not really hungry I just can't have what I want. I guess I should get used to that. I have an appointment with Dr. Scott Weds.
Week before last (sat) I went to GNC to get my protein drinks ( minimum of 5 a day) and when leaving I weighed myself. At thatpoint I weighed 319 pounds. I had gained 9 pounds but chalked that up to my quitting smoking 3 weeks prior. Well, had to go back this previous sat to get my post surgery stuff. I bought some isopure, protein bullets, and a shaker. Well anyway as I was leaving I weighed myself again. I was amazed to see thatI now weigh 303. Omigosh!!!!!! I was so excited. I knew that I had lost weight but had no idea I had lost that much. I weighed myself when I got up yesterday morning because my scale only goes up to three hundred. AND WAAAAHOOOO I weighed 299. This is so great. I am succeeding with this. I can't wait to see what is going to happen after surgery. GREAT THINGS TO COME< GREAT THINGS TO COME!!! I'll keep y'all posted!!!
Jan 20
WOW how does time go by so quickly?? I am so sorry it has been so long but with my surgery and school life has been going by too quickly. I have now lost 119 pounds!!! WOOOHOOO. I have been through the ups and downs but wouldn't change a second of my journey. Anyone who says this is the easy way out is sorely mistaken. I have really went down in my sizes and for the first time over the weekend went shopping in a normal store. I started out in a size 26-28 and last weekend went to k-mart and just wanted to try on some jeans to see where I am. Well I tried on an 18 and they were too big so I tried on a 16 and still a little big. I foound some 15-16 and tried those on and guess what they fit!!! They are still a little big in the hips and butt. My stomach keeps me from getting in the 14's. Anyways I had to go to dress barn on Fri because I needed a shirt for mine and my fiances outing fri night. I went from a 4x down to an extra large. Life is great is it not?? Then when I got home with my shirt I didn't like the jeans I had bought and went back to dress barn to get a different pair. Well, guess what size of jeans I wear from there?? SIZE 14!!!! wooohoo!!! I could get the 12's on and they looked great on my hips and butt, but they were too tight on the belly.
It's not only about sizes. I feel So much better and can out walk any of my friends or family!! I have accomplished ALL my goals above and will be thinking of new ones. Soon as I figure them out I will share them with you. I have mentioned this before, please if you are thinking about this surgery or any other let it be your choice. I don't dump or get sick. I can eat anything I want. Sometimes I wish that I would be one who dumps but at the same time this forces me to make my choices more wise. I didn't go through all this to not succeed.
I will check in soon as I can and if you ever have qustions leave a message for me and I will get back to you soon as possible.