IM BACK, 2 years since i've posted here!!!
Nov 18, 2012
hi everyone... stopping by to say hello, and hoping everyone is doing well..it has been 2 years since i have posted here, and a LONGGGG 2 years it has been.. alot has happened over that time, i lost my mom and i just went through a huge scare after recieving news about my mammogram...
its amazing how you come to realize once again you are faced with the comforts of food... and i put on 10lbs ...i feel awful!!!! i want to go back to the original post op plan... can anyone help me out with that, if you have that info handy...i also need to get back to a group mtg or something....
i always say... never forget where you come from... but i certainly do NOT want to revisit if i dont have to! i know some of you may say 10 pounds is nothing... but to me thats where it starts...
going back to the shakes... just need to be refreshed on whats what...
ps: i am 3 years post op...and i am finding it easier to eat!!!!!