2021.08.27 - 15y/8m PO, CW 201 (-35#)

Aug 27, 2021

Hello, hello. I was so happy to have re-found this blog! I wonder how many of the beautiful souls I shared this journey with are still active? I hope to reconnect, that's for sure.

After my last entry, in 2007 and 14-mths post op.. I was very down and quit relying so much on accountabilty. Well, that and battling cancer twice. With meds and steroids I ballooned back up again. Don't get me wrong.. I hovered at 140# for years. I still consider myself a success-story because of all the hard work that I did after my life-changing surgery. I'd do it again in a heartbeat and still an advocate for WLS!

Well, now the world is a much different place. In the beginning of the pandemic, all I did was stress-eat. All the food I bought for "emergency/just in case" ended in my mouth shortly after. I gained about 30# to my already 200# frame. After I got my head straight.. I focused on exercise, low carbs and that protein, protein.. protein, haha. I am SO HAPPY to report that after sooooo many years I finally like protein shakes, haha.

So I am back on my journey to this lifestyle change that I let get away from me. As of June 1, 2021 I weighed 236. As of Tues 8/24, I weighed 201.. so a 35# weightloss has occured! My goal weight, for now.. is 150. I have 51 more pounds to lose. I can do this!



About Me
Houston, TX
Surgery Date
Mar 25, 2005
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