December already?
Dec 04, 2008
Well here it is dec already..omg..where has the time gone?..I first have to apologize to my friends again. You all must think i am a bad friend..I have been keeping myself very busy, I also have been working alot of overtime at work,so it is hard to get online. Everythings going very well...i know in october things were kinda blah..I am down 64lbs and waiting to see the below 200 mark on the scale..I have been shopping at the salvation army and the disabled american vet store for my clothes.But only a few at a time..when the clothes get to big i will give them back..lol..kinda like borrowing them..anyways i hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and I hope that everyone has a merry christmas and a happy new year just in case i don't get the time to get online ..hope to talk to y'all soon...God Bless!!
Oct 19, 2008
Well here it is..October...omg the time is going by so fast.So far so good with everything i have been doing ,except not doing so well with the protein drinks. Work has been going so well,everyone says how good i look and my friends are starting to call me "skinny"..lol..how funny..There is 1 thing i have been struggling with and it's been depression..I am on new medication for it but not sure it's working or i haven't given enough time to work..but all in all everythings good..I been buy clothes at the salvation army or the dav shops around my house....no use in buying new....I know it's been a while since i have been online..I am truly sorry i haven't kept in touch with everyone..now that my computer is running right..ok...well i guess i better go for now and will update more later...god bless
Sep 13, 2008
Well here it is Sept....omg..time is going by so fast!!!..I have been so busy working and trying to keep my proteins up...Been doing good so far..finally got my computer fixed..lol..I don't have much to say except i am so glad i had this surgery done...i am feeling waaaaaaaay better and people are noticing more and more..i am too but in my clothes mostly..lol..they are falling off...well i don't want to make this to long..blessings to everyone..talk later
gettin there....
Aug 17, 2008
Well here it is almost sept.... i have to say i am sorry to my friends.I haven't posted in a while...i haven't been online do to my computer acting crazy.....but it is slowly getting fixed....ANYWAYS...lol...i am feeling WAAAAAAYY Better..I have got more energy and i feel so good about myself..I have been doing alot of walking 3 times a week..more if i feel like it tho..It almost seems like things are going so fast...But i'm gettin there...so far 40 lbs gone.....
I am so happy...People are giving me compliments all the time..Gotta tell ya...WOW!!!....well i am going to get out of here and go sip water...hopefully i will get this computer straightend out soon...talk to ya all soon....

1st check up
Jul 10, 2008
Well today was my 1st check up with Dr Zeni & Jen the RD. They said i am doing good but i need to keep better track of my protien intake..i am getting in more protein in than i am registering..which is a good thing..So i have been released to DRIVE!!...YEAH!!!!!!!!!....i can escape this place and venture out.lol. I will start my soft food stage on monday along with my B12 and Calcium and will stay on that until my next check up on july 31st..i am excited..I am having little pain now do to all the walking i been doing...so here i go ..on my way!!....
1 week later
Jul 07, 2008
Well here it is 1 week later .Things seem to be getting a little better.I am able to get some stuff done without to much pain..I am starting to slowly get into the bed and sleep a few hours,altho i still have a hard time trying to push myslef up out..I have started stage 2 eating which is full liquids...Much much better..lol...I have been walking more and more and getting further and further,which is helping the gas move out..My husband is just the best,he has supported me thru this whole thing..i just love him..well that's my story for now.
Can't sleep
Jul 04, 2008
Well here it is july 4th and still can't sleep a full night and can't sleep in my bed yet..It's to hard and hurts to get out of it...sooo..i sleep in the recliner.
and only get about 1 hr or maybe 2 hours a sleep ..Starting to think i made a mistake getting this surgery..I wanted to get healthy and start anew...but..this pain hurts so bad and i wish i could get sleep in MY BED!.. Taking the pain meds helps a little...but it doesn't kill all the pain..I didn't know i used so many tummy muscles to do stuff...getting real depressed..wonderin how many more days will i have to deal with this pain and start to sleep in my bed..

july 4th
Jul 04, 2008
Well just a few days ago i had surgery.Started my high protein drink today.Have to get at least 60 grams of protein in each day..I am looking forward to being able to getting rid of this gas and not have any pain when i stand up or get out of bed..been doing some walking inside the house...my bum is getting tired of sitting..lol
started my diet
Jun 11, 2008
Well I did it!!...I started my 1000 a day calorie diet..It's not all so bad..In fact i was enjoying keeping track of my food intake today..i hope i still feel this way up until my surgery..oh then i have to do a bowel prep on sunday 6/29..oh that should be fun