And the vomiting started again!
Around the 16th of May, I started to vomit again. As each day passed, the vomiting increased, and with each time I ate, I got an incredible pain in mychest. My Mum went home on Tuesday 20th May, and it was really sad to have her leave. We do miss not having her near us.
On that same day, I was speaking to Dr Lockies wife Shirley, and mentioned about what was happening. We spoke again on the Wednesday morning, and she said I needed to come back in for some tests, as Phil wasn’t happy that I was vomiting.
This was a real pain in the ass for me! My Mum was gone, and now I had to take my sons with us. I didn’t want them coming home from school to a note from mesaying sorry guys, I’m back in hospital.
So now I’m not a happy camper! It seems that of anything’s going to go wrong, it WILL be to me! URGH! Unfortunately, I did vent to Dr Phil and Shirley, which I didn’t want to do, as they are wonderful people. But enough is enough already!!!
I went in for a gastrostomy at 7pm that night. This time when I woke up, I was in AGONY!!! I had a lot of air trapped in my bowel and the pain was excruciating! So I made a real baby of myself, bawling, and wanting my husband. My sons were upset, as they could hear all of the commotion; it really was NOT a good experience for all!
It did turn out I had a stricture, it was so tight, Dr Phil couldn’t get the scopethrough. So he stretched the opening to 13.5 mm and we’ll do it again Monday week. I was kept in over night, on a drip, as I was dehydrated.
Now I am home, and have only vomited once. I feel quite good, lets hope I stay this way!!
Surgery ~ May 3rd 2008
Surgery was scheduled for Sat May 3rd, 2008. I was told I needed 4 weeks off for recovery. I arranged for long service leave through work (been there 20 years). I got my house in order so to speak … this time I even did a will and power of attorney just in case! My Mum flew up from Melbourne to look after the boys, so I was ready to go.
I have to say, my medical team is outstanding. They are so caring, and personable. I was in ICU for 2 days, no chances were being taken. I went in hoping for a laparoscopic RNY, but knew I may have an open if there were complications.
When I woke up, my beloved husband was there. I have to say, this man deserves a medal for support, and the love he gives me. We’ve only been together 4 years, and married for 2, so all he’s known me as is fat. AND he still married me! HE IS my rock, and as I said to him the day I married him, the absolute love of my life!
I know, I’m getting off track, but I am truly blessed to have such a loving family!
So, I woke in ICU, and OMG! I had a NG tube in! It would have had to been the WORST thing I have EVER experienced! I’m no stranger to surgery, I’ve had many. But this “thing” is the most uncomfortable thing to ever be experienced!
As my surgery was on a Saturday, and the Monday was a public holiday, I had to wait till Tuesday to have the swallow to make sure there were no leaks. After that, I was nagging the nurses constantly, to “get this damn tube out!!!!” As soon as it came out, I felt good. I didn’t sleep whilst in hospital, just napped for a few mins here and there.
I got to go home on Wednesday, so I was there 5 days instead of the 7 to 10 I was advised. It is SO good to be home, and in my own bed. A strange thing tho, I can lie on my side already, and with my VSG, it took weeks before I could!
May 2008
At the end of April the tests began. Endoscopy to see if I had a stricture, this revealed a “narrowing” but no blockage. I’m now vomiting every tine I eat. It’s bloody frustrating, but at least I can still function!
I went and had a marshmellow barium swallow (disgusting!) and at last! We now know what’s the matter! The valve at the bottom of my stomach (plyoris) isn’t working effectively, and so the contents of my stomach is being propelled back up and out! I actually got to see this during the test, the radiographer was brilliant! She was saying to me “you’re about to throw up, there it goes, and now you’re swallowing it back down”. Too weird!
The initial thought was to either stretch the valve, or to put like a spacer in it, to help keep it open. I had the stretch, and no change. I had terrible reflux, as well as vomiting, and felt like crap. So the decision was made to revise me to a RNY.
That made me sad, as I LOVED my VSG! Surgery was scheduled for May 3, and Dr Muir from Melbourne who assisted with my VSG will be back again. I didn’t like the idea of another surgery, let alone a 5 hour one, but if it makes me feel better, it would be worth it!
February, March, April
It’s been way tooo long since I’ve updated my blog! Since January, I’ve been vomiting quite often. This has made life a real struggle. Work and family are all I have really focussed on, as there’s not much left in the ‘ole tank after that!
I finally gave in, and called Dr Lockie, and now the tests begin!
Mind you, I’m 100 pounds down (50kg) and I still don’t regret my decision to have this surgery, no matter how crappy I feel!
I’ll post some new pics, so you can see my progress!
Wednesday 30 January, 2008
Jan 29, 2008
We’ve just returned from 9 days in Melbourne seeing family and friends. Even tho my weight loss is slowing down, I’ve lost 30 kg in 3 months, and when the weight isn’t moving on the scale, the inches are!
During my visit home, family and friends were surprised at how different I look. I feel good, I want to feel better!
Being off work is great, I have 5 more days till I go back, and I’m keen to implement some exercise into my routine.
I’ve ordered an epillectial machine, and am keen for it to arrive!
I really want to keep momentum, as hubby and I are off
on a cruise next Feb with friends, and I want to look my best!
Sunday December 30, 2007
Well time is flying by! It's been 10 weeks since my surgery, and I've lost 25kg or 55 pounds! I started wearing a 24/26 and last week I bought a pair of 18 3/4 jeans! I nearly cartwheeled out of the change rooms :) I'm still struggling with liquids, not having anywhere near enough. Slowly starting to exercise, once I get home in a routine, we'll be going great guns!
Even with the ups and downs I've had, I LOVE my VSG, and would have it again in a heartbeat! Taking more pics today, and will update!
Sunday December 2, 2007
Dec 01, 2007
I'm feeling REALLY tired of late. Up until Saturday, I was being sick up to 3 times a day.
Damn hernia is driving me nuts! I went to the chiro, as he's been working on my back and right hip. I told him about the hernia. As he had me laying on my back, he put his hand just under my diaphragm, pushed down quite hard and dragged down. He did that a few times, and since then, I've been sick only once! I'm feeling optimistic that this may help.
I've not had much time to be online, and I must admit, I'm missing the interaction and friends. Hopefully when I change jobs, my sanity will be restored!
Tuesday October 20 2007
Dec 01, 2007
Well I had the endoscopy, and I have a hiatus hernia. This travels up the opening of the stomach, and blocks the entrance off. Definately explains why I can't get anything down! I had a good meeting with "Dr Phil" (my surgeon) and his wife yesterday afternoon. He's upped my meds, and hopefully all will improve soon.
We talked about the appts I've been having with the Nut. I'm her first VSG patient, and she admits she doesn't know how to advise me. We've collectively decided to look for another Nut, so now I'm nutless!
Work is REALLY stressful right now, I've managed to break my contract, and am going back to my old job, new branch with more pay in 4 weeks time.
Not feeling so good... November 18, 2007
Nov 17, 2007
Monday November 13, 2007
Nov 11, 2007