Laurien G.
Way too log
Mar 24, 2011
To be help accountable
Sep 08, 2008
Previous Post on Message Board
Aug 16, 2008

We're a military family that will become civilians again on Feb. 20. We're so excited to go back to "normal" life. We've moved about 20 times between the two of us and WE'RE TIRED OF IT. So we're making Bloomington our permanent home. We're both originally from the midwest (I'm from Chicago and he's from Ohio) and want to move our child back to a comfortable and normal way of life (we've been living in California for the last year and a half

Anyone have any imput on living in Indiana? Living in Bloomington, in particular?

I'd appreciate ANY advice that is given! THANKS IN ADVANCE.

Dropped off the face of the earth?
Jul 30, 2008
So believe it or not I did not drop off the face of the earth as so many have wondered. I've been incredibly bus... the last four months especially...which explains my absence at my GBS support group meetings, too. However! I have vowed and reserved the evening of Aug. 14th (the evening of the next support group meeting) to attend. I WILL BE THERE!!!
In June, my godmother(my second monther that helped raise me) died after an extensive battle with three kinds of cancer. She was an incredible Christian and everyone was so relieved to see her go in peace. The best part for me in my thoughts is that now my grandmother, great grandmother, uncle and aunts have more company.
Throughout the month of July I have been fighting a major bacterial infection that caused my very little appetite to disappear totally. I was in and out of the doctor's office, taking tests and giving into my boss' advice to finally take an antibiotic. I'm glad I did (even though generally I'm against them because of the over use of the products). I am doing better but only at about 85% back.
I admit I haven't been exercising in quite some time, but have been advised by my doctor to wait until I'm back to par because I had breathing isues with my infection (it was sinusitis, bronchitis and walking pneumonia at the same time!).
I've updated my page with the few new photos I have of myself. I've lost about 102 lbs. since surgery and have about 30-40 lbs. to go (my goal is not really set in concrete). I'm pretty comfortable with where I am now, but I get the feeling my body isn't finished.
I've taken up my love of coffee again. I think it's mostly because I've been so tired lately...LOL! My favorite is still extra dark roast from Starbucks, but of course I refuse to pay the cost at the store. I just buy the cheaper stuff from the store and brew it at home. Gotta love coffee mugs on the go.
I'm running out of creative protein ideas. So if anyone has any ideas, I'd love ot hear them. I've pretty much run the gammet and been through the Atkins cookbooks a million and three times.
My hair finally stopped falling out and my nails are growing out like crazy! My hair loss started early...about four months out. I'm glad it's over. And BTW the biotin helps with the regrowth BUT DEFINITELY NOT with the loss don't be mistaken about the difference!
Does anyone else feel the way I do? Your life is so different months after surgery? The things you were okay with for so many years now just don't satisfy your tastes. But there are other options now that you like.
So how are you all doing???
P.S. Anyone know how to change the BMI under our photo and user details on our personal pages? That number is haunting me because it's not right! UMMM...Never mind. I figured it out.
Update...on life
Jan 26, 2008
Later that day....
I have added a few new photos to my profile for others to view. Enjoy!
An Update
Nov 12, 2007
I'm down to 253 lbs., which puts my BMI at 46.2, which means I'm now in the extremely obese section instead of the super obese section. YEAH!!! I'm still dealing with some complications: soy intolerance, lactose intolerance, and hypoglycemia (as little as 10g of carbs will send my heart racing, vomiting and my head loopy). Despite the complications, I am still grateful for the opportunity.
Will be starting a new job on the 19th, personal assistant to a popular business owner in our area. Very excited about that because the hours and location are perfect. I work from 9am-1pm and it's 4 blocks away from my son's daycare. My 2 year old (turned 2 on Nov. 7th) is in full-day daycare. HE'S LOVING IT!!! He has his friends and they celebrated his birthday at school, in addition, to having a birthday party at the house. He's loved all the attention.
Since today is Veteran's day, my husband and I have the day off. We're taking the whole family to Fisherman's Wharf this afternoon for some quality time. I'm looking forward to it. I'm feeling great. My joint pain is completely gone. I haven't really achieved a lot of mini goals, but I feel bettter!
It's been how long???
Oct 26, 2007
Not too many struggles...nothing out of the ordinary. I have been beyond the blenderized diet. I'm not ashamed that I went beyond the recommendations of my surgeon because I haven't been able to find a protein supplement that works with my new pouch. Even soy--practically baby's milk--makes me sick. I'm definitely getting better at getting all my protein in. It feels good to get it all in while eating actual food (not drinking protein shakes in order to achieve it).
Today I tried the toppings off of a pizza today and learned quickly that pizza is not my best friend. I experienced food being stuck and I mean STUCK! I felt like I was going to die and if I wasn't going to, boy I wish I was. It hurt so bad and I was actually more embarrassed (because it was at family dinner and I had to leave the table). I definitely learned to importance of chew, chew, chew today! It was an experience I know I will probably have again, but am not looking forward to the next time.
My son is going to be starting daycare/preschool next week. He turns 2 on Nov. 7th. Oh how the time has flown by!!!! I'm currently looking for a new job since I'll now have a lot of available time and daycare, by now means, is free! LOL. We put his name on the waiting list (which hadn't moved in months) and a couple of days later...BOOM!...he got in! ISN'T THAT JUST LIKE GOD! My husband and I have an agreement (thanks to the advice of some of you members....

