Loving this outdoor grilling weather

Jun 10, 2009

Tonight I grilled some boneless skinless chicken breast.  I found a calorie free, carb free, and sugar free bbq sauce for flavor.  It's made by Walden farms.  I bought it in the diabetic food section at the grocery store.  I checked out the website and the company has numerous other products that I will have to try.  The website is www.waldenfarms.com  there is other sauces, salad dressings, dips, and other stuff that I will have to try out. I will not have to go without the stuff I love ,  since all the products are sugar free, carb free, and calorie free.  Interesting huh ?  I love alfredo sauce and they have an alfredo sauce on their product list.  The BBQ sauce I put on the chicken tonight was good.  It's not like the real stuff but it's better than nothing.  It still had a sweet tangy flavor.    I know for sure I will have to stick to sugar free products for a very long time.   The last couple days when I was sick with swine flu I didn't eat anything at all.  Last night I thought a little icecream wouldn't hurt me.  I even got the blue bunny kind that has low calories, only 5 grams of sugar, and made with fat free milk.  I ate about 1/2 cup and tolerated that at lunch( yes i made the icecream my lunch,  what can I say I was sick)  Later that night for dinner I had another 1/2 cup.  So all day I just lived off ice cream.  My throat was so sore from my cough will this nasty flu.  Well,  I learned what dumping syndrome was like last night for the first time.  Oh, it lasted into the daytime TODAY AS WELL!!!  Lesson so learned.  I will not touch ice cream again for a long time.  I will not chance going over in carbs and sugars either.   Tonight for a sweet treat I had some seedless watermelon with my chicken.  This is the first time I tried any fruit since my surgery.  It tasted so good and hit the spot for a sweet craving.   I will now turn to watermelon instead of icecream.  WOW  it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is the heathier choice.  It finally took me 27 years to turn down icecream for a slice of watermelon.  It's amazing,  seven weeks ago I would have gobbled down icecream and wouldn't take the watermelon.  After enjoying the watermelon so much and it didn't send me to the bathroom all night a day.  I would have to say I'm no longer going to buy icecream but make sure my fridge always will have watermelon in it.    Take care everybody. -Crystal   

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