My name is Erin and I am 34 years old.  I have been married for almost 15 years to a wonderful and handsome man. We have three beautiful children.  Those are the basics and that is generally how I would describe myself and my life.  These are the positive things.  My story is really a whole lot more than that...

Like most people on here I am sure, my story starts back when I was a child.  I was overweight and under exercised as a youngster.  My Dad was overweight as was my older sister.  It seemed I was destined to a life of obesity...there was nothing I could do about it so I gave in.

Years of being teased by classmates and watching the skinny ones be happy left me depressed and hating myself.  Poor self-esteem allowed me to welcome bad relationships with teh "wrong" guy.  One bad thing led to another and at 19 years old I was raped.  I went into a downward spiral after that.

I met my husband who loved me so unconditionally it scared me.  Noone had ever cared for me so much....
....Okay lets make a really long story short here....
After lots of therapy and some serious soul searching I have decided that what I need is a serious life change.  Everything I am feeling or have felt over the years has focused so much on my weight, my appearance.  It is time I gained some courage and faced this monster head on.  I know I will need some help since I have tried so many diets over the years with out success. I have decided that WLS is the way for me.  Furthermore I am opting for the DS.  I am so excited, for the first time in a super long time I feel like there is something to look forward to.

About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2008
Member Since

Friends 24

Latest Blog 1
Starting the process
