It's all about my penis
Aug 30, 2010
This really is an adventure...
Jul 08, 2010
Ok so finally got all the various materials gathered and delivered to the surgeon's office for approval. The coordinator put the package together to send to CIGNA.. A week went by... denied.
Ok so you can imagine....I wigged out.
It took a few hours to calm down (and a 3-way with Haagen AND Dazs) to realize this is just standard operating procedure for 'da man'.
After calls and digging, the reason for the denial - which was not an official denial - was I was missing the 6 month diet notes from the doctor. Well that's crap. I was there every month. So I get a copy of the notes from said PCP and they are..... un-fuckin-readable. Like at least Chinese I could run through the Google translator. Not this chicken scratch.
So as I usually end up doing, I am taking matters into my own hands. I am creating, free-of-charge to my doctor, a weight-loss program/prescription form, which will have all the necessary components AND it will be typed, in actually legible characters.
Then I will march down to his office, have him sign them, and fax them myself to CIGNA.
I fully expected to be under the knife at the end of May. I took off from school, canceled all vacations, and generally rearranged my life to make this happen. And here we are July 8, and I'm not even scheduled.
Oh and about that Haagen-Dazs episode - it actually really helped me, as about 1/3 of the way through the pint, I understood exactly what I was doing. I stopped and put it away - at least for a few hours. When I split the rest that night with my other half - it was a very conscious decision.
Half way to launch day
Jan 30, 2010
Made it through my halfway point on my 6 month diet. I still feel this look of scorn from my primary care physician. For the most part, I think he's a great guy, but he has been quite unsympathetic to my weight issues. Whatever I say. I am in control - not him. Just weigh me, fucker.
So I am happy to say I have lost 26 pounds from my heaviest and would like to lose 20-30 more before surgery.
My outlook is good, my mood has been great. I'm just ready to get on with it.
One month closer
Dec 09, 2009
I officially began my 6 month pre-surgical diet about this time in November. I haven't done much more than the changes I had mode in the last 6 months, but a few pounds have come off. I did have my official one-on-one consultation with my surgeon. I am ready to do this. Just wish it could be sooner, of course. If all goes well, I would think my surgery would be sometime in May - my birthday month. ;)
Meeting a dietician on Tuesday to put together a 5 month diet so this time can be useful before surgery. Continuing to see my therapist every other week - which has help tremendously. And just bought "intuitive Eating" to take on my Christmas cruise. My goal there is to be reasonable, and not swallow the whole ship.
Regaining momentum
Oct 13, 2009
For that last several months I have been seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. She's been great and helping to uncover and dig to my core issues. A lot of it turns out to have roots in my early childhood with eating - especially bad habits picked up from my mother. Also I have discovered I am very much an emotional eater, even when I wanted to belive that I wasn't. All this has helped me to begin relearning good eating habits. I have only had one binge and am much more aware of when the emotional eating stuff. When my subconscious is screaming feed me, stuff me! I can now recognize that emotional response. It's great. I have on a few occasions felt actual hunger, where my stomach would growl and gurgle. IT was the wierdest feeling - because frankly I haven't been hungry - not physically hungry - in years.
But now I am asking myself - what of the weight loss surgery?
Well I decided this weekend that I will have it. I feel prepared for the procedure, the after effects, and most importantly for me, I feel like I am and will dealing with the underlying issues that got me to this state of morbid obesity. Hopefully keeping me from losing the weight.
So I know CIGNA requires a 6 month medically supervised diet. A stupid requirement since I've been on a bazillion diets in my lifetime. Going to see if I can get around this requirement. I have a couple more bariatric surgeons to interview before I make a selection. But I am excited and ready to get the show on the road.
Did I scare my body?
Jul 28, 2009
I definitely have/had an addicition to fast food. I grew up on fa(s)t food, went to college on fast food, and then plowed through my career near a drive thru. It really has been the worst culprit to my weight gain. About 2 months ago - maybe 3 - I stopped completely. First rule - no drive thru under any circumstances whatsoever. Second - no fast food. I've only broken number 2 twice, and both were metered, objective decisions to do it. I created rule number 1 because much of my fast food obsession was out of laziness and shame. If I actually have to get out of the car and go in and order, well that's usually enough for me just to go home and eat.
And now I am paying more attention to my food choices at home. Packing lunch to work, no junk food at home, etc. All this is working towards great training for WLS.
First Consultation Thoughts
Jul 24, 2009
What was most interesting was my emotions and reactions. When I first walked into the room, a big room about half-filled with 40 or so people. I became very emotional, with tears in my eyes. An overwhelming sens of sadness, that I had come to this point. That I was a failure. that I was not like these "other" people - FAT people. And this sort of rolled into a anxiety attack, with me sweating and really wanting to run.
But I stayed.
The whole group dynamic was probably not the best intro for me. There were so many distractions by people - cell phones, babies whining, people shuffling and huffing and puffing. Ugh.
Most of the info I had already read about repeatedly. But I did get a little insight in that I really heard them pushing a bit on gastric bypass over banding. The RNY has significantly better results, and happens in a more automoatic way, because of the malabsorption qualities, over the band, which deals only with restriction.
I still have this idea that the rearranging of your instines is just not "natural" and could have some serious long term effects.
I have awesome insurance
Jul 23, 2009
The summary is I have Mercedes-level insurance. My procedure will not cost me more than $500 total. Amazing.
The bad news is they do have a 6-month, Dx-supervised diet requirement. They will accept Weight Watchers as part of that, but I have no idea how I will prove that I have done WW of-and-on for the last TEN years.
First consultation today
Jul 23, 2009
I'm sure after today I will have even more questions.