26/11/13 - I still have sleep apnea

Nov 26, 2013

I'm back from the doctor and the results of the latest sleep study -- my sleep apnea is still there, when I sleep on my back.  His words were "deadly".  

My on my side numbers were excellent, and I took him the numbers from my CPAP machine -- he was delighted with them.   We'll re-evaluate in a year;  with hard work I should be down another 50 pounds.    

Since I'm going to be on this for another year, I'm going to get a new face gear, nose pillows, and replace the electrically-taped hose with a new one.  Merry Christmas to me.  :)

I do like my machine, and was highly motivated to use it.  I sleep better with the machine than I had in years.   It's been three years and I don't mind keeping it, after all, it's all in the aid of good health.


8/11/13 - Have any of you kept these from the hospital?

Nov 08, 2013

  I did, because just as when I leave a hotel, I take things with me.   

I used them in the hospital (Ottawa Civic) for sipping water, and meds were delivered in them.

Nine and a half months later, I still use them daily.  No, not for water, silly *grin*, but I do use them perhaps once a day if I'm taking my bedtime supplements and meds to the bedroom to swallow them there, or to another room to consume them with the water I have there.

I thought I'd just put the meds/vitamins/supplements in my hands, but you know?   These wee plastic cups remind me that (a) these *are* medications -- I need these vitamins and supplements every day of my life, at specified times, for the rest of my life post weight loss surgery and (b) I am doing just what I'm supposed to do for the continued betterment of my health.

So, yeah, it's a goofy thing, and possibly a goofy post, but in a way, it's another NSV in my life.


Food Pyramid - Weight Loss Surgery style

Nov 08, 2013


8/11/13 - Remember why I am doing this

Nov 07, 2013

From Ralph Marston (an oldie but a goodie).

Whenever anything seems too difficult, tedious or uncomfortable, stop for a moment and remember.  Stop for a moment and remember why you're doing it in the first place.

When there's a meaningful reason for what you're doing, then you can summon the motivation and the energy to get it done. Connect yourself with that reason, and allow it to push you forward.  You have a very real stake in the outcome of your own efforts because you've chosen to make those efforts for a reason.  Be sure to keep yourself connected to what that reason is.

Discipline, persistence, commitment and effectiveness cannot exist in a vacuum.   They need a real and meaningful reason, a driving purpose, in order to thrive.

Whenever something starts to et you down, challenge yourself to remember why you're doing it.  Remember why, and move ahead with a fresh, powerful, renewed sense of purpose.   Remember why, and you'll have what it takes to get it done.


1/10/13 - I will be so glad when OH's convention is over

Oct 01, 2013

I am completely and utterly bored with all their advertisements.

It keeps the site free, but sheeeesh, enough already.



Why yes, I *do* look like a Sharpei

Oct 01, 2013

...but I did *before* surgery.  Ageless, I am not.


24/9/13 - smile

Sep 23, 2013


19/9/13 - It's official, I hate it

Sep 19, 2013

I hereby confirm I intensely dislike walking, Nordic or otherwise. 

Too hot, my hips and knees hurt, I don't like sweating and I hate the bugs. 

It'll get better (HA HA HA).  

And, my pissy competitive self *LOATHES* being last.  

 I'll continue to do it, but I am on record that I hate it.  (On record with you, not them.)  I have seven more Nordic Walking classes to go.  


I know, first world problems ... :(


7/9/13 - Seasonal NSV

Sep 08, 2013

Okay, so it's not a season change yet -- despite the temperature and lowering sky, it's still summer, BUT ... you know those bits of fallen leaves that get on the floor of the car around the accelerator and brake pedal?  Sure you do.

Well, moi ... yes, moi!  I can reach down now, past where my pendulous belly was and pick up those leaves and detritus and fling them from the car WHILE I AM SITTING IN THE SEAT!

Happy September all!


23/8/13 - Seven months post-op

Sep 08, 2013

Remember, I'm 64 -- be kind :)

Prep-op - January 2013 - 294 pounds


August 23, 2013 - seven months post-op - 217.4 pounds


