2 months Post-op

Aug 10, 2010

We'll when I went to the Dr's office last time, they fussed me! Said I wasn't getting in enough liquids and that is the reason for me having some bathroom issues. So the very next day I took a different approach and called the dietician at my primary's office. She told me to come in right away and sat down with me for over 2 hours. She use to be a bariatric co-ordinator for another team of docs. Anyhow, we went back to basics. She got my height and current weight to come up with the number for the amount of liquids that i should be taking in. anyhow, since then, all id going fine. I havent weighedin almost 2 weeks, but the last tie i weighed, i had lost 44 pounds. from what i gather, i'm right where i should be.

Personal life is going bizerk right now. My oldest daughter is off of her rocker and driving me insane. i cant have her controling my damn house, she acts like i owe her everything. she will be 19 in november and thinks she is grown and doesnt have to follow my rules. well guess again. i put a roof over her ead, pay her cell bill, food in her tummy, she has cable tv and internet, and a/c. what more could she ask for. she thinks i owe her a car. this is the same child that dropped out of high school last year in her sr year (against my advice). anyhow she had to go, i cant handle the stress.

anyhow, i just got back from a job interview and I GOT THE JOB. ofcourse its not my dream job, but times are tuff and momma needs to pay the bills. so wish me luck, i start next week.

Oh and it's almost time for some football!
Geaux Saints lets two dat!!!

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