25lbs down!!

May 08, 2010

Woo Hoo!!!  Since my first appointment with my surgeon in December I have lost 25 lbs!!  18 since surgery!  How awesome is that?? Imagine what would happen if I was exercising regularly...hmmmmmm.
That said I have to say that I am kinda getting sick of feeling like my life is revolving around what I eat.  I track and log and figure and talk about what I have put into my body obsessively.  I keep telling my husband that I think I'm becoming anorexic because I get upset with myself if I take in more than 1000 calories per day.  Plus I am kinda depressed and VERY bitchy!!  This transition is harder emotionally than I thought it would be.  But people I talk to about it say it;s normal and I will level out soon.  I hope so - my husband is getting the brunt of my emotional roller coaster.  Random strangers are also getting to enjoy some of my extremely short fuse and inability to hold my tongue!  Ugh.
I just have to keep on going and remind myself that this is a JOURNEY!  That I will get used to the changes and that I will be so much better for it!! 


About Me
El Paso, TX
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2002
Member Since

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