
Dec 06, 2007

Oh yeah--I forgot to add my measurements. I WISH I would've measured pre-op...but I didn't measure until I had already lost almost 70 lbs...dangit! Oh well....since AUGUST--I have lost the following.

Bust-           -11.25 inches...WOW!
Waist-         -4.75 inches
Abdomen-    -10.5 inches
Hips-           -7 inches
Thighs-        -6 inches (3 each leg)
Arms-          -6 inches (3 each arm)
Body fat %   -4.5% 
BMI-            -8.63 BMI points

That's all! I'll TRY to keep this updated!

6 months post-op

Dec 06, 2007

Okay---so I'll start out by apologizing again for not updating my page more often...but I'm just busier these days! I suppose that's a good thing. It's been 6 1/2 months since my surgery and everything is going pretty well. I'm right on target for where my surgeon wanted me to be (weight loss wise) at this point. I have lost 124 lbs so far...and gone from 367 lbs on the day of 243 lbs today. Yay! I'm SO ready to get out of the 200s.........maybe by March? That might be a long-shot...but we'll see. 
I've been working out regularly...doing a variety of different things. I am a member of Curves--which I really enjoy. It's a combo of cardio and strength training and apparently burns a whole bunch of calories. We also have an eliptical machine at home...but I don't do that often--it kicks my butt~! I do walk outside though...when the weather is nice. Sometimes I even walk 1 mile to Curves, work out, and walk a mile home. 6 months ago, that would've killed me! I never would've made it!! I also bought some resistance bands a couple weeks ago...and I finally found a video to go with them I'm gonna try to start doing that at home when I'm working. I really want to get to my goal...even though I know its going to be a while! I want to get to 148 lbs...which will put me in the "normal" weight category for my height. I think I can do it! I can't even IMAGINE being almost 100 lbs lighter than I am right now...I feel so good already!!
The only set-back I've had so far is that I had to have my gallbladder taken out about 2 1/2 weeks ago. Apparently it's common after WLS because of the rapid weight loss. It was an easy surgery...4 lap incisions...and I was up and about after a few days with minimal to no pain! Hooray for that! 
Oh yeah--back in October...I went on a 7 day vacation to Disney World in Orlando. It was GREAT! I rode on the plane and fit comfortably in the seat. I rode EVERY ride and roller coaster I wanted to ride with NO problem! I was SOOO excited for that! It's amazing how far I've come in 6 months. Oh, and I can cross my legs now too. I have NEVER been able to cross my legs...except maybe when I was 5 or 6!
As for food...some days are better than others. Some days I find it easy to eat...and other days I find that everything I eat makes me sick. I'm having to fight the urge not to snack lately...but sometimes I can't help it. If I DO snack...I try to eat something relatively healthy. I like those little 100 calorie packs...but since they're mostly carbs...they don't satisfy hunger.......only a need for something sweet or salty. But whatever...nobody ever died from eating a couple 100 calorie packs in a week. As long as I keep it under control and monitor my total calorie intake...I think I'll be alright! 
Wow--this is a long update...I guess that's what happens when you don't update for a long time! HAHA
Check out my pics--I've been good about keeping those updated. I'm getting ready to post some new pics...and 2 pics that Donna stitched together for me. It's 6 weeks post-op...3 months post-op...and 6 months post-op. I can totally tell a difference! 
Feel free to message me if you have any questions (pre or post-op)....I'd love to talk to you! =)

4 months post-op

Sep 25, 2007

Okay--so i've been slacking on updating my page.......but there are many pictures to show my progress!

I was watching the biggest loser tonight...and it really made me start thinking about my journey so far. I feel like I've accomplished so much in 4's pretty surreal. I've lost 91 lbs since my surgery.........and I'm hoping to lose 9 more by October 24th. I'm going to Disney World with my family, and I really want to have met my goal to be a century club member by then. I have a month to lose 9 lbs...........I think that's a pretty attainable goal. 

As far as what has changed for me in the last 4 months, I can't even begin to count it all. One of the biggest things for me is that I can walk by a mirror in the mall or department store while I'm shopping--------and not think "Oh MY...I can't BELIEVE I'm that huge". I used to get dressed and leave my house, and never think I looked as big as I did. I guess that's why they say "A picture is worth a thousand words". I never realized how much I completely avoided full body shot pictures. Not too long ago I was going through all of my TONS of pictures, and I could not find any full body shots. I used to take pictures of myself all the time........but they were head shots and that's it! My head has still not caught up with my body--but I'm starting to notice changes. I still question whether or not I will fit in chairs or booths..........but 99% of the time I do fit, and I have room to spare! I've been worried about these things for YEARS--so it's taking me a long time to comprehend that I actually can fit in most normal chairs now. What a great feeling that is! I went to Michigan last month with my sister, and by habit, I took along my trusty seatbelt extender...............only to find out I didn't need it at all! I could buckle the seatbelt and even had a little bit of slack. Amazing. 

