Hi, my name is Cindy and I live in Everett, WA. Through out the first 21yrs of my life I was pretty healthy and very active in sports and the outdoors. I was very petite as a gymnast for 10 yrs in high school it was all about sports for me. Gymnastic, softball and diving. Once out of school I slowly started putting weight on due to an on-going back injury for several years that I had ignored during sports in high school. By the age of 25 I could no longer bare the pain in my back and down my right leg. I would lay in bed and cry all day and night. I was coninuing to gain weight and I could no longer do the every day activities of the average person. I finally went to my doctor and had a CT scan done and as soon as I walked thru my front door after having the test done, my doctor called me to inform me that I had a HUGE disc herniation at L4/S1. Once the surgery was done I continued with low back pain for the next 13 yrs and a total of 6 back surgeries! oh- can't forget the 100lbs I gained in a matter of 4 yrs after the first surgery! My weight has continued to spiral out of control and since my first surgery I now weigh 128lbs more than I did before the surgery! I am very happy to say that my back has been the best ever since my last surgeries in 2004. I am not dating, never married, and no children and believe alot had to do with me giving up on life dealing with all the pain. A new life is about to start on 09/15/08 for me. I know there is more life to live in a healthier me! BRING IT ON!