Getting to Know ME
Nov 21, 2006
Well I really don't know where to start. I am 40 Years old and have been heavy ever since I can remember. I am So tired of being fat. that's right I don't mind saying it I am FAT!! I have been researching RNY for 2 years now and didn't think I would ever get the surgery. I guess after so long of being sick and tired of being sick and tired you finally decide to do something about it. My boyfriend is supportive. I think he know's that I am MISERABLE. I think more than anything he was worried about complications. I so want to get down on the floor and play with my grandkids. I so want to be able to tie my shoes without it becoming a major event. I SO want to be able to take a shower and not have to sit down and rest before getting dressed!!! I was never really uncomfortable with the fact that I was fat. I hear so many people talk about walking into a place to eat and seeing everyone stare at you. I justr never experienced that. I don't know if they really were starring at me or if my mind was so focused on food that I didn't notice if anyone was looking at how fat I am. I am now dealing with the health issues from being overweight. Hypertension, Sleep Apnea, High Cholesterol, Obsity onset of Asthma. There are many I have almost all of the co-morbity's. I thankfully don't have Diabetes yet but I'm sure if this goes on much longer it's right around the corner. I went to the seminar on Sat. Nov 18th I met manty of the staff from Dr Scotts office. Everyone was very nice and made sure they answered all questions. I hope to have my packet turned in by next week along with my bloodwork and referral letter then it'll be wait for the Dr. appt. and go to the half day meetings like the nutritionist and stuff like that. I'll have to call around this week and find out where I can get my psyche eval. since my insurance doesn't cover it. Right now I am 5'5" 312 lbs and my body mass index is 51.2 I will be so happy to get my BMI down. Well there it is the bad and the ugly. I'll try to keep this current. For now I gotta run