IM BACK, 2 years since i've posted here!!!
Nov 18, 2012
hi everyone... stopping by to say hello, and hoping everyone is doing well..it has been 2 years since i have posted here, and a LONGGGG 2 years it has been.. alot has happened over that time, i lost my mom and i just went through a huge scare after recieving news about my mammogram...
its amazing how you come to realize once again you are faced with the comforts of food... and i put on 10lbs ...i feel awful!!!! i want to go back to the original post op plan... can anyone help me out with that, if you have that info handy...i also need to get back to a group mtg or something....
i always say... never forget where you come from... but i certainly do NOT want to revisit if i dont have to! i know some of you may say 10 pounds is nothing... but to me thats where it starts...
going back to the shakes... just need to be refreshed on whats what...
ps: i am 3 years post op...and i am finding it easier to eat!!!!!
my anniversary
May 19, 2010
i love the new me, and everyday is worth celebrating, but today in particular, because one yr ago i gave myself a new life.
i continue on my journey with the love and support of my family and friends.
at my 1 yr mark, i have reached a total weight loss of 130pounds.... and i am estatic! and a size 4??? i cant believe it myself!
this has truly changed my life in sooo many ways..i cant even begin to tell you how fulfilled i am.
ironically i have LOST the weight, but i have GAINED whole new life!!!!!!

reached my goal
Apr 14, 2010
seeing a size 8 is beyond my wildest dreams...(finally got into the 6) but i think it's pushing it...(my husband says i am too skinny now..but i feel just right!)
this definately takes a lot of work and dedication, but that is something i knew from the start...and was willing to sacrafice to see this day. i am healthy, and i feel fantastic!
i love to get up in the morning, and when i look in the mirror, i am happy with who i am, inside and out!
shopping has been awesome too..my husband doesn't agree, but oh well...lol
it feel great to walk in to a store and find something on a rack, and it fits when you try it on. it's funny how it took me awhile to not walk over to the plus section...almost out of habit.
another funny thing is..no one recognizes me...people i havent seen in awhile will look at me funny for the first few seconds, then when it registers..the first question is...where is the other half of you...
all these things are great, however...this journey is not over, nor do i think it'll ever be. this is my "life" now. from here on in.
although i got to my goal, and i am thrilled, the work never ends...
i will forever be here with the rest of you with my ups and downs, ins and outs...
once a bariatric patient always a bariatric patient... it doesn't go away! this is a lifestyle...always!!!
4 months ago...
Sep 23, 2009
i hit my 80lb mark yesterday, and was thrilled to death!!!! i never in a million yrs ever thought i would be where i am... but as i've been looking back at old photos and seeing people for the first time in a long time.... what a difference!! of course i still have a ways to go... like to lose atleast 30-40 more... but that'll all come in due time, i'm sure!
it's amazing how you just start dropping sizes and weight... craziness!!! but hey, i'm not complaining...
i tried my first glass of sangria the other night and it was a wonderful moment...lol it was also very diluted with ice, but hey...made me feel better!!!!
i did cave into a cigarette which i am very angry at myself for doing... but it's done... i did it, and it wasn't what i thought it would be...thankfully... that 8.00 a pack can go to my new wardrobe..lol
well, that's about where i am at in a nutshell..
thanks for reading...
10 weeks out
Jul 27, 2009
ok...so my journey hasnt been easy but i am surviving...thanks to all those who are here to support me, as well as my family and friends!
i have been hospitalized for dehydration, and i am going to have a pic line but in to keep me afloat on my nutrition...
i am now 62 pounds out, and went from a size 24 to 16 and a size 3x to a xl...which is very exciting!!!!!!!
right now, i am in a stall mode, but hoping it's not for long.
i am looking forward to returning back to work soon...since i have been out with a shoulder injury for over a yr now...
things have been busy this summer(excuse for missing all the updates in my journal) we have been doing alot of camping, which i leave again on friday for 10 days to lake george.
i have been doing many things i never thought of doing... first off, i bought a bathing suit(3 of them, but whose cointing,lol) and actually wore them in public, to the beach! then i went jet skiiing, which i would never have dreamed of. my husband surprised me with a bike yesterday, so now i will be riding...and as i mentioned, i am now a size 16, which allows me to shop in the regular size department...that was the most exciting..although i wanted to buy one of everything...lol
well, so far that's my update...