I'm having some trouble with drinking with meals because sometimes foods get stuck and liquids seems to help move things along. Walking helps A LOT with getting things moving along, so I walk around the house after meals.
I have some favorite foods (foods that generally work well for my pouch):
-->refried beans with cheese, onions and maybe a little sour cream (for extra protein)
-->ricotta cheese with marinera sauce
-->Atkins low sugar protein bars (I can only eat 1/3 of a bar)
Turns out the day of my surgery, my husband and son came down with strep throat and yes they brought it with them to the hospital. I tested negative but my doc put me on Augmentin just to make sure. She also said that I had my husband's viral infection, as well. I'm just now REALLY getting over it. After much sobbing and panicking my husband finally realized the seriousness of his actions and admitted that he should have gone to the doctor sooner (he had been hiding that he had been since 5 days prior to my surgery). Unfortunately because my mom is here, she was in danger for having it, as well, so she was also put on Augmentin because she recently had surgery herself (about 4 months ago). We're all doing a lot better. And looking and moving forward. Thank goodness for moms! Mine is always on me about taking ALL of my MANY meds and sipping and protein, protein, protein. Thanks mom! Take a bow, mom! We ALL love you.

Well, I guess that's all for this update. See you in a couple of days. Bye!
5 Days Out
Oct 19, 2007
I can honestly say that I went from LOVING AND DREAMING AND FANTASIZING ABOUT FOOD to dreading when my mom says, "How much protein have you had to day".
Drinking is getting easier. Not having as much gas when drinking simple beverages like watered down juice and water. Herbal, caffeine free, warm, sweetened (with Splenda) tea always goes down smooth. My new favorite is orange spice.
Sipping instead of gulping drinks has been a difficult challenge, but having a painful gas bubble in your chest is enough to train you not to do so again.
I've found that drinking and eating are a lot easier when I'm walking because the walking causes the gas to escape naturally in between bites/sips.
Pain is only a problem when I let it become a problem. When I do what I shouldn't be doing...cooking whole meals for the family, sleeping on my side instead of my back, focusing on what needs to be done in the house instead of what I need to be doing to make my recup a complete success.
Showering for me is sometimes a painful experience because we have a deep bathtub and my husband has to help me step into the tub without causing twisting in my abs. I've found that my stomach is very temperature sensitive because of the puncture areas. So for me it's a matter of rinsing my stomach last and before doing that adjust the temperature of the water.
My steri-stripes (protective tapes over my incisions) are starting to peel off, which indicates healing.
A few days out of the hospital and my little friend came to visit me. I haven't had a visit in three or more months (I had lost track). So now I'm even more miserable and thinking, "OH NO! Thin girls get their period consistently! LOL!!!!!"
My first post-op appointment is on Oct. 31st. I'm excited to see my progress. I'm banning the use of my scale by me until get an official check at my surgeon's office.
My clothes are looser already. I'm fitting into nightshirts and nightgowns that I haven't been able to fit into since my son was born (2 years ago). I haven't tried to get into tight clothing yet because the incisions sites are still sore.
I found a good way to alleviate my sweettooth (which apparently didn't get removed during surgery): watered down fruit nectar, 1:3 ratio. It's just sweet enough to get a taste, but so sweet that it causes dumping. By the way, I drink in 1/2 cup servings so that means 2 1/2 tbsp. of nectar and the rest is water.
I have collar bones again!!! I haven't seen them in so long that it was kind of disturbing! LOL. I also have shoulder bones, not just a chunky arm that resembles a shoulder if you look at it at the right option.
I no longer like peanut butter (for the time being) and I used to LOVE IT. Before surgery I used to eat Reese's cups a few times a week and I could eat it out of the jar everyday. But now there's something about it I just don't like. The consistency is okay. The taste is okay, but I think it's the feeling when it goes down.
Well, I guess that's all of my observations so far. I'll be continually updating my blog as I observe new things about the new me! Have a great day!
Morning of surgey...just a few thoughts
Oct 14, 2007
I'm feeling....
Feeling cleansed (inside)
Not so tired
Not exactly relaxed
Comforted in knowing my mom, husband and son will be with me
Blessed for having so many things
Thankful that I have left the 280's and 270's behind
Anxious to sit on the losers' bench
Glad that I have so many supportive individuals in my support group
Interested in how the other Oct. 15th'ers are doing this morning
Gitty to see my name on the upcoming surgeries page
Thank you for all the support my OH family has given me. My journey would not have been the same without you!