Constantine T. Frantzides

"I saw Dr. Frantzides in August. I was so sure that nothing was going to work for me, and pretty much gave up on ever being "normal" again. My whole family (Husband, Daughter, Mom) came to the appointment because they were not sure if they liked the idea of me getting the surgery. The first thing he said to me was "This is not your fault. Its not your fault that you cant lose the weight" Why is it that this is ALWAYS the first thing we think about...that we are FAILURES. By the time the appointment was over (2 hours later) I knew every aspect of the surgery, what to expect after, and what to expect in the long run. When all four of us left his office, we ALL said how amazing he is. He is the most kind hearted, nice Doctor I have ever met! And on top of it all HE HAS A SENSE OF HUMOR!!! I had my surgery on September 10th. I was out of the hospital on September 11th. I have not had ANY complications, but I have also followed his plan to a T! I cant say enough about this. Today he told me that with this surgery I have added at least 15 years onto my life. I look at my 9 year old daughter and think...Thank God (Or just Dr. Frantzides) or as my mother calls him...Dr. Fabulous! If you are looking for a Doctor, and cant make up your mind...He's the one! If you would like any additional information feel free to email me: [email protected]. 1 month...I'm 35 pounds down!"
About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 08, 2012
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