4 weeks out
Jun 15, 2009
i am not the best patient!
i am not drinking my shakes, nor am i taking my vitamins... so which inturn is probably putting me in danger. i am going to the dr's on thursday to discuss all of this with him.
i did manage to lose 4 pounds this week, since i didnt lose much last week so i am excited about it!!!!!!
eating is hard to do, but i did find out i like watermelon. not sure if i should be eating it, but i like the fact that it gives me a bit of sugar that i sometimes look for, and the juices are like my fluid intake...lol
anyway... i will keep you posted on the news from the dr.
2 weeks out
Jun 02, 2009
i am 2 weeks out today and down another 5 lbs...woohooo!!! i am so excited.... i have been walking everynight with the support of my husband by my side and ...
my son set me up with the WII fit and WII active. it certainly is a challenge when you go from zero exercise to all of this... but i am happy doing it!
i must admit, i tried things i shouldn't have, but paid the consequences, and you can be certain i will never do it again!!!!!!! why is it we have to do things we are told not to??? so damn rebellious....
anyway.. i see dr pohl for the first time since my surgery on thursday, and the nutritionist on friday. boy do i have tons of questions for them. not sure how much trouble i will be in, since i am still not taking in more than 1 shake a day, and maybe 36 oz of fluids, and that's on a good day!!!
if you all dont hear from me in a few days, you know i was admitted..for dehydration!!!
i am about to approach my 40th birthday in a few weeks, and i have to tell you.... i was dreading it something fierce, but now... i want to embrace it, because i am so proud of myself, and the decision i made to see another birthday...
ok, so i wont be able to eat cake, and have drinks...but it'll be fun just celebrating with my family and friends!!!
we'll keep you posted!!!!
1 week out
May 29, 2009
i had my husbands family over for memorial day. had a cookout of all things, and i am not sure why i did that to myself... it really wasn't as bad as i thought food wise, cuz i wasn't hungry. once again, i think the mind was trying to take over. i think i overdid it though, as far as trying to entertain and all... and being so tired and weak....
oh well, it's over now..thank goodness...
i just made my appointment with dr pohl 2 weeks out, and i also got one with the nutritionist the next day. there are days i feel as though i can eat something, then my stomach screams NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! i am actually looking forward to yogurt and eggs. anything but shakes... i think i am shaked out!
i want to start exercising, or atleast walking....looking forward to it!!!!
first day home
May 29, 2009
this was the day of phone calls and visitors which was nice. still, only family and close friends...i haven;t broadcasted it yet! the reason for that is, i wanted to make sure all went well with the surgery before i started telling just anyone about it.
still trying to do the fluid thing..but it' killing me!!! and i am bored crazy!!!!
surgery day
May 29, 2009
we got to the hospital and began the process, and everything was moving so swiftly...i had to find a moment to take it all in... i looked at my husband and said this is it. say goodbye to the fat lady... he looks at it this way... that's great ,but you are still my wife, so i cant say goodbye, but i can say hello to the attitude you seem to have. he is happy that i am doing something for me, and more so, i stuck with it... that is huge for me!!
i told him i loved him, and thanks for being who he is.....because he loves me no matter what!!!!
the only thing that ever mattered to him is me being hapy, and i knew i wasn't...not with my body and health.
surgery lasted 3 hoursand then i was sent to the icu for an overnight stay, then moved upstairs.. with a roomate who felt it was necessary to have burger king!!! it actually made me sick to my stomach...who would've thunk that???
the surgery was text book, and i would do it again in a second. ofcourse there was enough pain meds to go around the first 3 days, so who really knew. i was up walking around immediately.
day 3 came and i was ready to go, but dr pohl didnt feel the same way... apparently i am not taking in enough fluids, so i started cutting deals with him... he let me go home later that night.
just an insight of fluid intake... as you know you are allowed a plastic medicine cup of water an hour on the first day, i only got 3 of them in...then the next day we can start on shakes, and i had about 6 sips total for breakfast,lunch and supper. i really just wanted to be free from that damn IV pole!!!!
i had developed a lump on the side of my face while in the hospital...something i certainly did not go in with. it ended up being a swollen saliva gland, got on antibiotics and everything is ok now... i am going home!!!!!!!!!!