I started working out at curves back in August---and at my first "measurement day" in September....I had lost a total of 28.5" in one month. That to me is crazy~!  We also have an eliptical machine at home now...which kicks my you-know-what...and I use the "Walk Away the Pounds" DVDS--they're great! Tonight while I was watching the biggest loser---about 1/2 way through it I decided to get up and get on the eliptical during the commerical breaks. Before surgery--I would've laughed at the thought!!!

I bought a shirt a couple weeks ago that was a size 18/20 and it fit me. I haven't worn an 18/20 top since 9th grade. Oh yeah, and I can cross my legs!!!!! Granted, it's not the most dainty sight in the whole world....but it can be done! I can tie my shoes without feeling like someone is suffocating me. My scrubs are FALLING off of me. And the best thing so boobs aren't shrinking!! LOL---sorry guys...TMI I'm sure! I was worried about that though........I'm a big girl--and I was only a C cup to start! So the fact that i'm going down in inches around and not in cup size is great! =) Lets hope that doesn't change................

As for food...........................I'm doing okay. I feel like I'm lacking in protein on a lot of days, but I'm trying. I read food labels on EVERYTHING. I'm proud of that. I try to eat lean meats, low fat dairy, and veggies. I don't eat bread at all. I rarely eat any kind of pasta or rice..I NEVER drink carbonated drinks (not even diet), never drink juice or sweetened drinks, and I drink regular iced tea with sweet n low---no Sweet Tea for me! I The best part of it........I don't miss those things! I'm sooo thankful for that. I was a Dr Pepper and Sweet Tea-aholic before my surgery.  I can honestly say I don't think I'll ever drink another coke or Dr Pepper--Hallelujah! I don't eat sweets..........except for the occasional Low Fat NSA ice cream (1/2 cup maximum), 100 calorie pack cookies/graham crackers (occasionally), or FF/SF pudding. The nice thing is that these things satisfy me. I went to a birthday party and ate 1/2 of a Low Fat NSA ice cream sandwich--and didn't even sneak 1 bite of cake. Cake used to be my weakness! My roommate has some 100-calorie pack cupcakes in the pantry, and they don't even bother me. I do crave things sometimes...and sometimes I will give in to the temptations. However, what's different is that I don't stuff myself full of pizza and hamburgers anymore. I remember for about a month after surgery...every single time I drove past Whataburger, Sonice, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, Wendy's, etc.........I felt like I wanted to scream or cry. I wanted a double cheeseburger and a Dr Pepper SO BAD. Now, I never think about those things. Sometimes it grosses me out to see other people eating them. Wow, what a change.  If I do decide to try something I "shouldn't have"...I eat it--I own up to it..........and usually I leave it alone after that without it haunting me. I get right back on track after that. That's the beauty of this tool. In the past....if I would've "cheated" on a diet---I usually just let that be a gateway for me to go back to my old ways. Since my surgery, if I make a mistake...I hold myself accountable for what I've done and go right back to what I should be doing. A 1/2 cup of NSA ice cream never made me fat to start with....what made me fat was eating fast food EVERYDAY---SUPER-SIZED WITH A LARGE DR PEPPER. That's what did it. 

Also--I feel like I've shut myself off from guys for a really long time. I never let them in...because I always felt like they had other intentions. I felt like there's no way a good guy could possibly want to date someone as fat as me. I always felt in a pretty face. I just never felt physically attractive. I've discovered that even though I'm nowhere close to where I want to be---that I'm finally really craving a relationship. I feel like everything else is in order. I'm getting healthier by the day...I feel/look better everyday....I have a solid I need a husband! LOL

All in all, I feel like this is the best thing that could've possibly happened to me. As long as I recognize and never forget where I came from...and how I got there. I am confident that this new tool is exactly what I always needed. I know I'll never go back to where I once was. 
Thank you to everyone on OH...and all of my family and friends for always supporting me and never giving up on me. 

THIS IS ONLY THE BEGINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 week update!

Jul 11, 2007

Okay so I'm about 7 weeks out right now and doing pretty well. I still struggle with getting in all my fluids. I pretty much hate everything except water...and that gets pretty old after a while. Oh well...I'm working on it. I do okay with most long as I stay away from breads and pastas. Probably better in the long run anyway. I've tried to do whole wheat tortillas and those are also a I've given up on that for now. I do pretty well with meats though. I can do chicken/ turkey/ extra-lean ground beef/ extra lean baked ham/ and turkey sausage without difficulty. Thank goodness for that. 

