Oh how quickly things can change....when things go wrong

Jan 13, 2013

Some of you know my story and some of you don’t, I am hoping that my story would catch the attention of those who are considering the lapband. In 2008 I had the lapband surgery, I did very well and I lost 113 lbs. In 2011 I got really sick and stomach began to swell, so they completely unfilled the band. It didn’t work I was still having swelling and some really odd symptoms like random swelling in joints but now that I think of it I was having that weird swelling of joints soon after my lapband was placed. I got very sick and lost 20lbs in a month from not being able to eat anything at all. I thought for sure the band had slipped or eroded or something but each test showed that the band was fine…but I wasn’t fine. In April of 2011 I was dx with Systemic lupus (SLE) and then it went downhill from there. I then had pericarditis, pleurisy, and pancreatitis all back to back. Lupus was attacking the lapband and anything near it so my heart and lungs were all taking a beating. Messed up thing was they had to put me on high dose steroids 100mgs and anyone who has taken steroids knows that is a lifesaving dose. I needed the lapband out but problem was I couldn’t get it out till I was stable so that took another six months. The lap band was removed and I was hoping that would be the end of the lapband damage but it wasn’t. Today I was diagnosed with Gastoparesis, basically my stomach is paralyzed, it doesn’t contract anymore. Food sits in my stomach and it decomposes. This is so very painful that I am on long term opiate therapy. The medicine to help has some serious side effects so I have decided to be on liquids and mushies for the rest of my life, much like I was when I had the lapband. I have lupus which I did not know could be a complication of the lapband……I wasn’t told that if I had a family history of autoimmune diseases that I should not have the lapband surgery, I also wasn’t told that it could damage the vega nerve and leave my stomach paralyzed. I was under this crazy illusion that once the band was out everything would go back to normal, that’s why we chose this as a WL tool right? Because it has the least risk right….No it doesn’t.  I will never be able to truly tell you what went wrong only that it did and I will suffer for the rest of my life. It wasn’t worth it. The 113lbs I lost I gained back, all the steroids and other drugs they gave me to save my life well those all cause weight gain. So I am back to where I started only worse off. I am now disabled; I can barely walk some days let alone do any kind of work. My life has stopped and every day is a struggle just to get to the next day.

Please don’t say “it won’t happen to me” because I used to say the same thing. When other lapbanders would come on here and bash the lapband  I would get so mad and tell them off and ban them….but they were right….they were only trying to help me. I don’t come on here much anymore because I feel shame…why?? That’s a good question maybe because I acted like an ass and pushed away anyone who wanted to take away my ray of sunshine. The truth is a hard one to swallow but I have eaten it and I will own it. I apologize to those who tried to help and I was a bitch to. Nic and Maria we have already conversed and I can never apologize enough.

With that said, please if you are considering the lapband please please please don’t do it. It is not the safest and it’s not as easy as removing it and life goes back as if it never happened. It causes damage. If you think that my story can’t happen to you it can I am proof it does. I’m sure I will upset someone with my post but I don’t care. I worked my band, I kicked ass with my band, ate what I was supposed to and it still FAILED guess the “band rules” don’t work for everyone or how do you explain what happened to me. You can also argue that my case is rare….but if someone would of told me that this was a possibility then I wouldn’t of gone through with it. Just be informed of ALL the risks not just the most common.


1 Year out!!!!

Apr 06, 2010

So it’s been a year since surgery and I have contemplated over and over in my head what I would say in my one year bandiversary post, I was hoping to say that I reached my personal goal but I did not. I wanted to be less than 200 lbs a year out, and missed it by a whole 7lbs. These 7 lbs have seemed to be my demon, and I am fighting it with all I have left in me.

I have my days where I absolutely love love love my band, and then there are days when I want to rip it out and stomp on it because it shouldn’t be this hard! When I started my journey I think I had some unrealistic expectations of what the band could do for me, reality set in once I understood that it’s up to me and the band won’t save me from ….me!. I have to make better choices, and my band is just a tool. It is totally up to me to make it work or not. Do I have regrets?? Sure don’t we all, but I don’t regret my band even on the days when I hate the bitch! It has slapped me with reality and the reality is that I have to change and not expect the band to change me.  

