Working On

walk and not feel like I'm waddling.

3 working on · 1 achieved
Working On

be able to put my shoes and socks on by myself!

2 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

no longer have PCOS

8 working on · 2 achieved
Working On

Sit anywhere I want in public places

6 working on · 2 achieved
Working On

be under the weight limit for most exercise machines.

1 working on · 0 achieved
Working On

To lose 100 lbs

43 working on · 32 achieved
Working On

be able to tie my shoes without my tummy getting in the way.

18 working on · 22 achieved
Working On

be excited to see people from my past instead of dreading it

27 working on · 24 achieved
Working On

get pregnant when I am at a healthy weight

33 working on · 1 achieved
Working On

stop avoiding long lost friends due to my weight

86 working on · 49 achieved