As for the weight loss...last week when I weighed I was down 47 lbs. Yay me....I can believe I've almost lost 50 lbs! I'm really hoping to get there by my 2-month anniversary, but we'll just have to wait and see! If not, I came close! My next goal is to lose 100 lbs by October 24th. We are taking a family vacation to Disneyworld............and losing 100 lbs would be SO amazing!!! I'm starting to feel better...I don't get out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs. We just got an eliptical machine so I'm going to start doing that...and I'm also going to join Curves again. I used to be a member a few years ago and I think it really fits my lifestyle. My work schedule is hectic---and a 30 min workout would be perfect for me. 

That's about it for now...just going through the motions and seeing changes in myself. On most days...I have absolutely no regrets! =)

One month post-op

Jun 18, 2007

Alright--So I lied about updating when I got home from the Actually, no I didn't...because I never said how long after I got home from the hospital. It's been a month and 2 days since my surgery and I'm doing pretty well. I've lost about 34 lbs since surgery. I don't know the exact number because I had to throw my scale up to the top of my closet the other day because I was becoming OBSESSED. It was my best friend when I was losing everyday...but when I stalled out...It became my worst enemy. I started getting on there a couple times a day or me, that's obsessive. So bye bye scale for a while. My hospital stay was pretty much uneventful other than some horrible gas pains. I was up and walking within a couple hours and I walked several times throughout the night and the next day and night...and then I was on my merry way. I was a little uncomfortable the first couple days at home--but I soon figured out that it was all gas pains. Once the gas was gone...I was good to go. 

I had some trouble with liquids the first week or two...for some reason I just couldn't get anywhere close to enough fluid in. (I've since heard that this is VERY common). I still struggle--but its getting better all the time. I've gotten sick a few times (thrown up)...the worst time was when I tried a scrambled egg for the first time. I saw it again in about 10 minutes. It's happened a few more times...mostly when I'm at work and am trying to eat TOO fast. Don't do it!!! So for all you pre-ops out there........................Slow down...chew chew chew...and listen to your pouch unless you want to revisit your food again!

I'm on soft solid foods right now...just for a little less than 2 more weeks. I'll admit...I cheated today and tried some boneless, skinless chicken breast baked in the oven. It was extremely moist and juicy. I ate about 1/2 a piece (2 oz)...and it took about 30-40 minutes to get it down. But it felt good going down...and it stayed down just fine. I was ready for some other source of protein. I've tried some really finely ground up ground turkey breast (97% lean)...and it went down great. It's nice to eat something with a little more protein. I find when I get all my protein in like I'm supposed to...I feel so much better. I was getting really really sick of string cheese, yogurt, and carnation instant breakfast. Plus, the meat has sooo much more protein in it. Don't get me wrong...I don't plan on throwin my chicken on the grill just yet...but I do think I will start eating more often. I'll tell my surgeon on Wednesday when I go to my one month post op. I've eaten fish a few times...but I've never been a big fan of it. I don't eat tuna salad, chicken salad, or egg salad because I hate mayo & mustard. I don't eat I don't have a lot of choices. I find it's really hard to get all my liquids in when I'm working. I work in a busy neonatal intensive care unit......and I work 12 hour shifts. Hopefully it will get easier with time. 

I've been trying to exercise.......mostly doing my "Walk Away the Pounds" video. Now that I'm not at my parents' house.....I don't feel comfortable walking in our neighborhood all by myself. Maybe I'm a baby...but I can't help it. So...the video is nice. It's a one-mile walk/work-out all in one...and it goes really quickly. Hopefully I'll be able to try the 2-mile High Calorie Burn section pretty soon. I'm going to ask my surgeon or my exercise physiologist if I can join Curves. I used to be a member in Michigan...and there's one right around the corner from me. I think I'd really benefit from going back there again. Plus we're getting an eliptical machine here at the house. So I'm well on my way. 

We're trying to plan a trip to Disneyworld this October...and I'm hoping to be down 100 lbs by then. I'm going to work hard....I REALLY REALLY want this badly! I'll try to do better and update more!

 Until then.................

Tomorrow is the day

May 16, 2007

It's 11:15 pm and I'm still awake sitting at the computer. I have to be up by 4:00 so we can leave the house by 5:15 to be at the hospital. I don't know how I'm gonna sleep tonight!! I'm scared...excited...a little nervous.................................! There's so many emotions going through my head right now! I'm ready to get this over and done with, and start my new life. I'm ready, willing, and able for this challenge. I know it won't be easy---but bring it on!!! I'll update whenever I get home from the hospital. Thanks again for all your prayers and support.

<3 Court

Jumping for Joy!!!!!