I am still a work in progress…I still have quite a few more lbs to loose and hopefully I will learn the lessons I am determined to learn and be done with this part of the journey. My Dr. thinks that I am too hard on myself and I have exceeded his expectations….but what it comes down to for me is the number on my scale that little number that has eluded me……….but it is ok I will get there!

What I have learned about myself and my eating habits are amazing. Before surgery I could have sat there and said “I don’t eat that much, why am I fat” LMAO after surgery and the portion sizes I get now was a wakeup call, hell yeah I ate a ton!! I had no concept of what a portion size was…but I do now! I also learned that my addiction was a lot worse than I ever thought. I am totally addicted to food and I eat my feelings. Now I find that I can easily be addicted to things that I thought was impossible before like peanut butter (probably my demon) and coffee! I need to work on those issues in order to become successful once I reach goal or else this would all have been for nothing.

What I can do now that I couldn’t do before….

·         Run….hated it before, but it’s not that bad once you get used to it. Sometimes it is actually fun, NOT just an evil necessity!

·         Work out for an hour a day!

·         Cross my legs comfortably and look good doing it…not like I’m trying to hard lol!

·         Can climb stairs without be totally exhausted.

·         I can breathe…before it was using an inhaler (was a smoker prior to surgery) being able to breathe is the best thing that could have come out of this whole experience. If anything else I love my doc for making me quit and that is the best thing I could have done for my health.

·         I sleep much better now and a lot of my insomnia has gone away!

·         I can play with my kids………I can run circles around them now……this is one that I am proudest for.

·         Wear my 12 year old daughter’s clothes!!!!

·         Walk in heels and not look like I’m going to tumble over or die from the pain!!


There are also things that are not so great, like still not being comfortable in my body. I find that I am trying to cover up even more than I did before because let’s face it hanging skin is just not pretty!!!. My anxiety got worse, I suspect because I gave up every crutch I had (eating and smoking) and have nothing to that helps to relieve that. I would also like to point out that whoever said that exercise relieved stress is a big fat liar!!! Or maybe I’m so far gone that it just won’t work for me. I have decided that one of my goals is to address this issue with my Dr. and if need be take something to help with the symptoms.


So there it is the honest good bad and ugly…. I would like to say to those who are thinking about the lap band to be really sure that you can handle it. I have said many times before it takes a strong ass person to work the band and to maintain on the band. Make sure you have realistic expectations of what the band can do it is just a tool; the band can’t choose the foods you put in your mouth it can only stop you from eating more of them.


I was just telling my hubby “can you believe it has already been a year?” but seriously it may have flew by but there were some trials that just dragged ass. I’m hanging in there, I love you all for being there for me though it all. I could not have asked for better people to share my journey with!!!




Who I used to be

Oct 09, 2009

I had my band placed 6 months ago, but was thinking about where I was a year ago in October. I was a pack a day smoker weighed almost 300 lbs and couldnt breathe let alone exercise. I keep telling myself that I was healthy boy was I kidding myself . I quit smoking in October of last year in preperation for surgery. I am not the same person I was last year. I am 60 pounds lighter, I exercise 3-4 days a week  and I dont bat an eye at those nasty cigerettes ! This experience really did save my life....I thank my doctor for giving me my health. I can breathe now and that is worth more then all the pounds in the world!
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week 11...and 1 stupid pound!!

Jun 23, 2009

I'm so fricken frustrated!!! I had a fill two weeks ago and so far I lost one whole pound!! WTH...UGH I'm so annoyed! I feel like I am doing something wrong, even though I have not changed anything. I'm even questioning what I have been doing for 11 weeks now....I feel like crying . I was stuck and then started eating a little more and then the scale moved down...isn't that ironic?? I feel like I have been losing the same 2 pounds for a month. I know that my body has done a lot these past few months and I keep telling myself to let my body rest and not to have any expectations right now...but its still frustrating.

