Did I scare my body?
Jul 28, 2009
Did I scare my body? Or maybe I just kicked myself. During the last couple of weeks doing my research on WLS, I found that I am also losing weight. Nothing major but about 10 pounds now.. And 20 pounds in the last couple fo months.I definitely have/had an addicition to fast food. I grew up on fa(s)t food, went to college on fast food, and then plowed through my career near a drive thru. It really has been the worst culprit to my weight gain. About 2 months ago - maybe 3 - I stopped completely. First rule - no drive thru under any circumstances whatsoever. Second - no fast food. I've only broken number 2 twice, and both were metered, objective decisions to do it. I created rule number 1 because much of my fast food obsession was out of laziness and shame. If I actually have to get out of the car and go in and order, well that's usually enough for me just to go home and eat.
And now I am paying more attention to my food choices at home. Packing lunch to work, no junk food at home, etc. All this is working towards great training for WLS.
About Me
Surgery Date
Jul 20, 2009
Member Since