Apr 19, 2007

April 19, 2007

I got a call at 9:30 a.m....and guess what??????? APPROVEDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!  I'm so excited!!!!! Approved with the first letter and in a little over two weeks. Not too shabby. I know I have been impatient...but the wait really hasn't been that long! The only bad part about this is that I now have to force myself to go back to sleep for another 3 1/2 hours. I have to work tonight!! I'm SOOO freaking psyched. I'm SO ready to do this. Oh yeah, and I got the date I wanted too!!! May 17th it is!! Less than a month away. I can't WAIT! Someone please pinch me! Is this really happening?!?!?!??!?!?!!?! Thank you all for all of the prayers and support...I appreciate it!! I'll update more later when I have some sleep!

Still waiting...

Apr 16, 2007

April 16th, 2007

Okay, so just an update on everything. I called United Healthcare *my insurance co* this afternoon...and they told me the same thing they've been telling me for 2 weeks, "It's still pending". Luckily, I got a nice guy on the phone who said for me to hold on so he could go check and see what the hold up was. So, he came back on the line after a few minutes and told me that he didn't know why it wasn't determined yet...but that he forwarded my file directly to his supervisor--and I should have an answer within 48 hours. How nice of him...nobody else has even tried to figure out what the hold up is. Thanks whoever you are...I appreciate you! So, after I hung up with UHC...I called Dr Castro's office and talked to Daphne...she said to let them call UHC and they'd call me back. So about 30 min later...Helen called from Dr Castro's office and said she talked to UHC and now my case is in the final review process and that they will have an answer tomorrow. Please say a prayer that the answer is Y.E.S.!  Helen said she'd check online before she left the office today to see if, by chance, they've finished reviewing by then. If not, she said she'd call them tomorrow and then call me as soon as she has an answer. Thanks Daphne and guys are so awesome. So anyway, I also asked Helen if it'd be possible to have my surgery by May 17th--she said that as long as he's not out of town at a conference that week (she didn't think he was), then it should be no problem. I've already got my vacation time I'll be off from May 16th through May 31st. I'm crossing everything I can cross and saying a big prayer that everything goes as planned. Well, they're MY plans...hopefully they're God's plans too!! Pray, pray, pray...!!!

An update and a list of things I want to do after surgery

Apr 11, 2007

Update would simply be that I've been bugging the you know what out of my insurance company (calling them daily)........and I still know nothing! Grrrrrrrr..............I need someone to give me the GIFT of patience!! So as I sit here and wait.....I thought I'd start a list of things I want to do or want to accomplish after surgery.

1.) To get out of plus size clothes.

2.) To buy cute underwear and bras from Victoria's Secret. 

3.) To go to Six Flags and ride ALL of the rides.

4.) Go to Hurricane Harbor and ride all of the slides.

5.) Ride a jet ski.

6.) Go tubing

7.) Go to Colorado and go skiing again.

8.) Ride comfortably in an airplane seat.

9.) Run a mile.

10.) Learn to love to exercise.

11.) Learn to love myself so I can find TRUE love.

12.) Jump on my cousin's water trampoline.

13.) Sit in a regular lawn chair.

14.) Lay in a hammock with someone special.

15.) Shop ANYWHERE I want to and find something in my size.

16.) Be not JUST a pretty face.

17.) Go on another cruise and REALLY enjoy myself.

18.) Swim with the dolphins.

19.) Go snorkeling

20.) Sky skycoaster at six flags...and bungee jump.

21.) Have someone give me a piggy back ride.

22.) Dance!

23.) Cross my legs!!

24.) Sit kneeling on the ground with my legs under me without feeling like I'm going crush myself.

Those are the main things I can think of right now.....I'm sure I'll add to this list as I remember more things!!


Apr 09, 2007

April 9, 2007

So I thought I'd give you all an update...pretending that someone actually reads I went to Dr Castro's office on Thursday the 5th for an "informational seminar". I learned some new stuff--and heard a lot of stuff I already knew about. Got to meet with the nutritionist, exercise physiologist, and the psychologist. I had my psych eval...and he doesn't think I'm crazy...yay for that--lol. So now...I'm just waiting. I've been calling the insurance company pretty much everyday...and my request is still pending. The girl today told me it's usually about 5-10 business days to get these was day #6. So hopefully this week I'll know something. The next step once I get my approval is to schedule my date (I'm hoping for May 17th), meet one-on-one with the exercise physiologist and the nutritionist.......go to my pre-op testing appt----and have my surgery! Pray for me! I'm losing patience daily!!!  =)

About Me
Grand Prairie, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 05, 2004
Member Since

Friends 71

Latest Blog 13
6 months post-op
4 months post-op
7 week update!
One month post-op
Tomorrow is the day
Jumping for Joy!!!!!
Still waiting...
An update and a list of things I want to do after surgery
