Half Way To Goal!
Jan 21, 2009
It has been 119 days and I am already half way to my goal weight of 130 lbs. It has not been all peaches and cream either. There have been a few bumps in the road along the way. This surgery is no walk in the park that is for sure! I have had to go to the ER a couple times for dehydration which I guess is pretty common after reading others blogs. I have a sore on my upper left shoulder that I received after scrapping it up against a rough wall and it turned into a blister (like a floor burn) and got infected and I had to go to a Wound Care Specialist and the doctor said it would not heal due to a lack of nutrition. It has been 6 weeks and the wound is the size of a half-dollar and just fell off today and I can still see some green around the area. I have a nice red scar developing too. My hair is falling out by the hand fulls. When I went to my nutritionist appointment on Monday, I was telling her about all the health issues I am experiencing and she asked me if all my vitamins were chewables and I told her no, that I switched back to regular, big horse pill vitamins a couple weeks after surgery, thinking I wasn't getting enough nutrients from the chewables. AH-HA! That was my problem! All those big horse pills I have been swallowing are not giving me the nutrients I need since my system can no longer digest them and break them down. The chewables absorb through the walls of your mouth and into your blood stream directly. So between feeling run down, fatigued and having no appitite, my body was shutting down from a a lack of nutrients. I guess I was not as educated on gastric-bypass as I thought I was. Just trying to keep my body hydrated and fed properly and making sure I get all the vitamins I need (some twice a day) and exercise is a full time job! I am enjoying the 4 pant-sizes I have lost. I am losing the weight everywhere evenly however, I am struggling with my mid-section (lower abs). I guess I will have to double up on my ab workout! Over all I am very, very happy with my decision to have the bypass and would highly recommend it to anyone who struggles to lose weight.
6 Weeks Post-op
Nov 29, 2008
I am now 6 weeks post op and doing great! I have lost 43lbs and feel fabulous! It is amazing to walk up a flight of stairs and not be winded! There are so many things that I am able to do but was not able to 43lbs ago! I am losing about 2.5-4lbs a week. I find it really hard to eat 5 small meals a day but I try my best. I have so much more energy now and trying on close is fun now! I am a just a few lbs away from shopping in the Misses' department for close! I am into XL on a lot of things now and am down 3 pant sizes. It is all so exciting! My self esteem is on its way up finally! Yippee!
Sep 21, 2008
My new surgery date is this wednesday! September 24th! Three more days! I am beside myself! I am going through so many emotions I can't even explain. I am sure this is all very normal and that everyone has gone thru these emotions at one time or other. I am afraid that when they open me up my liver will be too fatty and they will have to cut me wide open. I am following the adkins diet to lose the 10 pounds and it seems to be working but I still have that fear and so many more. Where did all these emotions suddenly come from? Part of me feels like I am in morning like a part of me is going away and never coming back. I wonder if this is how people who donate organs like their kidney feel the night before the operation? Is this normal?
Sep 09, 2008
Now I just find out that due to the fact I am on strike, working for Boeing, my insurance benefits are done as of 10/01/08! Now I have got to convince my surgeon to fit me in before the insurance runs out incase we do not reach a contract agreement before 10/01/08. I need all the prayers in the world for this one! I hope someone will step forward and switch dates with me. Please keep your fingers crossed for me! I have been rescheduled four times now! I can't handle another set pack on rescheduling this surgery!
Gallbladder Surgery First!
Aug 04, 2008
41 days and counting until the big RNY day! It just seems so slow to get here. I was scheduled to have my gallbladder removed on 08/29/08, 2 weeks prior to the WLS, however, since I do have stones and I have had some flare ups, my surgeon wants to go ahead and bumnp up the date for the gallbladder surgery so that will happen this friday, August 8th. I can't wait for that one either. I am so tired of everything irritating that is a direct result of my weight! I have been eating whatever I crave lately because I know after 09/15 I will no longer have the ability to do that anymore.