Nothing new to report!!! No news is good news!

Feb 04, 2011

 No news is good news! I'm holding on doing okay.. my scars hurt at night once in a while. My bones and joints hurt... might be mostly due to the cold.

Got a job at Starbucks.. totally out of my comfort zone... but it's okay... learned alot about what's nutritious at Starbucks.. here I'll pass it on to you right now.... NOTHING!  
Only thing I can have is black ice tea unsweetened.. lol.. 

Pant size holding at 10-12.. tops lg or xl. 

still waiting for $$ for boob job and abdomenoplasty... maybe my insurance at starbucks will cover it.. will check today!!!

Night sweats are back.. hadn't had those since surgery.. but eh getting old.. stinks... FAT or skinny! 

