Melt Down
Jun 28, 2010
Questions, Questions
Jun 23, 2010
Of course we know I'm not really starving but I really wish I could have a cigarette at least. It's so much harder with out any crutch at all. I hope these two weeks go by fast. I'm busy trying to clean the house and catch up on all the back stuff before my surgery.
I have so many questions about after surgery. Will I be back to normal "right quick" as they say down south? Will I come home, sleep a day and then get back to my normal routine? Will I need any special helps that I might not have around the house? Is there anything other than the protein drinks and vitamins I should have on hand? What if I'm the 1 in 1,000 that doesn't make it. I'll die a fat person. How very sad for me. :( Can I officially change my birthday to July 7, 2010 and start my life over again? I'll do a much better job taking care of myself this time. I promise!
A Surgery Date ~ ~ ~ Yikes!
Jun 16, 2010
Good Day .....Bad Day....or Just A Weird Day???
Aug 25, 2009

I lost another 3 lbs...woo hoo....which puts me 6 lbs to a good BMI for the surgery. I felt great! Ashley is so supportive and makes me feel like I CAN DO IT!

Woooooooooooot! At last...progress!
Aug 08, 2009
Heading Into Month 7
Jul 07, 2009
I can't believe it's been nearly 7 months since I started this process. I am so disappointed in myself for not being able to lose the weight required and in Dr. Loggins, whom I can never seem to get to talk to. I've called several times but he has yet to return my call as Kim said he would. I'm now looking at other surgerons and hoping they will take all of my labs since January.
Can't believe I did it
May 12, 2009
Ten Things I Miss
May 09, 2009
1. I miss wearing my high heels. All that talk about pounds per square inch and torturing your feet I can attest to. I can't wait until I can once again torturer my feet and dang didn't they look great while they were being tortured.

2. Dancing! Lord, don't I miss dancing. Any kind of dancing at all. I always assumed it would be my broken foot or knee surgery that stopped me from dancing. Nope, it's my weight and my fibro. All this extra weight has put a huge strain on my joints. I can't wait until down enough for me to start dancing again. Tap, jazz, ballet, belly or ballroom makes no difference to me, I want to dance them all!

3. Cross my legs. Such a simple thing really. I long for the days when I could cross my legs and dangle my little ole shoe from by big toe.
4. Kayaking! One of my favorite things to do with both of my daughters. I'm not sure if the kayak would even hold me now. I do know that my balance is so far off that I'm terrified to even try getting into the kayak.
5. I miss my garden

6. Simply hopping into my car and going for a spur of the moment road trip. I used to love to grab my camera, jump in the car and hit the road. Those days have been gone for the past few years. Between the excess weight and the fibro it seems like a chore to get anyway now days.
7. Go horseback riding with my daughter. My butt on a horse.....need I say more????
8. Leave the house and not worry about who I might run into. I hate the way that I look and the way that I feel. I'm ashamed of myself for putting on all this weight. I feel like people are looking at me and gossiping about what I look like now.
9. Shop! Oh yes! I want to shop. Shop til I drop. Shop til you drop. Shop until the whole world drops, but boy or boy do I want to shop! Hmm...not just any old shopping mind you. I want to shop anywhere I choose. I don't want to have to stay to my little "plus" size area. I want to look for something I like first instead of looking to see what will fit me first.
10. Join the human race. I feel that I have dropped out. There are just too many places and things that my weight interrupts. I want it gone. I want to be healthy. I want to be happy. I want to have choices. I want to make good choices. I want to go to the gym, the amusement park, on a plane, the pool, the mall and any other dang place I feel like going.
Getting Closer!
May 07, 2009
I went to the pre-surgery info meeting last night. I had already had most of this through Dr. Loggins office, but it was nice to have a chance to hear it again as well as meeting the staff once more. I've been working with Corrine on my food intake. I was at 1200 calories but am now supposed to be down to 900. I haven't been able to to do it.
My bathing suit arrived to day as did my sweat pants so my sweetie and I will be heading down to the Health Club to walk in the heated pool. I'm still looking for other WLS patients that have fibro to get their suggestions for exercise, find out how their fibro reacted to the surgery ect.
I'm all done with my testing and will see Corrine 11 days. Hopefully I'll have made a dent in the scale and my food logs will be ok. I did learn last night that keeping the food journal AFTER the surgery is just as important. Right now I'm having no problem with meeting my protein goals. I just switched out a lot of the carbs and replaced it with protein. I ordered my Unjury Protein powders today also. I keep telling my self that every day, every thing I do is bringing me one step closer to my goal.
May 02, 2009