Nov 01, 2008
I'm Approved!! I'm Approved!!
Oct 05, 2008
Last week, my surgeon's office had a little mishap. They approved me for the RNY because the insurance coordinator did not think it would get approved. Well, after a visit to the office, they re-submitted the ppwk for the requested surgery, within a 24 hour turn around, I was approved. So, I am getting my affairs in order at home and work. My date is 11/12... I am nervous but ready.
I still have 7lbs out of my 20lbs that's required by the surgeon.
Still on my grind.

Aug 31, 2008
One good thing, I am finally finished with the psych-eval!!! So, the surgeon's office is waiting on me to drop the 20lbs before they will submit to the insurance company.
So, next time I post, hopefully I will have better news.
I guess I'm still on my grind...

I'm getting sorta of antsy
Aug 08, 2008

Still Going....
Jul 26, 2008
A bit of a set back... I am suppose to lose 20lbs before the doctor will agree on the WLS. I did not loose a pound, to be honest my heart wasn't in it. And I half-azzed through the diet and exercise some what. But the dietician, is serious, she is not sigining off on my ppwk until I loose 20lbs. So, now I am serious. I'm doing a tea cleanse to jump start my body and I am watching what I eat. I slip every now and then and my lunch time buddies are such a bad influence. So I am not going to lunch with them. That is my biggest down fall.
I am hoping to get the weight off before my August appt with my NUT.
This is my hurdle, loose the 20lb and attend a support group meeting then my package will be ready to submit to the insurance company.
I am thinking to myself, all or nothing. I can not go into a decision
like this half hearted. So, I am on my grind.
So Far...
Jul 16, 2008
It was informational, Dr. Hart was pretty personable.
I filled out the info at the seimar and at the end of the week I got a call from his office and they told me my surgery was covered by my insurance.
I had a consult with Dr. Hart it was sort of brief. I expected a lil more time. But hey he's a doctor..busy, busy busy
I have taken my labs and I have also been diagnosed with sleep apnea so, I had to take a sleep study. Lets's just say I'm glad that's over.
I have taken the pysch eval too... I talked to the shrink for about 30 minutes and completed a psych test for about an hour and half.
Now, I have to attend a Support Group and then my ppwk should be submitted to my insurance.
I am patiently waiting.. Not really anxious and hoping this will happen. Just feel if it's for me it's for me..
Until next time.