On another hand I am having a kick ass summer!! I have had my dad and my cuz visit from AZ...and we have been out in the mountains fishing..which I would not have done before because I would of been hurting...I love it, love it, love it!!!!! Life seems to be full now...and I START SCHOOL ON WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPIE...yes losing weight has an effect on my ability to WANT to do something I have put off for a long time. Have my AAS in Criminology and here I come BAS!!!

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Week Ten

Jun 19, 2009

I usually post every Tuesday but this week has been hectic my dad is in town from Arizona and we have been out fishing and having fun with the kids. Week ten has not been as easy as the past ones. I had a fill last Friday the 12Th and think I have hit restriction. I have been in pain all week. I have had this pain on and off for about seven years and just thought that it was a pinched nerve in my shoulder blade accompanied with some pain under my right boob. The pain was so bad yesterday that I couldn't take it anymore and went to urgent care for some pain relief. Come to find out that this may be my gallbladder. NICE so if that is the fact then I have been suffering for years with something I thought was something else. I even went to a spine dr. and had injections in that area to get relief. DUH and then irritation why the Dr's never picked up on it? I have an app on Tuesday and should know more. Should of have made my surgeon take the damn thing out since he was in there anyway.

I have not lost any weight since my last fill and I am mad. It seems like my body is coming to a halt. I don't understand why and have not strayed away from my diet. Its times like these that have made me fall off the wagon and I am praying for strength.

Ok 9 weeks down

Jun 08, 2009

I cant say that it has been easy. I have to learn to listen to my body, and really watch what goes into the mouth. At first I was able to restrict myself to 1/2 cup of food but after my last fill it was as if I was possessed and ate more then I should. I have a fill scheduled this week and I am praying to be closer to my sweet spot. I cant say that I don't have some restriction cause I do and like everyone else it really depends on what I am putting in. When I have the dense protein then I get full really fast but if it is mushies then I can eat about a cup.

I am doing much much better with the water thing. I have been getting my 64oz plus more on some days. I am glad for that. I do notice that when I stall it is usually because I have not had enough water or have had more salt then I should. I gave up the protein bars and lost three pounds like nothing. It was the carbs...or peanuts or something who really knows. I just have to stay away from all that. 239 is what I weighed in this morning...I am glad to see that number after being up and down in the 40's for what seemed like forever.

They just opened up a planet fitness down the street OMG I am so excited. $10 a month plus unlimited access to tanning and massage...you cant get a better deal then that. I have not been as active as I should have and that's what I am going to work on this week.

So I am doing good
and cant wait til fill on Friday!!
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2 Months

Jun 03, 2009

Ok two months down and 28 lbs down, and I know I need a fill. I thought that so full feeling would last forever, and frankly it is frustrating. I'm not eating nearly what I did before and it feels like the scale is still punishing me. No I didn't expect to lose weight over night but with such a drastic change in my diet I thought I would be further along. 28 lbs is good, but the biggest frustration is the fluctuations in my weight from day to day, it drives me crazy. I don't eat bread, rice or pasta at all. I make sure to get my protein first and if there is room then I will have a veggie. I can eat up to a cup of food and that's why I figure I need a fill. Before I had my last fill and was in that "hell" phase I made sure to not eat more then 1/2 cup, now it seems like I'm pushing it and maybe that's why I'm not losing anything. Who knows..UGH don't it make you want to scream at the top of your lungs!!! I have a fill scheduled next week thank god and hopefully I will get to some sort of restriction, I have some just not enough....oh where oh where are you sweet spot!!!!
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Week 7

May 25, 2009

I am feeling better from my fill last week. At first it was kind of hard to eat and hurt but that is all gone now and have advanced to a regular diet. I feel good although I think that I may be starting to have gallbladder problems. I get this pain in my right side which is sometimes so darn painful I wanna cry. I guess I need to have that checked out. My knee is better too the 100cc they drained out of it made a huge difference in the way that I can move now. I really need to see my ortho doc again and demand that he take a closer look into why this keeps happening.

