Six Months Out...Oh, I'm so bad!

May 21, 2013


Oh my, it has been so long…*hang head in shame*.

Let’s see…well, I am officially under 300 lbs!  Weeee!  I am around 272 to 275 right now and I haven’t weighed in forever because I am currently experiencing massive PMS hell and I have noticed in the past I bloat and gain some water weight right before my period which usually results in not losing any and then after my period I drop 10 lbs…so I’m waiting for that to be over to weigh again.

Other than that horrid lady biz situation, I have actually developed a horrible possibly RNY related health issue – KIDNEY STONES!

Ahhhhh!  OMG, seriously I do not wish that kind of pain on my worst enemy…“I wish kidney stones you” will never come out of my mouth.  Holy shit that hurts!  For the ladies, if y’all get back pain while you’re ovulating or before your period, it feels like that but magnified by like, a million.  For the guys, just kick yourself in the balls like twenty times in a row and you might get something similar.

The first time I had one it was around 1:30 am and I had no idea what it was so I was terrified it was my pouch or intestines or something surgery-related, but they did a CT scan at the ER and confirmed it.  Thankfully the stone had already passed.  Since then I have been drinking water like a freak, but I had another episode about a month later where I was home alone and basically just had to suffer.  It felt good to scream, so I did.  I drank a TON of water, walked around my house (for some reason that helps), and then tried to sleep crouched in the fetal position.  I was finally able to sleep without interruption at around 4 am.  Thank goodness it was Sunday and I could sleep in.

Then I had an issue where there was a stone stuck in my urethra – I kept feeling the urge to pee but I couldn’t.  Whether or not this was a good idea I don’t know, but I took a water pill, which makes me pee like a freak, and it shot out.

Since then I am uber-aware of what my body is doing.  Currently I almost expect another kidney stone to happen because I have that dull ache again in my left side but it’s coming on slowly, not suddenly, so I don’t know.
An issue I’m having to deal with because of the stones is that they say people that are prone to kidney stones should eat a low protein diet…welllll, that’s all well and good for a normal person, but what am I supposed to do?


If anyone has had issues with kidney stones, please let me know how you manage your protein.


So I guess that’s it for my current update!  Hope everyone else is doing good!

