more than 7 months after surgery

Jun 19, 2009

I can't believe how quickly time has passed. I am 102 pounds lighter but I feel very thin inside. I have so much energy, lots of new clothes, and the QUALITY of my life has been given back to me.  It's nice to fit in so many places, to have so many choices to decide upon and to enjoy life without limiting myself to what can hold me, allow me to move somewhat unrestricted or test my level of  comfort tolerance! I still have 98 more pounds to lose to reach my goal but I consider myself fortunate to be where I am already. I have my health back! More loss will only encourage  and strengthen me more to continue to experience this new life more fully....any more weight loss will be like a dessert with a cherry on top! At this point I feel alive again and back to my 'old self'...I been set free to be my own person by the grace of God! I am determine NOT to let the habits that got me FAT come back to get me again! Thank God for the 2nd chance to live and to Dr. Toder for her skill and care.

One month out

Nov 29, 2008

Tomorrow it will be one month since the surgery. I have been on soft foods and tolerating them well. I haven't found anything that doesn't set well with me yet.  I didn't miss all the fixings for Thanksgiving as I didn't need much to fill me up. It's sweet not to be hungry all the time. I am beginning to learn when to finish eating and have had some 'forming' as I try not to spit up.This is something new to experience for me. Not too pleasant but if this is the worst,and I can learn to quit before it gets to that point, I can survive!  So far I have lost 46 pounds and it's gonna start to show soon. I hope to notice it my clothes soon too.

2 week checkup

Nov 16, 2008

I'm healing up nicely. I finally got all of my steri-strips off. Dr. Toder said everything was looking good. I still have to forget about lifting, tugging, pulling, pushing,etc until this hernia heals up some more. That leaves walking! I was surprised to hear I lost 13 more pounds! That makes for 30 pounds lost since entering the program!  Incredible! I just started eating soft foods. My first meal was a scambled egg. I tried imitiation crabmeat next and the first time had a wicked hard time going down the pipe. I swear it lodged in my pouch for hours. I wa up most of the night as a result. The next couple of days I handled it fine! Go figure. Now I am introducing foods more slowly and earlier in the day too! I think mash potatoes and carrots are going to be best friends for chasing down my protein portions. I am going to try eating chicken next. I will have to learn to cook smaller amounts for me as my eyes are waaayyyy bigger than my stomach! It's wonderful to know I will always have leftovers! Finding that right amount of leftovers so I will not get sick of having the same meal will take practice. Just puts a new challenge to the element of cooking and meal planning for me to learn! It's been a real learning curve and experience learning about my 'new' stomach.

Back home after surgery

Nov 07, 2008

I made it through the surgery with flying colors! Dr Toder said it was 'textbook'. The lapo gastric bypass took about an hour and the hernia repair took the same and was a tad more labor intensive. I woke up feeling like I had done 100 stomach crunches too many and requested some tylenol for it. I had strongly requested no pain meds since I have a very high threshhold of pain and the various pre-op crew honored that as well as the post op crew (WITH ALOT OF ADVISE TO USE THESE MEDS!). I don't recommend this option for all nor should someone advocate to go this route without having prior proof of high pain tolerance!!! Fortunately the tylenol was all I needed after the operation. I was walking alot  on the first day and believe me I wasn't going even strolling speed! God answered alot of prayer as I had no complications,great support, and only a small touch of feeling queasy after waking up from surgery. With the liquid diet, I lost a total of 23 pounds on surgery date. It's been a week and a day now and I'm feeling pretty back to normal and tolerating the liquid diet so much better! However, my sense of smell is keener and when that toast is being made by the hubby,well, I swear I can almost smell it to taste! So to those who prayed for me, supported me and guided me through the process and to those who are still helping me take the steps in effectively using this tool, THANK YOU! I cant wait to help repay back to others if I can be of service.

Counting days

Oct 04, 2008

I'm down to counting days before I begin the liquid diet and to the surgery itself. I dread the liquid diet as I will miss having the texture to chew and chew. I am also trying to find those liquids I can keep in the car while I'm working and have them still taste good. I have developed a plan to keep some protein drinks in my office and make that my new 'take out' place for lucnh (whenever I am in the neighborhood). Too often my schedule is such I am hopping from one consumer to another in rapid succession and I have to rely on a bite here and there on the way. I do have the weather more on my side so now my cooler will keep liquids colder. Still I will miss the texture. On a brighter note, my temptation to cheat will be lessen and will make it easier to keep my mind busy and off the lack of solid foods.

About Me
Hudson, ME
Surgery Date
Sep 07, 2008
Member Since

Friends 4

Latest Blog 5
One month out
2 week checkup
Back home after surgery
Counting days
