I sure am glad its raining...
Jun 08, 2007
Gee I'm glad it's raining
There's always something to be thankful for.
I'm awfully glad it's raining
Cause no one sees your tear drops when it pours.
And no one knows the thunder
Is your heartbreak in disguise,
They think the rainy nights
What put that sad look in your eyes.
Sure am glad it's raining.
The gentle rythmn soothes the pain inside.
I'm glad the stars aren't shining.
A wounded warrior needs a place to hide.
I thought I had found someone
I could count on til the end.
What they wanted was a hero,
All I needed was a friend
Gee I'm glad it's raining.
I hope the morning sun won't come up soon.
As long as it keeps raining,
No one knows my heart broke right in two.
I thought I had found someone
I could count on til the end.
What they wanted was a hero,
All I needed was a friend
Sure am glad it's raining.
I'm awfully glad it's raining
My appointment to meet my doctor is next week. I'm excited about that. But this week I have just felt so blah. Unimportant. Unnoticed. I was supposed to go out with a friend to lunch this week. The first day she didn't call and left me stranded. The next day I slept and didn't call back. Oh well. And in her myspace blog she talks about being jobless and friendless in Pikeville. Yeah, that makes me want to spend time with her. All she wants to do is drink and then me be a DD. Yargh.
I hate being lonely. Its been almost 2 years since I even spoke to any guy. I don't want to date or go out on dates or anything. I just don't want to be lonely. Blah. I'm thinking of switching from teaching and going back to dental hygienist. That would tickle Nanny Faye to death, if I told her. Which I probably won't. I hope I get my surgery before school goes back in. Leave me love, kids.
Time for an update!
May 18, 2007
Last night was my brother's gf's birthday. I made her a Spongebob cake with homemade buttercream icing. The only reason I even got a thanks at the last minute was because of Mom. I love my Mommy :)
Oh well...Connor is starting to walk by himself! :D
Blippity blah blay bloo bah
May 06, 2007
Tomorrow is Monday and I'm hoping the doctor's office calls. And I'm hoping whatever I have leaves and I get better too. Ugh. Its not as bad as it has been. But I've been having coughing fits at night. I chose Dr. Tompkins (well that is who my family dr recommened). I'm as excited as I can get without getting so hopeful that I'll be eternally devastated if it doesn't happened. Ugh I am miserable. I've gained weight (of course). I feel like I'm not me in this body. I am not Laura, 250 lbs. That is not me. I'm suffocating in this body and I want out of this weight and nothing is working. Hopefully I'll be able to get this surgery and I'll be myself. I can only hope and pray. I've been trying to play with the baby buy I get so easily tired. And its getting annoying.
/end whiny rant.
An update folks :)
May 05, 2007
Anyway, my birthday is next week (May 9) and I'll be 22. I'm excited! Hopefully the people at KDMC will call on Monday and schedule me for some appointments and such. I hope my surgery date isn't far off. I want to get this done and be ready for school in August. And just think, by Christmas, I will be thinner than I have been in a while.
And I've been thinking about how long I've been "overweight". I remember in 6th grade weighing about 130-140. Thats when I knew I was a lot fatter than the other girls and boys. You know, I've been thinking about something else too. I was about 10 when my mother got cancer (around Dec. of 1995). I was in either 4th or 5th grade. I think thats when I really started eating for comfort and not going outside and all that. Looking back, I realize that it hit me harder than I ever wanted to admit. And of course my grandmother telling me I'm fat every time I turned around didn't help. You wouldn't believe the things that happened to me. Here's a taste: nagging, name calling, suppositories ( a lot of them), whipped with a belt, a switch (with the prickly things on it), etc. Ugh. I don't even like to think about it. But that is in the past and I shall not allow it to come to mind if I can help it. Its helped to shape me into the person I am today, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Connor will have a grandma who won't ever do things like that to him. :D
Well lets pray that they call Monday! Wish me luck!
Just wanted to say...
May 02, 2007
Dum dee doo
Apr 27, 2007
Apr 24, 2007
An update kids!
Apr 24, 2007
2 more weeks until my 22nd birthday kids!!!
Well....its Sunday.
Apr 22, 2007
I'll finish my resume and my contents pages along with title pages for each section tonight. Tomorrow I'll do my reflections and summaries along with my article 25 summary to turn in Tuesday. I should buy another folder for my 202 class in case I have to turn it in for my 201 class.
For now, I'm going to go get ready for church. Puttin' on some Cher to listen to while Connor and I get ready heheh.
Gypsies, tramps, and thieves! Woohoo!
Tomorrow I'll call for my blood test results. Wish me luck kiddos!
Apr 21, 2007
So I'll have to wait until Monday to get any results.
Nothing really to update on besides that.
I have a lot of work to do for my TEP prortfolio...not that bad. Gotta type up observations and reflections, get Barry to sign off on my observations, finish my resume, type my table of contents, draw the diagram of the rooms I observed in...I'm sure there's more. The one that will take the longest is probably those observations and reflections. Following closely by the resume (I have about half finished), and the table of contents and the diagrams.
Hopefully I'll get it all done this weekend. Next semester, Professor Whitaker will give me handouts that my professor in 202 didn't give me for my portfolio.
Wish me luck kids!