Other then those few things I have been feeling great. For the holiday weekend we went to Bluewater lake and had a blast fishing! It was so nice to get out of the city and just breathe. Now I wanna live there...I told my husband that we really need to consider leaving Albuquerque next summer. Honestly I can not stand living here anymore. I feel like I live in the world's biggest neighborhood association. I want to go somewhere where living in the land of the FREE means something. If you knew our mayor here you would understand..and I am a democrat but that is one democrat that needs a good swift kick in the butt. Imagine living in a world where you cant play your car radio with the windows down cause you will get a $500 fine...well that's the reality of living in this city because I got a citation for doing just that. I understand some things need to be regulated but really music, I wasn't bothering anyone, and being a criminal justice graduate I do know the laws and am very aware of my rights, and although I pointed out to the officer all the elements of the crime he said I committed were not met...he found a different more vague ordinance to cite me. Now is that really fair? Police officers should be happy that the citizens know their rights not go around the law when someone challenges your authority. I have to tolerate a lot of things that really really annoy me...does that mean I should lobby for a ordinance? No!! Cant we coexist without so many regulations that impede on our freedoms. Now I have been a democrat for all my life a moderate one but still one, but the other side is looking more appealing to me as these things come up in my life.

Now that I am done venting...lol I want to say that I am looking forward to a nice summer with the kids. I also am GOING back to school!!! Yep I want to finish up my BA in CJ which I only have 18 month to complete and then I am going to apply to law school. I have let my weight hold me back long enough and I am so ready...just in case your wondering what kind of law I will focus on...its civil rights lol....are you surprised?


Week 6 I ran....

May 18, 2009

Way crazy I know but yesterday I ran for the first time in god knows how long!! It probably wasn't pretty, and looked like a deformed elephant but I did it and that's all that counts! Since February I have lost 45 lbs with 26 of those lbs coming off since surgery. I don't regret my band, I am falling in love with it more and more every day. Last weekend at a cook out my niece looked at my plate and asked me "is that all your going to eat?" I looked at my plate and smiled..."yeah, aunty needs to shrink... why?" and she says "your not fat aunty your perfect"  OMG what else can I say it left me speechless.

I am leaving to Texas on Thursday morning to get my first fill!!!!!!! Yeah!!!! I'm excited but nervous, of course because I have not experienced this yet. I am looking forward to losing more weight, I have not lost anything this week so it will be a welcomed change.

I discovered these pure protein bars, you can buy them at wal-mart. They are heavenly and when you eat them you feel like you are being very naughty!! I got the chocolate peanut butter ones OMG  Most of all I was tired of drinking my protein..I would rather eat it.

Life with the band is becoming routine and thank god because in the beginning I was afraid I would fail because I did not know how to do this, but with a little time and practice I've learned and I am looking forward to the rest of my life....Thank You BAND!!

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Week 5

May 13, 2009

I'm doing pretty good down 25 lbs since surgery. It seems like my weight loss comes in bursts and then I see the same number for awhile. 4 lbs so far since my last blog post and I'm fine with that, even if I don't lose anymore this week. I have been stressing it and really not taking care of myself as I should. I'm battling to stay a non-smoker...and I didn't have a problem before surgery, Addiction is the culprit, and I know that's what I need to change. One day at a time, and a lot of moving my attention to something other then cigs and food. I wanted to replace my addiction to those with exercise...yeah like that is going to happen LOL.

Eating is ok, I get about 500-800 cals a day. I feel full after just a little food. I still want a fill though. I have my first fill scheduled for next week and am so excited. Although I get full fast it don't last that long and I find myself starving in between meals. I am on regular diet now. I tried a cracker yesterday, but it did not sit well with me at all. I hope this is not a sign that I cant have breads. OMG what I miss the most is pancakes!!!!!  

I need to exercise more, but it seems as soon as I get a routine something happens that takes my attention away. I need to make me a priority for once and my husband and kids are just going to have to accept it!

So week five is good and I feel great!!

About Me
Albuquerque, NM
Surgery Date
Aug 27, 2008
Member Since

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